Introducing Guilty Jean


They’re a little bit girly…a little bit rugged…a little bit dark…a little bit spiritual…and a little bit rock and roll.  They are…Guilty Jean!  The phenomenal jewelry collaboration by artists Nicole Rivera and Maria Vaspasiano is a personal favorite of mine.  Connecticut born and New York City based, these two ladies handcraft each piece of jewelry in their collection.  They are extremely talented individuals with a passion for fashion and a love of all things edgy.  I was so excited when Nicole and Maria surprised me with these fabulous pieces from their “Sinner & Saint Collection,”  and I could not wait to style them.  This line has an element of gothic punk mixed with spirituality.  It’s flirty, yet edgy at the same time.  I love the mix of skulls with religious symbols and bows.  If you know designers Nicole and Maria in person, you know this line totally fits their personality.  Take a look at some of my favorites from the collection below.  I know you will love it just as much as I do!



Guilty Jean provides detailed write-ups in their packaging about the materials they use to handcraft your jewels.



Stay tuned this week and next for some upcoming posts on how I decided to style this amazing jewelry line.  In the meantime, stop by Guilty Jean’s website to browse some of their other pieces.  Both the “Sinner & Saint” and “Rockstar Buddha” lines are currently 20% off all designs.  And you’ll definitely want to check out their new 2013 Spring/Summer collection called “Love, Gypsy.”

Gentlemen, don’t feel left out!  They also have a men’s line which is equally amazing.

Enjoy, and hope you all have a wonderful Tuesday!



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Thank You!

I just wanted to give a big thank you to all my family, friends, and supporters for your donations to Q’s Quest for the Johns Hopkins Departments of Neurology & Neurosurgery.  I surpassed my goal and raised over $5,200 dollars for the cause.  I couldn’t be happier, and you all have made a huge difference toward finding a cure for brain cancer.  I’m sure my friend John is smiling down from heaven right now.

I also want to thank my friends who ran the Rock ‘N Roll New York 10K with me in Prospect Park, Brooklyn.  Due to an injury, I was nervous that I may not be able to run the race, and thought I would have to walk it.  I hadn’t run in a month, and on race day, I decided to go for it.  I made it through 6.2 miles without being able to train properly, and I did it with 9 minute miles (I was originally hoping for 8:30s when I was able to train), so I am extremely happy with how everything went.  I have no idea how I was able to do it, but I appreciate my friends that ran with me, and I know I must have had an angel carrying me through.  🙂

Up for this week: trying to nurse my sore legs back into shape!  Hope you all have a great week!

