Summer Sunlight








Dress: Boxing Kitten for Urban Outfitters (old) / Neon Sandals: Dolce Vita – similar / Crossbody Bag: T.J. Maxx / Necklace: Guilty Jean / Watch: Michael Kors / Bracelet: Baublebar / Lip: Lancome Fuchsia Clutch / Nails: Essie Marshmallow / Toes: Essie Bachelorette Bash

Summer sunlight peeking through the trees as the sun is starting to set.  Probably my favorite moment of the day.  The magic hour brings me a peaceful calm.  It strange how only a few years ago, the sun going down was a symbol of the start of my evening.  It meant that it was time to start prepping to get ready for a night on the town with my man or the girls.  I’ve always been a night owl, and I lived for summer nights exploring New York City.  Dressing up, hair, make-up, the whole sha-bing.

Nowadays, the sunset usually represents quiet for me.  Time to reflect on the adventures from the day, give the baby a bath, put him to bed, and then enjoy dinner with my husband and maybe even a glass of wine.  This particular evening, however, we were on family vacation which meant Bubbe and Pop Pop were eager to babysit.  So after Nico’s bedtime, my husband and I were able to go out on our own little adventure.  We started by taking these photos and others in the summer sunlight.  We walked around Cape May, and had a delicious romantic dinner for two at Louisa’s.  I guess we realized how little we get out after 8pm these days, and so we didn’t want the night to end.  We walked around in the moonlight, shared a kiss under the stars (or two), and played video games and skee-ball at the arcade until close.  We felt like two teenagers running around on a summer night.  Yes, things have changed.  Instead of closing down bars, we are closing down arcades at a family beach town.  Instead of going to sleep at 4am, I am waking up at 6am.

But I’m okay with that.

Hope you are all having a great week so far!



Feels Like Summer






Photos by: Al Guaragna / Edited by: Myself

Skirt: ASOS – similar / Tank: Nordstrom / Sandals: Dolce Vita – similar herehere, and here / Shades: ModCloth / Necklace: Baublebar / Watch: Betsey Johnson / Bracelet: Gorjana / Bag: Rebecca Minkoff / Lip: Lancome Groupie / Nails: Essie All Tied Up / Toes: Essie Midnight Cami 

These snaps were taken on our first family mini-vacation to Florida last week.  I was a little nervous for the trip, but we were treated like V.I.P. at the airport, and Nico flew like a pro on his first plane ride.  The weather was beautiful, sunny, and in the 80’s the entire time.  We stayed at my Grandmother’s condo in St. Pete Beach, which I hadn’t been to in 10 years.  It was amazing to sit outside on the balcony overlooking the water in the Florida sunshine and just relax.  Nico was a happy camper while we were there, and he got to spend lots of good quality time with his Grandparents and Great-Grandmother.  The hubby and I even got to go on a little beach date alone while my parents babysat.  It definitely felt like summertime down there, and I’m missing that weather!  Here in NY, it’s time to bundle bundle.

Happy Friday ya’ll.  Make it a good weekend!



Paint the Town Blue


This is one of my favorite jackets to wear for fall, and you can see I wore it last fall as well.  I received this beautiful necklace as a new mommy gift from a friend, and I just couldn’t wait to style it!  I have been reluctant to do a full shopping spree this season since I am in a bit of a limbo period where some of my old clothes still fit, but some of them are still too small.  I am hesitant to go out and buy a bunch of new clothes in bigger sizes than my “normal.” (especially pants.)  So all the items here have been recycled from my current closet.  Everything you see here has been worn in a previous post, but I mixed and matched to create this new look for the season.






Photos by: Zack Notes / Edited by: Myself

Jacket: Macy’s (old) / Button Down: GAP – sold out – similar / Jeans: Motherhood / Booties: Target / Necklace: Coup de Coeur (gift from friend) – not available online / Sunnies: Vintage / Earrings: Forever 21 / Watch: Michael Kors / Bracelet: Baublebar – similar / Lip: Lancome Fuchsia Clutch – similar

Hope you all had a great weekend.  We celebrated Nico’s 1st Halloween party with the parents and babies in the neighborhood, carved a pumpkin, took a couple walks and did some things around the house.  Nico has his 2 month doctor’s appointment this week (wow, 2 months already!) and it’s also Halloween!  Not sure if we will actually walk around with him this year or we will just give out candy on the stoop.  What are your plans this Halloween?  Or what did you do to celebrate this past weekend?

