Thank You!

I just wanted to give a big thank you to all my family, friends, and supporters for your donations to Q’s Quest for the Johns Hopkins Departments of Neurology & Neurosurgery.  I surpassed my goal and raised over $5,200 dollars for the cause.  I couldn’t be happier, and you all have made a huge difference toward finding a cure for brain cancer.  I’m sure my friend John is smiling down from heaven right now.

I also want to thank my friends who ran the Rock ‘N Roll New York 10K with me in Prospect Park, Brooklyn.  Due to an injury, I was nervous that I may not be able to run the race, and thought I would have to walk it.  I hadn’t run in a month, and on race day, I decided to go for it.  I made it through 6.2 miles without being able to train properly, and I did it with 9 minute miles (I was originally hoping for 8:30s when I was able to train), so I am extremely happy with how everything went.  I have no idea how I was able to do it, but I appreciate my friends that ran with me, and I know I must have had an angel carrying me through.  🙂

Up for this week: trying to nurse my sore legs back into shape!  Hope you all have a great week!



Inside All of Us is Hope

In 2 days, I will be partaking in yet another adventure.  I will be running the Rock N Roll NY 10K in Prospect Park, Brooklyn.  Now, the fact that I am running this race is not so much the adventure.  I have done plenty of races in the past.  The adventure is more in the reason I am running this race.  I am running for my friend John Petrovick who you see pictured above.

John was a friend of mine for 14 years.  We met in high school in biology class and hung out after school on the soccer fields.  John was hilariously funny and while making everyone laugh, he is also the most amazing, inspiration person that I knew.  He battled through 4 years of brain cancer all while continuing to run marathons, finish law school, and remain the funny, friendly, caring person that he was.

We unfortunately lost John on April 28, 2012, but we did not lose the legacy and inspiration he left behind.  John played a huge role in his doctor’s (Dr. Q) quest to cure brain cancer.  He encouraged his doctor/surgeon to join him for the Baltimore Half Marathon, and they raised thousands of dollars to help Johns Hopkins departments of neurology and neurosurgery.  These past few months, I have tried to continue with John’s efforts to raise money for this cause, and so far I have raised over $3,600 in his memory.  My goal is to get to $5,000, so I still have a bit to go, and not much time left!  I’m at 72% of my goal, and I would really appreciate your help in achieving this for John.

To donate please click here:

Also, for those of you who didn’t know John, this is how amazing he was:

For those of you who did know John…you already know he was “superman.”  Please join me in the fight against brain cancer.  As John would say, “Inside all of us is HOPE.”

Thanks for your support, and I will update you after the race!

