Girl’s Weekend


Oh how I love my girls!!!  A couple weeks ago, some of my besties from Maryland came to visit for a fun Brooklyn weekend.  The hubby went out of town, so this was actually the first time I had a real girl’s weekend at our place.  It was honestly such a blast.  I love spending time with my favorites.  There is never any drama.  Never any bullshit.  Just plain old fun.  It was really great to have a bunch of girls around to borrow clothes from and talk about make up and hair and just get dressed up.  After living with my man for so long now, I sometimes start to miss those girly things that come with having females for roommates!  It was also great to just have them there to snuggle and have deep conversations about life face-to-face rather than on the phone or through e-mail.  I had such a great time, that I already want to start planning our next girly adventure together.

This little photo session was captured by my amazing cousin, Marisa of Misa*Me Photography.  Unfortunately, she never made it to the other side of the lens, but the fact that these photos were taken are proof enough that she was there with us as well!  This documents our little Saturday at DiFara Pizza and walking around my neighborhood.  What you don’t see is the 90’s dance party that we got into later that night, but I have to leave something to the imagination, right?


Playing some cards while we wait for our pizza…worth the wait!




Most amazing pizza EVER


Teri’s hood rocks my world…



Black Coat Mafia…





All photos by:  Misa*Me Photography

Coat: ASOS / Bag: TJMaxx / Sunglasses: Vintage / Gloves: H&M / Scarf: Christmas gift / Lip: Lancome Groupie

Happy Friday everyone!  Hope you all have a great weekend!



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