2018 Fashion Round Up


Pregnancy and Post Partum marked my style for 2019. Always a challenge to dress an ever-changing body, but I had fun with it rocking lots of dresses over the summer bump and lots of comfy casual in the squishy fall.

Which look is your favorite???










This weekend I am working on posting a yearly round up of adventures we’ve had both as a family and for the blog and business which is always fun to look back on and see how we’ve grown in the past year. I’m also working on goals for 2019, and a round of some of my favorite books I’ve read in the past year or so. Lastly, I am kicking off my “Make it Epic 2019” Health + Fitness Challenge Group officially on Monday! I have a few spots open for anyone who is still looking for a plan of action in this New Year. Our new program also launches on January 14th, and we will be hosting a Team Test Group for those participating in this 20 minutes cardio based program with us! Okay just kidding, I’m not done yet. I also made a last minute giveaway purchase at Target with a little bag of goodies for a special winner to start off the year on the right foot! I will be announcing the giveaway sometime this week, so stay tuned!

Hope you all enjoyed the holidays, and cheers for a healthy + happy New Year!



White After Labor Day?


I thought this outfit post was fitting being the day after Labor Day. I wore this to a dinner party on vacation last week in the Outer Banks, NC, so it was NOT after Labor Day as the title suggests, but it got me thinking…. Do people still follow the rule of no white after Labor Day? Are these pants pretty much closet-ridden until next summer? Spring? Is it just pants that you aren’t supposed to wear? Or other clothing items as well?

What are your thoughts? Is this rule outdated? Or do you still follow it to full effect?

Personally, I’m not sure if I will rock these particular pants again until next year. However, I am not a total rule-follower, and I LOVED this cheeky article by the Huffington Post on wearing white after Labor Day.









White Denim: Rag & Bone via Nordstrom Rack – still available here / Top: J. Crew via Trunk Club – now on sale! / Shoes: Chinese Laundry via DSW – now on sale! / Earrings: Stella & Dot –  / Bracelets: Mantraband and Goody (because I forgot to take off my dang hairband, doh!) / Lip: MAC Russian Red

On Luca: Top: Carters – similar for fall / Shorts: Carters – similar / Shoes: Keens

Last month was my first time trying Trunk Club by Nordstrom and I was really happy with it! The top you see here was chosen by my stylist, and she hit the nail on the head with my style personality! I love wearing black, and I also love a BOLD print, so this was right up my alley. She took the time to ask me lots of questions before presenting me with my Trunk to review. She also chose items that were a little outside of my comfort zone to try that I ended up loving even though I may not have chosen it while shopping myself. As a busy mama with a lot of summer obligations, I really didn’t have time to get to the store and choose outfits for vacation, so this was JUST was I needed, and I was super happy with what she chose! I’m excited to try out another Trunk for fall, and I’m also pumped to share some of my other Trunk Club picks from August, so stay tuned!

We have a couple more days left of summertime around here before school begins, so while today kicks off my Back to Basics Health + Fitness Challenge Group, we will be soaking up these last moments before our carefree days come to an end. I have to admit as amazing as this summer has been, I am looking forward to getting into a routine again! And to also have a bit of mommy time to work and get things done during the day! I am getting that “back to school” excited feeling that I used to get as a child. Who knew I would have it as a mom as well? My babies are growing up, and I am so happy for them to have these new adventures and excited to share in this journey with them through their eyes.

What are your thoughts on “back to school?” An exciting time or a time of dread? Comment below and share your feeling, and also your thoughts on the white after Labor Day rule!

Happy Tuesday!



Black Friday










Top: Forever 21 / Denim: AG Jeans – similar / Booties: H&M – similar / Coat: H&M – similar / Shades: Brickyard Buffalo / Earrings: Gifted / Bracelet: Mantraband

On Nico – Sweater: Chaps – similar / Pants: Cat + Jack for Target / Shoes: Saucony

Hope you all had a FABULOUS Thanksgiving yesterday!!! We had a wonderful day and meal with family, and I splurged on not one…but TWO pieces of pumpkin pie. Yup, that sweet tooth just took over! Eeeps! It was just so darn good, and it only comes around once a year! Luckily, I have a plan in place to get back on track with a cleanse and a new program come Monday!!

