A Folly Good Time










 Hooded Sweatshirt Dress: HiHo (on sale!) via The Skinny Dip boutique in Charleston / Sneakers: Converse / Heart Sunnies: Amazon – similar

I discovered the cutest boutique while in Charleston…adorable shopping downstairs, coffee upstairs…and I had to snag this beachy throw over while it still fit! Hah! Made of 100% cotton terry, this hooded sweatshirt dress is so comfy-cozy + perfect for those spring and fall beach days or a chillier summer evening during beach season. It fit over the bump with a little room for growth even in the XS, so I had to scoop it up! It’s currently on sale, so bump or not, grab it while you can!

These photos are from our last day in Charleston…we spent it on Folly Beach, which was a ton of fun…perfect weather, perfect scenery. Honestly, couldn’t have been a better way to end the trip!

Fast forward to yesterday…it was a crazy one running around getting my shattered iPhone fixed, but the weather was GORGEOUS, so I was pretty much on Cloud 9. Call me basic, but the sunshine TOTALLY makes my day! Lots of outdoor time to make up for all the rain…

Also hit 27 weeks this week! This pregnancy is going so fast!

Make it a good one!



{Style Envy} Rompin’ Around + Turning Thirty










On Brianna – Romper: Forever 21 / Sandals: Michael Kors / Necklaces: Forever 21

Introducing my beautiful niece, Brianna.  You may remember a few posts way back when from my Style Envy segments with Marisa and Alex.  Every now and then I like to showcase someone else’s style rather than my own, and Brianna was looking so adorable in this romper while we were on vacation in Cape May that I just had to snap some photos at the beach.  Rompers made a small come back last summer, and they are still in full force this season.  It’s so nice to only think about one piece.  No need to worry about which top is going to go with which bottom.  Matchy matchy tops and bottoms have also been a trend this season, so why not just buy one piece and call it a day?  Of course, everyone’s main complaint about rompers is the ever-annoying hassle of going to the bathroom, but in my opinion, it’s no big deal to suck it up for a day for the sake of fashion.  That’s what we women do, right?

Onto my niece…Bri is one of those people with a natural easy-going attitude.  She’s always down for an adventure, for trying fun new things, and she’s a total pleasure to be around.  Throughout the week whenever someone would make a suggestion about something fun to do, she was always up for it.  No matter how weird to crazy the activity, she was always excited to partake.  Want to go play skee-ball at the arcade?  Yup.  Want to go for a walk?  Yup.  Want to take photos on the beach?  Yup.  Want to go get ice cream?  Yup.  Want to go on a four-person family bike?  Yup.  She reminds me of my husband (her uncle) never wanting to sit around.  Always go go go…they might miss something or won’t be able to enjoy the most out of their vacation if they are relaxing too much.  We had a blast hanging out at the beach, and I only wish she and my sister-in-law could have stayed longer!

On a final note, I turned 30 over the weekend.  That’s right THIRTY.  Holy crap.  Where does the time go?  I remember when I used to think thirty was so old.  It’s crazy how much I have grown and changed in the last decade.  Met Zack, graduated college, moved to New York City, got into the animation/advertising industry, partied my ass off, traveled, got married, moved to Brooklyn, slowed down, had a baby, and now I’m a mom of an almost 1-year-old.  My twenties were a lot of fun indeed.  As scary as 30 sounds, I do admit, I am excited to embrace this new decade with the clarity, responsibility, and self-awareness that I did not always exhibit in my twenties.  Sure occasionally I know I will miss my carefree days, but my life is all about my family and closest friends right now, and I couldn’t be happier.

Special thanks to my husband for planning an amazing 30th surprise weekend for me complete with Six Flags, a fancy dinner, a night on the town, and finished with a beach day.  I am a lucky lady.

Hope you are all having a great week!

