Bloom Bloom Pow








Floral Pants: Forever 21 – similar / Tank: Old Navy – similar / Sunglasses: Brickyard Buffalo / Bracelet: Mantraband / Necklace: Amrita Singh – similar / Earrings: Stella & Dot – now on sale! / Lip: MAC Up the Amp

In between all of the rain we have had this spring, somewhere in there was a sunny day. These flowing pants were perfect on this day paired with a tank, some shades, and a few baubles. Dressy enough to look like a human being and not portray my usual tired mom-vibe, but not too dressy that I couldn’t run around and climb things with my toddler.

These shots were actually taken in my parent’s yard over spring break with the trees in full bloom. It’s stunning there this time of year. My Dad is quite the photog, wouldn’t you say? He puts up with me, and we got the shots in before everyone woke up from nap time crying so there’s that…

Can’t believe Memorial Day Weekend is already right around the bend. Looking forward to a busy, exciting summer ahead. And speaking of that sun…it’s back out today 🙂

Happy Hump Day!



Little Black Dress


Wedding season is officially upon us! I just love the silhouette of this little black midi-length dress, and the sheer cut out gives it that little spice + sass while still keeping it classy. The hubby and I very much enjoyed our black tie evening out sans kiddos…dining on fabulous food, catching up with good friends, and dancing the night away as we celebrated the beautiful union of two wonderful people.

This gal is ALWAYS excited for an excuse to play dress up, and this was no exception!








Little Black Dress: Express / Shoes: Audrey Brooke (black sold out, but the red is also beautiful) / Clutch: LuLu Townsend (similar) / Bracelet & Earrings: gifted / Lip: MAC Up the Amp 

After almost two weeks of rain and clouds, the sun is FINALLY shining!!! We are basking in it up here in NYC, and I pretty much just want to be outside all day.

My Busy Mama Boot Camp is going strong and I love seeing these fabulous mamas make a little time for themselves this week!

Make it a great one!



I Need Coffee







I Need Coffee Tee: Target / Black Denim: ZARA (old) – also like these / Booties: H&M (old ) – similar here / Lip: MAC Up the Amp

Seems this is my mantra these days between two kiddos, working from home, keeping up with my fitness, household obligations, and somewhat of a social life, but hey…I would rather be busy than bored right? I honestly wouldn’t have it any other way. Ok fine, maybe I would get just a liiiiiiittle more sleep 😉 But we’ll get there.

Hope you all are enjoying this Wednesday! Hoping to head out to enjoy the sunshine we are finally getting in NYC this week!

Make it a great day!



Green Gardens







Floral Blouse: Express (sold out, but similar here) / Denim: AG Jeans / Booties: H&M / Hat: Vintage / Sunnies: Vintage / Necklace: Amrita Singh / Lip: MAC Rebel

These photos were taken back on Easter weekend, when we had the most gorgeous Saturday at my parent’s house. It was so nice to be outside in their beautiful yard in Maryland where the grass is green and the flowers are starting to bloom. Of course my Nico couldn’t get enough of swinging in the new hammock my Dad put outside. We caught up with friends, dyed Easter eggs, and I even got a (much needed) fresh hair cut. Many thanks to Nikki for the new locks and style!

Since that weekend, it’s been a bit frigid up here in NY. Hoping that spring weather will come back around again soon.

Today is Day 3 of 21 Day Fix Extreme. Whew! It’s definitely challenging. I am feeling the burn, feeling myself getting stronger already, and dialing in that nutrition again. Wish me luck staying on track tonight on my dinner date with a friend!

Hope you all are having a great week!



Trés Chic


Back at you this Friday with the full outfit post. I had so many of you ask where I got this darling sweater below. I got it around Christmastime at Nordstrom, and it is made by Halogen. Unfortunately, it’s no longer in stock…even at Nordstrom Rack. I have searched high and low for something “similar” but have come up short. Halogen does make another cute sweater though that is on super sale at Nordstrom Rack right now and is also very soft with embroidery if you want to check that one out. Looks like there are a few left if you hurry. Sorry to disappoint. I was hoping to find something similar, but maybe Halogen will come out with another great find soon!

Also, this sweater is not super similar, but along the lines of Paris and French things, I do love this one as well from Catherine Malandrino via Neiman Marcus Last Call.

Additionally, I scored this houndstooth coat marked 50% off at H&M right before Christmas. I tried it on while babywearing and had no idea if it was truly going to fit me, but I decided to take the risk, and I’m glad I did!







Houndstooth Coat: H&M (sold out, but similar here from Calvin Klein via Bloomingdales) / Pink Peony Paris Embroidered Sweater: Halogen via Nordstrom / Leopard Print Blouse: H&M (old) / Jeans: AG Jeans / Booties: H&M / Necklace: Express / Lip: Younique Stiff Upper Lip Stain in Sleek c/0 Suzie Engler

Happy Friday!! This week has been pretty smooth which can be rare when you have two kids, you are running a business, and you are on the road a lot. Thankfully the babes have been napping regularly and have been in the best of moods. I think the trick has been to wear them out in the morning so they are ready to crash in the afternoon and then mama can get a little break haha. At least that has been working this week. I’m sure next week will change 😉

Have a date night planned with the hubs tonight and a busy, but exciting weekend ahead! TGIF!