Today is Black Friday, and apparently all the stores were open even EARLIER this year for the holiday sales. I stopped going to the stores on Black Friday a long time ago. I just can’t deal with the pushing and pulling and crowds…no thank you! I will just do my shopping from the comfort of my own home on my laptop! OR since I do love the spirit and energy of in person holiday shopping, I do enjoy a trip when the crowds have died down a bit. For those of you who ARE looking for some Black Friday fashion steals, check out Macy’s, Kohl’s, H&M, Target, Dick’s, Urban Outfitters, The Dreslyn, and Bailey44. For electronics, Target, Sam’s Club, Best Buy, and Walmart seem to be where it’s at. And my favorites for online steals are Brickyard Buffalo + ASOS.

Good luck, and Happy Shopping!!! Or if you are like me…enjoy the weekend with family and friends, and then snag those Cyber Monday steals 😉



Sweater Weather











Sweater: Forever 21 (last season) / Top: J. Crew Factory – multiple colors / Denim: Rag & Bone – similar / Boots: Target / Sunglasses: Vintage / Tassel Necklace: Gifted – similar / Heart Necklace: Love, Lori Michelle / Lip: Mix of Kat Von D Homegirl + Lancome All Done Up

On Nico: Top: Genuine Kids from Oshkosh / Pants: GAP Kids / Shoes: Saucony

It’s feeling like fall around here and the fall foliage is in full force. The sun has been shining and it’s been pretty nice for the start of November. Generally the holidays are one of the most fun times of the year, but they can also be really stressful with all the shopping and parties and traveling and more. All the more reason for me to take on the 3 Week Yoga Retreat this month for my Namaste November Challenge Group (which officially started yesterday)! Many of my coaches and challengers will be doing the new kickboxing program…and I WILL be joining them soon…but I thought it was important to give my body a bit of a rest after Hammering + Chiseling for the past two months. I am MORE than excited for 21 days of ZEN if I do say so myself.

My little guys are both on the move now and the playground is more fun than ever with both of them running around, sliding together, walking around holding hands, and more. They get stir crazy at home, so I need to keep getting them out of the house as much as possible before it gets frigid around here and I come running to you all in need of more ideas for indoor activities!

Enjoyed a few much needed movie nights with the hubs over the weekend (we NEVER watch movies these days), but caught up with Dope + Whiplash. Both awesome and I would recommend! Though most of you are probably all, been there done that! Haha.

Hope you are all having a great week so far! I’m off to the polls to get my vote on.



Feeling Like Fall






Top: J. Crew Factory – sold out but other colors here / Hat: J. Crew Factory / Denim: AG Jeans / Booties: Target / Lip: MAC Rebel

Friday night post whoooo! Maybe some of you are as lame as me and able to read this tonight…maybe not 😉 Either way, hopefully you get a chance to check it out at some point over the weekend haha.

I took these photos last weekend when it was truly starting to feel like fall and then we had a week of 80 degree weather!!!! LOL! Go figure! I scored this J. Crew top and hat over at the Factory outlet on summer vacation, and was excited to finally bust them out.

You may have gotten a glimpse of my crazy week over on Facebook, but things are looking up and trying to focus on the positive. Last weekend we had good friends in town and took them up to Bear Mountain for an awesome fall hike. We made it to the top, and I was incredibly impressed that my 3 year old did 95% of the hike himself! I carried the baby on my back which was an extra workout, and we had a great time catching up while enjoying the great outdoors. Tomorrow we are on the road to Maryland to reunite and celebrate a dear friend who has a baby on the way.

In other news, I have the BIGGEST popcorn and pandas giveaway of the YEAR coming up which I will announce here on MONDAY!!!! So make sure you come on back to see what it’s all about! 🙂

Happy Weekend!



P.S. I need a haircut. Any good ideas? Throw them my way! 😉

End of Summer







Romper: Target (similar here) – Also love this long-sleeved one for early fall / Sandals: Call it Spring / Sunglasses: Brickyard Buffalo / Pendant: antique heirloom / Watch: Michael Kors / Bracelets: Tory Burch, Stella & Sparkle, Guilty Jean

Ahhhh, yesterday was the first day of fall, and while I do love all things pumpkin, I am sad to see the summer come to an official end. We had a great summer complete with lots of traveling and adventures, and this romper sure got a lot of play from the lake in the Poconos, to the playgrounds of Brooklyn, to the streets of Nashville in Tennessee, to the Jersey Shore in Cape May, down to the Outer Banks of North Carolina.

