Mix & Match





Top: Express (similar) / Skirt: Target (sold out – similar here) / Shoes: Cynthia Rowley / Necklace: Express (similar) / Watch: Michael Kors / Bracelet: Stella & Sparkle / Lip: MAC Up the Amp / Hair: Curled with Sapphire 8-in-1 Wand c/o Irresistible Me

I love to mix and match different patterns, and florals with stripes are probably my most favorite combo.  As long as you stay within the same color palette, I think it works.  I was happy to have an excuse to get all dolled up for my friend’s bridal shower.  It was a beautiful event, and I was very grateful to be invited!

I am working away from my local farm fresh cafe this morning, and headed home to pack this afternoon for our trip to Maryland for Passover & Easter.  We are lucky both of our families live close to each other so that we are able to spend the holidays with everyone!  I know Nico is especially excited to see his fam!

Hope you all have a wonderful holiday!



Curls & Twirls

 Before & After

As much as I love fashion, hair is not really my thing. I love it. I wish I could do it. I love having it done for me by other people. But when it comes to doing it myself, I usually end up falling short. I end up taking the easy route and just flat ironing it straight for lack of a better option. Even worse, now that I am a busy mom, I let it air dry or throw it up into a messy top knot. The days of actually “doing” my hair are few and far between, but I still long for a fancy do when I have a special event to go to. I just have trouble making it happen myself. I have tried multiple tools, curling irons, etc., and I always end up in a sweaty huff and unhappy with the results. Until now.

After trying their fabulous hair extensions back in September, I decided to give Irresistible Me’s Sapphire 8-in-1 Curling Wand a whirl. Ladies and gentlemen (all three of you gentlemen that read this blog), I am happy to say that I HAVE FOUND THE CURLING IRON OF MY DREAMS!  Not only are there tons of options for different type of curls, but it was EASY, and I could do it MYSELF!  I actually liked the results, I wasn’t a sweaty huffy mess afterwards…and the best part is that my curls stayed from 10 in the morning when I did my hair until well after I went to bed for the night! As someone who struggles to do their hair normally, this tool has totally changed my mindset on prepping for a fancy night out.  I am so happy to finally find something that works for me, and works SO well. Thank you Irresistible Me!

More BEFORE photos:

IMG_8041_Layers_v1 IMG_8044_Layers_v1 IMG_8045_Layers_v1

And now for the AFTER:

IMG_8088_Layers_v1 IMG_8071_Layers_v1 IMG_8096_Layers_v1 IMG_8097_Layers_v1

Sapphire 8-in-1 Curling Wand: c/o Irresistible Me / Top: Express / Eyes: Sonia Kashuk / Lip: MAC Up the Amp

What do you think? Not bad for my first go at it huh?

Used this curling wand for the first time for a beautiful bridal shower in upstate NY for a lovely bride!  It was a lot of fun and a gorgeous affair.  I loved how fancy I felt, so I decided to go for round 2 of the curling iron this past weekend at my cousin’s baby shower in MD. Happy to say it wasn’t just beginner’s luck! I’m still obsessed with the tool, and plan to use it for many more events in the future.

Had a nice little girl’s weekend with my mom, family, and close friends…although I did miss my boys while away!

Yesterday wasn’t feeling so great, but hoping today will bring sunshine and happiness my way.

Hope today will bring the same for you!



Plaid + (Faux) Fur







(Faux) Chinchilla Fur Jacket: Express (a couple years old, but similar here) / Plaid Button Up: Target (on sale!) / Denim: Rag & Bone / Booties: Target (on sale!) / Sunglasses: ModCloth / Bracelets: Tory Burch (similar), Stella & Sparkle / Watch: Michael Kors / Lip: Lancome Luxe

Call me crazy, but I absolutely adore the mix of plaid & fur right now!  To me, it’s a perfect fall or winter look.  I was gifted this amazing jacket for Christmas a couple years ago, and I recently scored this bright button up at Target.  Mixed the two together, and boom.  I all the sudden look a lot more put together than I really am. 😉

I wore this on a little trip to downtown Annapolis when we were visiting family and friends for the holidays.  We started at Miss Shirley’s for breakfast.  Let me tell you, if you are a Maryland local, and you have not yet been to Miss Shirley’s, you need to go there…like immediately.  They have the best southern comfort food you could ever imagine.  Proof here.  From there, we headed down to walk around the gorgeous harbor, the historical homes, and popped into the amazing consignment shop, Navette.  I found this shop through Instagram, ordered from them over the phone, and even met one of their amazing owners for coffee in NYC, yet I still hadn’t visited their store front until this day!  I was very excited and delighted to see a bustling shop full of fantastic treasures and happy customers.  Unfortunately, due to a toddler naptime meltdown, I had to cut my trip there short, but I didn’t leave without scoring this fabulous Jonathan Adler clutch.