Sporty Spice








Sweater: Express / Tank: Old Navy / Jeans: Rag & Bone / Shoes: New Balance / Hat: Baltimore Orioles / Necklace: Love Lori Michelle

It’s tough to find the time to get in an outfit shoot these days, especially with the cold weather with two little ones when your husband is the photographer. I promise I still get dressed…sometimes. Well, at least on weekends. But enough with the excuses. We made it happen last weekend. A casual outfit for a casual day…brunch at Bar Bacon (amaze!), the playground, and a walk through Central Park. The kids both slept through brunch, so it was kind of like a date. It was nice to get into Manhattan and have the kids feel the magic of the city and the tall buildings, but also to escape to our favorite city sanctuary of Central Park.

Since I am generally in workout gear during the week these days, I normally dress up a little more over the weekends. But I felt like going for that sporty look with the sneakers and baseball cap. It’s not my typical go-to style, but it felt right for the day and felt comfortable for what we had planned. I even had a fellow mom strike up a convo with me on the playground because of my Baltimore O’s hat. She was a former Marylander as well. See, not everyone in NY is a Yankees fan 😉 You can take the girl out of Maryland…

…but she will still sing the Star Bangled Banner with an “O!” (All you Maryland people know EXACTLY what I’m talking about! And everyone else is like huh?)

I digress…speaking of my hometown…we will be heading back there on Friday after the boy’s doc appointments (6 and 2.5 yr. check ups already!). Saturday we will be celebrating my baby boy Luca as he will be officially welcomed into the Church! Very excited to celebrate his special day, which he will also share with his Papa who is turning 35! Looking forward to a day of family, friends, and celebration!

Hope you are all having a fantastic week!



Color Block Bikini

Splurge v. Steal

Last summer, I was exercising and working hard, but let’s be honest…I had a big ole prego belly! 😉

While I didn’t imagine being in a bikini only 6 months post-childbirth, my company reward trip to the Caribbean is coming up in just a couple weeks! I suppose I could rock a one piece (and you know I could find a vintage style one I’d adore!), but I’m not gonna lie, I’m a little bit excited to own all this hard work I have put in each day for these past few months!

I have had my eye on some color block bikinis, but wouldn’t you know, most of them have sold out. Here are two still available that I am deciding between! I LOVE the colors on this one by PILYQ, but it’s a little cheeky if ya know what I mean, and it’s $75. The other has a little more coverage and is $27 from Missguided, but the colors aren’t quite as fun!

What do you think? Make the splurge? Or grab that steal?

Happy Friday everyone!!



2015 Fashion Round-Up


So I may be a bit behind on my 2015 round fashion round up, but HERE you go. Some of your favorites from the past year…which one do you like the best? Or which one are you like “what the heck what she thinking?” LOL!













Hope you are all enjoying the first full week of 2016 so far! I am making goals for myself and getting organized 🙂

Happy Tuesday!



Sparkly Season









Sparkly Tank: Forever 21 (old) – similar / White Blazer: Target (old) – similar / Leggings: Target – similar / Ankle Booties: H&M – similar / Hat: Habit (boutique in Brooklyn) / Lip: MAC Rebel

‘Tis the season of SPARKLE!!!! This was supposed to be my New Year’s Eve outfit, but I got excited and wore it on Christmas Eve instead. I planned on wearing my red dress, but decided I wanted to feel a little more casual…but not TOO casual. So I managed to dress up black leggings with nothing else other than a little sparkle, blazer, and a hat. And who knew my aunt would be bringing hats for each one of the gals at the party for a “funny hat” photo?! Guess I had a sixth sense or something…

Christmas was a blast as usual with lots of family craziness, keeping kids up late, some crankiness, tons of presents, cookies galore, and much much more. We had a great time…I wish it hadn’t felt like such a rush through it all. Nico really enjoyed himself and it was amazing just seeing all the excitement in his eyes. Oh how I love the magic of Christmas! Luca slept through most of the excitement of his 1st Christmas, but he was mostly his smiley self when awake (except when we kept him up past bedtime LOL.)

This week I am hoping to relax a little more, see some more family and friends, get back into a workout routine, ramp up some work time…and maybe even get a little date night or something. It’s hard with two kids, but we’re trying!

Hope you are all enjoying this wonderful holiday season!



Mad for Plaid


Buffalo Plaid Button Down Pop-Over: Target (on sale!) / Black Leggings: Target / Booties: H&M (old) – similar  / Lip: MAC Up the Amp

I can never get enough plaid during the fall and winter months, and this flannel pop over from Target is super comfy. Button downs are also a staple uniform clothing item these days as I am nursing my little one and need easy access hehe. What are your go-to fall wardrobe items?

Spending a short week here in NY and then heading back to MD again on Friday for the wedding of a childhood friend and his beautiful fiancé. Busy busy as usual! Very much looking forward to this event as they are essentially family of mine 🙂

Hope you are all having a great week so far!