Our first full summer as a family of four was a success! Can’t believe it’s over. We will remember it fondly, but part of me is excited to break out the boots and crush some pumpkin spice lattes. 😉

Happy Fall + Happy Weekend!



3 Week Yoga Retreat

September (2)
I was an athlete growing up, but yoga is something I discovered in my 20’s after college. Being that person who was always into cardio heavy sports like soccer and basketball, yoga was quite a switch. The quiet, calm music…having to hold balance and stay still in a position for an extended period of time. It was definitely different. But the moment I tried it for the first time, I knew I loved it. There was just something about it that made me feel AMAZING after it was all over. It was a different feeling than I had experienced from exercise before. I normally felt exhausted, tired, banged up, bruised, sore, and more after a soccer or basketball game. But after yoga I felt rejuvenated. I felt a clear mind. I felt a release of stress, tension, and anxiety. I knew that yoga would not be going anywhere in my life.
While living in New York, I have had the pleasure of attending amazing yoga classes from my favorite teacher Brian Williams! If you haven’t taken a punk rock yoga class before, or a class on top of a roof in this amazing city, this guy will rock your world. Seriously. I am still dreaming of taking his week long yoga retreat vacation to some beautiful, tropical location. One of these days, I will make it happen.
But for now…since becoming a mom, it’s nearly impossible for me to make a yoga class (or any other classes for that matter). When my older son was about 18 months, I finally decided to get back into shape by taking my workouts to the living room. I quickly found out I was pregnant with baby #2 and I was going to need something more low impact than P90X. I WISHED Beachbody had a yoga program at that time, but they didn’t. The closest thing they had was PiYo, and I absolutely loooooooooved it. This combo of pilates/yoga/cardio/sculpt/strength + Chalene Johnson will always have a special place in my heart. However, it was not truly yoga.
I am THRILLED that as of yesterday, Beachbody has launched a new *** 3 WEEK YOGA RETREAT *** that you can do inside your own living room!!!! This is the program I have been waiting for!!!! Now I don’t have to feel left out because I can’t make the classes, but I can do them from home. 21 different yoga workouts for 21 days. On demand, so you can not only do them at home, but wherever you need to go. Pretty amazing.
The super yogis will love this, but it’s even better for those just beginning or those needing a low impact workout.
I’m currently doing Hammer + Chisel as you may have seen from my posts yesterday, but I seriously cannot wait to rock out this yoga program as soon as I am finished! I already know that I will love it. ❤
Hope you all had an awesome Labor Day Weekend! I cannot believe they are already serving pumpkin spice lattes at Starbucks. I am sad for the summer to end, but I do love the fall. School also starts this week for my oldest guy which is crazy! He will be in a 3’s program this year, and it will also be my first experience as a mom packing lunches! Is it weird that I oddly excited about that? I am also a bit excited to get started in our new routine. Yesterday, I was feeling all “Bring Back the Summer,” but today I think I’m embracing the new season.

Belvedere Sparkle


Dress: Vijiv via Amazon Fashion (I know. I can’t believe it either. Amazing, right? Just wait ’til you see the price!) / Shoes: Nina / Bracelet and Earrings: Gifted / Sunglasses: Vintage / Lip: MAC Up the Amp / Bag: Old, cheap, and don’t remember! Oops! – But LOVE this one here

TGIF!!! Every Friday deserves a little SPARKLE!

Can you believe I seriously found this dress on Amazon? Like PRIME, 2-day shipping Amazon. With 3 weddings in June, I needed some fancy dresses quick, and I was happy to say that Amazon did NOT disappoint! As surprised as I was to find this gorgeous number, I am actually obsessed with this dress, and wish I had a million more occasions that I could wear it to!

This occasion in particular was the beautiful wedding of a fantastic couple and long-time friend. It was held at the classy establishment The Belvedere in Baltimore, Maryland. This classic, fancy, old-style venue seemed like the perfect opportunity for a flapper dress.

