What Does YOUR Office Look Like?

What Does YOUR Office Look Like

When my company folded last September, I started a bit of soul searching to figure out what my next move would be in my career. Should I find a new position in advertising and production? Should I branch out and try something new in the fashion world? It was scary, but I realized it could be a blessing in disguise that I would be able to start a new path for myself and my family. I now had a child, and a few months later found myself pregnant with another. I decided that late hours and a long commute on the subway were no longer realistic for my lifestyle. I wanted something that wouldn’t keep me away from my children each and every day. I wanted something that I could do on my own, while making my own hours. I wanted to take care of my kids, but I also wanted to contribute financially to my family.

I stumbled upon the Beachbody Coaching Opportunity through a fellow fashion blogger that I followed, and entered a world that I never believed possible. It all started because I wanted to get back to feeling my healthy, active self again, but I realized it could be so much more.

I now have a career that:
-I am able to create my own schedule and hours
-Gives me the opportunity to do something I am passionate about
-Encourages me to live a healthy lifestyle
-Enables me to help others reach their goals on a daily basis
-Give me the chance to spend time more with my kids and husband
-Allows me to be creative
-Has introduced me to an amazing team of people to work alongside
-Allows me the FREEDOM to work from anywhere (as you can see from my “office” photos from the past 8 months)

Have you wondered what it might be like to be a fitness coach? I would love to invite you to join me and Team SPARK / Team PIVOT as we open the curtain and share a bit about what it is like to be on our team. Our 3 Day Sneak Peek Open House will begin on MONDAY AUGUST 24TH.

I promise it will be worth your while, and who knows, it could be the decision that changes your life and gives you the freedom you have always wanted.

If you a hard working, go-getter who is interested in learning more, please comment below and fill out this application to save your spot in the group!


Hope you all have a great weekend!



Help Wanted!


During my 7 years working in production and advertising as an agent for animation studios, I spent a lot of time watching other people create things. I always wished I could create more myself, which led to the creation of Popcorn and Pandas…an outlet for my personal style, travel, adventures, motherhood, lifestyle, food, fun…and now also fitness.

Fitness has always been a part of my life as I played soccer and basketball growing up, trained for half marathons and triathlon post college, and now as a health & fitness coach it plays an even bigger role. Running my own business has allowed me to reach a new creative potential that I never thought possible. I am able to create fresh content daily, create exciting challenges for my clients, and I’m inspired to create new recipes for healthy eating. I am also able to make a difference in people’s live each and every day.

Some of my recent challengers have said:

“I’m totally aware of how much stronger I’ve gotten and how much energy I have. Still more work to do, but loving the motivating results.”

“Today is Day 14 for me, and I can’t believe the difference! I can’t wait to see what Day 21 looks like. Thank you!”

“I am sleeping better, fitting into a size down, and although I have been doing the modified version of the exercises, I am improving every day. My mindset is more positive, and I definitely have more energy!”

Now, THAT is what it’s all about. I love making a difference in people’s lives and seeing them so positive and happy about the changes they are making not only to their bodies but to their minds and spirit as well.

Are you someone that likes making a difference too?

Because I am looking for 5 people to train for my next Coach Apprenticeship!!!!

If you are someone who is:
-A Team Player
-Looking for something MORE?

Then I would love to consider you for a position on Team SPARK! If you are interested and this sounds like something you would be interested in doing either full or part time, then please fill out this application below and I will contact you with more information!


