Baby Notes #3 Reveal


Oh my gosh, you guys. The reveal day is finally here!!! I have been waiting to share (and find out myself) for so long! Lemme tell you, holding onto that envelope for 2 weeks while Zack was out of town was not easy! Haha. But our props finally arrived, Zack came home, and Saturday was go time. We headed to Prospect Park with Tyler Lyons on Saturday evening around sunset to capture our reveal and our reactions along with the news. It was a beautiful evening, and we are so happy for our little Baby Notes on the way!




Your guesses on Facebook and Instagram massively skewed toward girl. I honestly went back and forth each trimester thinking something different. Of course, I found this soccer ball reveal prop on Etsy, and I just HAD to use it being a soccer player and now that my boys love the sport as well. My neighbor was the first one to find out since she purchased the soccer ball for me to use for this shoot. Okay…keep scrolling to find out if you guessed it right!!!







It’s a BOY!!!! Another Brother! #boysonlyclub

Oh my gosh. You should have seen poor little Nico’s face. He was CERTAIN it was going to be pink, and he was in SUCH a state of shock. I felt a little bad that we hyped up this reveal a little too much, because apparently he really got into it! He was hoping for a sister…That said, one day later, and he was back to being super excited again about his little baby on the way!





So I had an extra ball ordered, because I wasn’t sure how easy they were going to be to break open, and I was a little nervous myself or one of the kids would break it before we actually got to take our photos! LOL. I will say that this thing was STURDY as a rock. I had to kick is really hard (and my foot actually hurt haha), so I don’t think buying two was necessary. But that said, we had an extra one, so we let Nico throw it down to take a few more photos once we knew we were having a little BOY! It took him about 4 throws before he could get it to break, but he finally got it!





The official sonogram pic that the sono tech had put in an envelope for me. Yup. No doubt about that anatomy haha.


Can’t believe I’m gonna be a #boymom for life!!! Wow! Another little monkey will be joining this crazy crew in August!



Thank you Tyler Lyons for capturing this special family moment for us! It was so much fun!

Tyler also snagged a video for us from his phone, and I edited a little something together as well if you want to watch the action.

Thank you all for your patience! I know I was driving some of you crazy making you all wait this long to find out haha. One person even said they thought we were having twins because of all the hype hahaha. NO. I guess I have always just loved a big production. 😉

To see the reveals we did in the past for Nico and Luca you can check them out here (Nico’s) and here (Luca’s).

Thanks for all the love and I feel so incredibly blessed right now! ❤ ❤ ❤

Wishing you all a wonderful week!



Strawberry Sunshine










On me – Dress: ModCloth / Shoes (1): ALDO / Shoes (2): Carrini via Hautelook / Sunnies: Amazon / Bracelet: Baublebar / Watch: Michael Kors / Lip: Lancome Red Haute

On Nico – Shirt: Carter’s / Shorts: Quad Seven

I scored this dress on sale from ModCloth at the beginning of August, and I love that it can work both for summer and fall.  I dig the retro/vintage feel of the dress in terms of the silhouette as well as the strawberry floral print.  It instantly puts me in a good mood!  I wore this a couple weeks ago for a family day in the neighborhood, and then changed my shoes for a long walk to the Prospect Park carousel and zoo.  As you can tell, Nico was a big fan of the carousel!

I am feeling SO MUCH better this week.  Thank you for all your thoughts and well wishes from my last post.  It definitely helped!  Looking forward to a busy week of catch up, and I’m planning to get outside as much as humanly possible!



Autumn Days


Autumn is here, which means beautiful foliage to view in Prospect Park.  We took a walk over the weekend and enjoyed both the beautiful colors and the warm sunshine.  We sauntered over to Drummer’s Cove, which is always a fun place to view people from all walks of life coming together to create music.  What are some of your favorite things to do in autumn?









Speaking of autumn…today almost feels like winter!  Luckily, the sun is out, but it looks like it’s time to not only start layering but also bundling!

Happy Thursday friends.