I’m looking forward to returning to Maryland again for Christmas, but until then, I am enjoying the holiday spirit up here in NYC.  Our tree is up, and we took Nico to see Santa last weekend.  Much to my surprise, there were no tears!  Yay!  I love New York City at Christmastime.  If you missed yesterday’s post about things to do in December, check it out here.

This week I have been working on my holiday cards (which is pretty difficult with a bum thumb), online shopping for gifts, and listening to Christmas music non-stop.  Tonight, I am getting out of the house to go to a holiday party with a friend, and I’m really looking forward to it.

Hope you are all enjoying the season!




Dusting of Snow








Aztec Blanket Wrap: c/o Moon Cats / Denim: Paige / Top: Express / Boots: Steve Madden / Earrings: Stella & Dot (on sale!) / Bracelets: Guilty Jean / Watch: Michael Kors / Lip: MAC Rebel

We had a lovely holiday weekend in Maryland with family and friends.  We also experienced our first dusting of snow for the season.  If this winter ends up anything like last year’s, I am going to be in serious need of some cozy, comfy clothing.  I received this Aztec Blanket Wrap courtesy of Moon Cats, and it is so snuggly and warm.  Not to mention the fantastic print and fringe it has going on.  I plan on rockin’ this wrap all season long.

This scarf company has a killer sale going now ($20 off all orders of $50 and above) with the code BLACK20POPCORN.  I wish I could fill my closet with their amazing scarves, but if I have to choose my favorites I would include this Snowy Day fair isle infinity scarf, this fabulous Polka Dance scarf, and call me old fashioned, but I love this oversized Grandma’s Favorite piece as well.  If I don’t end up buying out the store for myself, I will at least pick up some gifts here this season.

On another note, I am finally taking care of this trigger thumb problem I have going on, and I have decided to get surgery tomorrow.  Apparently, it shouldn’t be too difficult or long, and hopefully recovery will only be a couple weeks.  The pain and popping/sticking of my thumb was getting too unbearable, and the cortisone shots worked well, but only temporarily.  I’m not exactly sure how I will take care of a toddler with one hand, but thank goodness for my mother-in-law who is coming to town Wednesday night.

Hope you all had a nice Thanksgiving, and hope you are enjoying the week so far.  Our Christmas tree is already up in full-force, so ’tis the season!



Fall Fresh


It’s officially fall, which means it’s jacket season!  I had been searching for a great camo jacket for awhile, and finally found this one on sale from JC Penney.  If you hurry, they may still have the sale going!    This outfit is proof that you can dress up any simple basics (white tee and jeans…boring) by adding some fabulous accessories (camo jacket, studded combat boots, statement necklace and bracelet…no longer boring!)   We headed to the pumpkin patch this past weekend to pick out some fall decor for our Brooklyn abode.  It started as a crisp fall morning, and changed into a hot summer afternoon, so I eventually had to ditch the jacket, but that is the fun of fall layering, right?





Photos by: Zack Notes / Edited by: Myself

Camo Jacket: JC Penney – on sale! / T Shirt (my husband’s): Express / Jeans: Motherhood / Combat Boots: Steve Madden (last season) – also loving these / Bracelet and Necklace: Gifted / Aviators: NY Street Vendor / Satchel: TJ Maxx / Lip: Rimmel Vintage Pink

Stay tuned for more photos from our day trip later this week.  Hope you all have a good one!



{12} Lately…


Lately I’ve been…

reading  Finished reading Fly Away by Kristin Hannah.  If you’ve read the prequel Firefly Lane, you will definitely enjoy this book.  I always enjoy a good Kristin Hannah book.  I am now reading Khaled Hosseini’s newest novel, And the Mountains Echoed.  I was a huge fan of The Kite Runner and A Thousand Splendid Suns, so naturally I had to read this book.  So far there are a LOT of character introductions, and I’m hoping that somehow they will all end up stringing together and making sense eventually.  So far it’s interesting…I think I’m just waiting for the connection and the point of the whole story.  I’m confident that it will come, but will let you know how I end up liking it.

writing  E-mails catching up with friends.

listening  Really liking Lana del Ray’s Summertime Sadness.  The original is beautiful, but I love the Cedric Gervais remix of course.  I don’t really have summertime sadness myself…quite the opposite actually, but for some reason, I just dig this song.