That being said…we rocked out the night to a Bruce Springsteen cover band (who was amazing) all night long! I think it was the busiest dance floor in that I’ve seen in my wedding guest history (and I have been to a lot of weddings!) The energy was plentiful and the dance floor was PACKED the whole night through.

Honestly?!?!?!?! I think the venue had some trouble getting us out of the building!!! It was as if we were at a real-live concert and the lights came on to kick us out, but everyone just screamed ENCORE!!! Pretty cool if you ask me.

SUCH a fun night, and I’m looking forward to posting more photos from their wedding soon!

Tomorrow, we are having a joint birthday party for both Nico + Luca!! Their birthdays aren’t until the end of the month, but we will be on vacation, so we wanted to do something at home with our friends in the neighborhood and any family that could come to town. We are doing a LEGO theme this year and we have been busy building over here this morning! I seriously cannot believe Nico will be 3 and Luca will be 1 already. It’s like I snapped my fingers and 3 years have gone by. They always tell you it will happen that way, but it’s hard to imagine when you are living it! The days are slow but the years are too quick!

Hope you all have a fantastic weekend!!



Sun Kissed








Dress: ASOS / Shoes: Badgley Mischka / Earrings: Stella & Dot / Bracelet: Vintage / Sunglasses: Brickyard Buffalo / Lip: MAC Snob

Ahh this dress! During an online shopping spree for our June wedding season, I saw this dress at ASOS, and I just HAD to have it! I just love the bright neon florals for summertime, and it was perfect for the outdoor/indoor wedding we attended in Ithaca, NY. I hedged my bets with this one hoping it would fit as only the smaller size was available. I normally would have gone for the slightly larger one, but it seems my hard work in the “gym” aka my living room has paid off and I was able to slip into this delightful fit and flare silhouette! So happy that it worked out, and we had an amazing evening watching the sun go down and dancing the night away with great friends.

It’s been a busy summer here with lots of traveling and more coming up in the next few weeks! Nashville is SOOOOO soon!!! Eeeep! If you don’t remember, here is a post of me from last year’s Summit breakin’ it down with CIZE at 8 months pregnant! LOL! I am getting so excited to return to the place where I met all my coaching teammates in person for the first time and looking forward to learning from the best about how to keep moving my business forward and changing lives along the way.

In other news…not that you all particularly care, but the fellow moms out there might! We are in the midst of potty training with my toddler, and so far it’s going MUCH better than I had anticipated! I speed read the Oh Crap! book which helped to reassure me that we were more or less on the right track! I can’t believe we are crossing this big milestone and he seems to be aging SO rapidly right now! Threenager attitude and all! LOL! The baby learned to full out crawl and now a week later he is pulling himself to standing. SLOW DOWN KID! Ahhh they grow up too fast don’t they? But I do admit, it will be pretty darn cute (and terrifying) when they are running around together/in opposite directions. Haha.

Hope you are all having a great week so far!! I am having a blast with the Jam out in July Challenge!! I don’t know why I haven’t been blasting music in my house during my workouts already! SUCH a great idea and such great motivation!

Make it a happy one!





Dress: Olive & Oak / Shoes: Call it Spring / Sunnies & Bracelet: Vintage / Clutch: Express / Earrings: Stella & Dot by Jess Sigler / Lip: MAC Up the Amp 

No, I’m not traveling to Miami, but this “Miami Maxi” by Olive & Oak  is the perfect flowing dress for summer! Fancy enough to dress up for a wedding, but easy going enough for a Sunday BBQ, this is one of my favorite versatile looks for summer. Plus the colors are just gorg!

June was the month of weddings for us! Lots of traveling, lots of love, and lots of dressing up! Will be sharing some more summer wedding looks on the blog here in the next couple weeks, so stay tuned.

We spent this past week at the lake in the Poconos with friends celebrating Independence Day. It’s getting tougher to “relax” the more kiddos we add to the mix here on vacation haha, but we did have a great time!

Today in my challenge group it’s “Random Act of Kindness” Day. It seems that the world could surely use a little (or a lot) more kindness, so I would love it if the rest of you could also participate in this little challenge! Please do at least one random act of kindness for today and report back in the comments section when you have done something KIND!

Hope you all had an awesome weekend, and cheers to a great week ahead!