Saturday Stroll


The weather has been so gorgeous, and last weekend was perfect for a Saturday stroll with the whole family.  We headed over to Caton Park (near Prospect Park) to check out the kids playing soccer (boy, do I miss soccer!), and then headed out for a second family dinner at a local Thai restaurant.  Yes, I had dessert before dinner…oops!  But the coconut ice being sold at the fields was too yummy to turn down.  Nico is loving his stroller (thanks Mimi/Nano and Aunt Angie/Uncle Adam!)  We are pretty lucky to have received this gift as it’s basically the Mercedes Benz version of a stroller.  It even has shocks!  I have to say, it’s perfect for our bumpy neighborhood sidewalks, and it’s definitely getting a ton of use right now.

I’m feeling good and had a great post partum doc appointment this past week.  Nico also had his 1 month appointment.  He seriously disliked getting his shot (Mommy and Baby were both in tears.) However, he is hitting his milestones so far and is looking to be a healthy baby at this point, so I could not be happier!





Photos by: Zack Notes / Edited by: Myself

Top: GAP / Tank: J. Crew / Jeans: Motherhood / Sunglasses: Waveborn / Shoes: MIA – on sale! / Earrings: ALDO / Necklace: Family Heirloom / Watch: Michael Kors / Bracelets: Gorjana, Stella and Sparkle, and Baublebar / Lip: Lancome Red Haute

Stroller: Uppababy Vista / Car Seat: Chicco Keyfit 30 / Chicco Car Seat Adapter for Uppababy: Amazon / Baby Blanket: Carter’s

Looking forward to the weekend and having Daddy home with us.  I’m picking up a dress for one of my best friend’s wedding’s next weekend.  I was super worried about how it was going to look having just had a baby, but luckily the material is forgiving and the color is black!  Also, breastfeeding and walking around the neighborhood have proven to be advantageous to starting me off on getting my old figure back.  I have to keep reminding myself that it took me 9 months to get the way I was, so getting back to normal is not going to happen overnight!

Also on our possible weekend agenda is taking Nico out for his first visit to the pumpkin patch!  Hoping photos will follow.

Happy Friday and a Happy Weekend to all!



End of Summer

Ok, so I know I promised I would move on to the fall season, but I wanted to share some of the last moments of summer that we spent in the Big Apple.  These photos are from a visit from one of my best friends and her husband (who also happens to be a great friend as well!)  They drove up from Maryland, my original home state.  We explored our neighborhood (Ditmas Park) in Brooklyn, Prospect Park and the beaches of Queens.  It was such a fun weekend, that I couldn’t pass up on sharing these photos.  Hope you enjoy!

Yes, these are WILD parrots in Brooklyn! Insane!

My new favorite local beach–Ft. Tilden in Queens

Hubby catching some waves

Lovebirds Erin and Rai having fun in the sun

Apparently, this is how you sell ice cream in Rockaway

Surf Competition in Rockaway

Trophies for the winners!



One of the many dream houses in my neighborhood

Playing in Prospect Park

What were some of your favorite adventures this summer?  Any fun plans for the fall?



Thank You!

I just wanted to give a big thank you to all my family, friends, and supporters for your donations to Q’s Quest for the Johns Hopkins Departments of Neurology & Neurosurgery.  I surpassed my goal and raised over $5,200 dollars for the cause.  I couldn’t be happier, and you all have made a huge difference toward finding a cure for brain cancer.  I’m sure my friend John is smiling down from heaven right now.

I also want to thank my friends who ran the Rock ‘N Roll New York 10K with me in Prospect Park, Brooklyn.  Due to an injury, I was nervous that I may not be able to run the race, and thought I would have to walk it.  I hadn’t run in a month, and on race day, I decided to go for it.  I made it through 6.2 miles without being able to train properly, and I did it with 9 minute miles (I was originally hoping for 8:30s when I was able to train), so I am extremely happy with how everything went.  I have no idea how I was able to do it, but I appreciate my friends that ran with me, and I know I must have had an angel carrying me through.  🙂

Up for this week: trying to nurse my sore legs back into shape!  Hope you all have a great week!