thinking  That they must have been working on the apartment above my office for about the past 5 years.  Seriously…will they ever be done???

smelling  And also tasting, this delicious Aloha Banana smoothie I’m consuming.  Fruit-a-holic.

watching  Saw an episode of the Kardashians (yes, I’m guilty) last night where Kim is in severe pain during her pregnancy.  I think this all goes to show pregnancy never happens the way you plan, and you have to be prepared for all kinds of challenges.  I have had my fair share, but very thankful to be feeling good right now!

wishing  That I could see into my belly to see what my little man looks like.  Weird?  Maybe, but I think it’s weirder to feel and see kicks and movements inside me all day without actually being able to see who’s in there doing it!

hoping  For my Uncle to come home from the hospital soon.  His surgery went very well, and we are so grateful.  Hoping that he will have a good recovery.  He is a tough cookie!

wearing  Floral pants from Motherhood (super sale right now!), Mint Poly button down from Express, Sparkly Flats from Nordstrom Rack, Sunnies from Francesca’s, Michael Kors watch, and my Henri Bendel Bracelet.

loving  The fact that we are having a family reunion this Saturday with my Dad’s side for the first time in probably at least 15 years.  So excited to see all of my cousins and extended family.  It’s been way too long!

laughing  At the fact that I got pooped on by a bird yesterday…yes I can only laugh because it did not get on my head or my clothing, and it was easy to clean off.  Thank goodness, because I had a meeting 15 minutes later…

wanting  Coffee.  Been getting a bit more sleepy again as I am now in the third trimester of my pregnancy.  And the smell of it, just makes me want it more!  Been trying to stay away from coffee though most of the time (except for my weekend treats).  Hence, the vitamin packed smoothies to wake me up!

needing  A back massage.  Thinking of making an appointment to get a prenatal massage soon to ease the aches and pains of the third tri.

feeling  Hormonal.  One minute, I’m super happy.  The next minute, I’m crying.  And I am not usually a crier.  I feel like my mood can change with the flick of a light switch lately.

craving  Ice cream.  But that’s really nothing new…I heart ice cream.  Especially in the summertime.

clicking  Catching up on all my favorite blogs and discovering some new ones as well.


What have you been up to lately?

Happy Hump Day!



***I was inspired by Tina of Like Ordinary Life to create this post, and she was inspired by Lauren of siddathornton, who started The Sunday Currently.

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Walk on the High Line


Here’s Part II of our little girl’s weekend in NYC.  Sunday, we got bagels at the best place in the city.  And yes, you can quote me on that.  We then ventured into Manhattan to do a little shopping and take a walk on the High Line.  For those of you who have never been, this park was built on top of an old abandoned elevated train track and runs down Manhattan’s West Side.  It’s so unique, and provides wonderful views of the city.  It was a gorgeous day, and I think the girls enjoyed it!



Two of my favorite Baltimore blondes 🙂









Outfit photos by: Nichole Cohen & Lisa Dannenberg / All other photos my own / Thanks to random stranger for the photo of the three of us

Coral Trench: GAP – sold out – similar here, herehere, and here / Mint Button Down: Express / Skinny Jeans: Motherhood Maternity / Ankle Boots: Target / Scarf: Gift / Sunnies: Vintage / Watch: Michael Kors / Bracelets: ASOS and Gorjana – 2nd one sold out, but see more bracelets by Gorjana here / Lip: Lancome Groupie

Today brings a doc appointment and my 2nd to last photography class.  Hoping for a good report on the first and to learn as much as I can during the latter.

Crazy enough, we have a trip to Boston coming up on Friday for a dear friend’s wedding.  It still breaks my heart that people could purposefully cause harm to so many innocent others.  I am still praying for all of those in Boston that were affected by this horrible madness.   I am looking forward to the wedding and hoping it will bring some happiness and light to the Boston area.  In the midst of this tragedy, it’s nice to know there is still some love out there.

Happy Wednesday everyone.



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Preppy With A Twist {Guilty Jean Series #2}


Here is my 2nd look from the Guilty Jean photo shoot over the weekend.  I was definitely enjoying the sunshine on this beautiful, glorious Saturday!  For this look, I purposefully chose the same Guilty Jean jewelry pieces as my last outfit post to show how versatile this line can be.  Even if you don’t see yourself as someone who is “edgy” or “punk rock,”  you can still glam up your look with Guilty Jean’s designs.  This particular look gives the preppy business casual girl a little edge.  I love how these pieces work so well with a variety of different personal styles, and I plan to rock these jewels no matter what I’m wearing!







