2012: A Year in Review


Ringing in the New Year in Playas del Coco, Costa Rica!


Hiking in the Cloud Forest in Monteverde, Costa Rica


Three Italianos Reunited in Brooklyn!


Valentine’s Day Surprise at the Mary Poppins Show! I dressed just like her without even knowing.


Celebrating Zack’s 31st at crazy Mehenata Bulgarian Bar


OAR Concert with Jack and Sammy


14 inch hair chop! Bye Bye. Thanks Nikki!


Sweetlife Festival at Merriweather in MD featuring Avicii…AMAZING.


Seeing Emily Blunt and Jason Segal at the premiere of 5 Year Engagement at the Tribeca Film Festival


SKYDIVING!!! Thanks to my amazing husband – he surprised me on our one year anniversary with this bucket list item.


Dad FINALLY visits us in NY. With Zack, Mom, and cousins at their pasta shop in Brooklyn


DMB Concert and Upstate NY trip


Virginia Beach trip with friends for Shirin and Shahrum’s wedding


Testudo came to Zach and Jessica’s wedding! Go Terps!


Happy Birthday to ME! Love my new camera!


Girl’s Weekend in OC for Katie’s Bachelorette – Seacrets is crazy!


Family vacation in the Outer Banks, NC


Surfing Competition in the Rockaways


Dewey Summer Send off on Labor Day Weekend


A Naval Academy Wedding for Megan and JoJo


Visionary Art Museum Wedding for MaryBeth and James


Trip to Montauk for Mike and Abby’s Big Day


Katie & Adam tie the knot at Sagamore Farms


Running with Patrick and Melissa for my late dear friend John Petrovick. “Inside all of us is HOPE.”


Thanks to Gabbi for helping to raise money for John’s cause.


Camping trip with Erin and Rai to French Creek


End of the season pic with my JV High School Girls Soccer Team


ASHS 10 Year High School Reunion – man time flies


AC trip for Alex’s Bachelorette!


All my girls at the 5th Annual Pollard Potluck


Christmas Morning at Mom and Dad’s


Alex and Seamus get married to end the year!

It may seem like a lot of photos, but this is just a small snippet of what took place in 2012.  There were so many more fun memories of this past year.  There were also some sad moments as well.  I have learned a lot this past year, and I know that I am truly thankful for the family and friends that I have.  I am incredibly lucky for the support and love that I have received this past year, and I hope I was able to return the favor to all of you as well.

I wish you all a Happy New Year’s Eve.  Please stay safe tonight.

Bring on 2013!





Atlantic City!  What a weekend.  First off, congratulations to the bachelorette, my cousin Alex.  I think we showed her a pretty good celebration, evident by the fact that she wore her tiara the entire time, and even on the way out of the casino.  She clearly did not want the weekend to end.  It was wonderful to get some quality girl time complete with constant squealing, dirty shirley’s, sequins, stilettos, and dancing.  I am not a huge gambler, but I did get into a game of black jack, the Sex and the City slots, and a little roulette as well.  This weekend was definitely one for the books, and I am now super excited for her wedding at the end of the month!


View from our hotel room at the Revel. You can see a bit of destruction left over from Hurricane Sandy. Boardwalk and casinos were pretty much in tact though.








My cousins Marisa and Alex. Matron of Honor & Bride.






The crew


Bride with one of her bridesmaids


My sister and I. On me: Forever 21 dress, Betsey Johnson watch, Lancome Fuchsia Clutch lip, bracelet (gift from cousin), ALDO earrings


Well, I am looking forward to a little relaxation tonight after a crazy fun-filled weekend.  Planning on maybe a little work out, dinner with the hubs, and catching the Redskins v. Giants game on TV.  HAIL!

Happy Manic Monday everyone!



{2} Lately…

Lately I’ve been…

reading  Just finished the November issue of Marie Claire.  Started Gone Girl, by Gillian Flynn this morning on the Subway.  I have heard so many amazing things about this book, and I cannot wait to get intoxicated by it!

writing I wrote my to-do list at the beginning of the week with tons of chores and errands to be completed since returning from the Thanksgiving holiday.  So far, I have been very good at checking things off the list.  Hope to check a few more things off tonight before my trip this weekend.

listening  Anything and everything on XM’s Channel 51 BPM station.  I can’t seem to want to turn the station…ever.  Makes me want to dance.  Yes, even in the car.

thinking  About some different collaborations and blog posts that I may want to do in the future.

smelling  My morning coffee…although it is now afternoon.

wishing  That I wasn’t going to miss seeing my mother-in-law this weekend when she comes to town.  Yes, I actually like my mother-in-law, and we get along wonderfully.  Had a blast with her and the rest of the Notes clan over Thanksgiving, and wish I wasn’t going to miss out on her visit to town.

hoping  That the Mayans were incorrect and that the world is not actually going to end in three weeks.  I still have a lot of bucket list adventures to complete!

wearing  Today I’m wearing black skinny jeans, long sleeved black tee with purple/fuchsia sweater dress, combat boots, and a pink skinny headband.  On nights out I can’t seem to get enough of my navy peplum top from ASOS that you saw here.

loving  The fact that my Christmas tree is finally up!  To my utter delight, the deli on Courtelyou got trees this week.  We quickly snatched one up and drove it home (wow feels nice to say we didn’t need to cab it home).  We then proceeded to trim the tree and decorate the house all while blasting holiday tunes. Keep your eyes peeled for a post complete with photos soon. ‘Tis the season!

wanting  A Hippopotamus for Christmas.  Only a hippopotamus will do.  Okay, so maybe not really.  But while most may find this Christmas song obnoxious, I sure do love it!  It makes me think of my cousins on Christmas Eve, and obviously I cannot get it out of my head at the moment.  Probably because I keep playing it on repeat.

needing  Lunch.  My tummy is a grumbling.  Hmm…I’m getting tired of the same old Murray Hill lunch options.  Any one have any favorites in town?

feeling  Excited for tomorrow!  After work, I will be driving down to Atlantic City to celebrate my cousin, Alex’s, bachelorette!  Looking forward to a much need girl’s weekend including my other cousin, Marisa, and my sister, Angela.  The Fab Four reunite.  Woot woot!

clicking  Through a few different animation studios’ websites.  Doing some research for potential new clients and new talent.

What have you been up to lately?

Happy Thursday!



***I was inspired by Tina of Like Ordinary Life to create this post, and she was inspired by Lauren of siddathornton, who started The Sunday Currently.


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