Photos by: Zack Notes / Edited by: Myself

Yellow Button Down: GAP / Blazer: GAP / Jeans: Motherhood Maternity / Pretty Little Evil Necklace: c/o Guilty Jean (on sale!) / Turquoise Bracelet: c/o Guilty Jean (on sale!) / Sinner & Saint Bracelet: c/o Guilty Jean (on sale!) / Clutch: Express – similar / Sparkly Flats: Nordstrom Rack / Watch: Michael Kors / Ring: Banana Republic – similar here and here / Sunglasses: Ann Taylor LOFT / Lip: Mix of MAC Candy Yum-Yum and Lancome Fuchsia Clutch / Nails: Essie Smokin’ Hot

Hope everyone is enjoying their week so far!  I have been busy busy, so I am looking forward to a little R&R tonight.



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Ombre Necklace {Flair Accessories Series #3}


Here is the third outfit post in my Flair Accessories Series.  I had so much fun styling these pieces, and this one in particular certainly makes a bold statement.  I love this mix of colors for winter.  While many outfits during this season can feel rather dull, the pops of blue, green, and yellow made me feel vibrant and energetic despite the chilly temps.  How would you style this piece of “Flair” this winter?






Photos by: Zack Notes

Coat: Express / Top: ASOS / Blazer: Piperlime / Pants: ZARA / Boots: Kohl’s / Ombre Necklace: Flair Accessories / Watch: Michael Kors / Lip: Lancome All Done Up

I spent most of the weekend hibernating in my Brooklyn abode due to snowy conditions.  I did take a walk on Saturday and tested out some new things I learned in my photography class around the neighborhood.  Other than that, I mostly relaxed, caught up on blogs and e-mails from last week, & watched a few movies.  Last night, I had a dinner date with the hubby at a place called The Costello Plan in our hood.  It’s a really romantic, quiet little spot, and I think I had the best gnocchi I have ever tasted there.  We ended the night watching a bit of the Grammy’s.  Shout out to Mumford & Sons for winning best album for their second album, “Babel.”  I heart them.  I’m sure you’ve heard this song, but here is a little something to get you going this Monday morning.

“I Will Wait” – Mumford & Sons



Winter White


This ivory jacket and polka dot tights were amongst some of my favorite Christmas gifts I received this year.  Paired with an ivory and gold shimmery dress and a gold clutch, this made for the perfect New Year’s Eve outfit this year.  I also had the opportunity to break out my old wedding shoes for the first time since the big day.  Who knew I would be ever wearing these babies again?








Photo by: Zack Notes

Ivory Coat: Express (sold out) – other ivory coats I adore from Nordstrom (here and here),  Theory via Saks, Michael by Michael Kors via Victoria’s Secret, and Victoria’s Secret / Dress: Forever 21 / Tights: Madewell (currently on sale!) / Shoes: Nina (brides, there is a ridiculous sale on these beauties!) / Sunnies: Ann Taylor LOFT / Clutch: (old) / Bow Bracelet: BaubleBar / Bow Earrings: ALDO / Necklace and Rings: Family gifts / Lip: Lancome Groupie / Nails: Essie Metallics Good as Gold 

Had a fantastic time this past weekend in the city.  Friday, I said my farewells to a good friend who is moving back to Connecticut to go to grad school.  My second bedroom is open whenever you want to come visit!

Saturday hung out with the hubs during the day, made some yummy breakfast, took down the Christmas tree (wahhh),  and…wait for it…went to see Les Mis!!!  Oh my gosh, it was so amazing.  Bring your tissues!  I have never seen the show, so I didn’t really know what to expect other than that it would be quite depressing.  However, I really enjoyed the movie, and thought Anne Hathaway had a spectacular performance.  After the film, I met up with a few friends in the East Village, and ended the night with the deliciousness of Pomme Frites.  If you have not been here, this place is a must for fabulous french fries dipped in more sauces than you could ever imagine.  Yum!

Sunday, the boy and I got in an awesome workout at the gym, went to Home Depot to pick out some paint colors for a new DIY project (and by DIY, I mean my cousin will be DIYing for us haha), and finally sat down to a fabulous home cooked meal while watching the Redskins game.  Unfortunately, our team did not pull out a win, but they gave a valiant effort.  Some decisions were pretty questionable, but what can you do.  The Skins had a great season, so still HAILING!

Hope you all have a great week!



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