Ride the Wave {Waveborn Part II}


Remember my friends from Waveborn?  Well, they were also kind enough to send over a fresh pair of Baysides for my husband to rock this summer, so I forcefully…err kindly…asked him to show them off in this blog post since he was wearing them all over Arizona.  I love the look of these shades, and I have to say, my man is lookin’ pretty studly in them…or maybe I’m just biased 😉  Remember, every pair of shades you purchase from Waveborn also helps give someone the gift of sight!  Check out their campaign here.








Sunglasses: c/o Waveborn / Button Down: Thrifted – similar herehere, and here / Jeans: ZARA – similar / Flops: Reef

Happy Hump Day everyone!  Yesterday ended up being a beautiful sunny day, and we enjoyed a lovely dinner outdoors at Spina in the East Village with two of my favorite Aussies.  The $5 mussels and meatballs were to die for as well as their homemade fresh pasta dishes.  Nom Nom Nom!  Tonight is going to be a low key one.  I’m hoping the sunshine will come out to play again despite the weather reports.

Have a good one ya’ll!





Waveborn is a sunglasses company combining affordable fashion with social good.  For each pair of Italian designed and handcrafted shades you purchase, Waveborn provides a new pair of prescription eyeglasses or funds a portion of a vision-restoring cataract surgery for a person in need through their partners Unite for Sight and SEE International.

Director of Business Development at Waveborn, Mike Malloy, is a personal friend of mine from high school.  He is a great guy, and he introduced me to his brand and the mission behind their company.  I was immediately drawn to the idea, because what is better than fashion?  Fashion that can help people and make a difference in the world.  Sign me up!

Today Waveborn is launching their crowdfunding campaign to increase their styles, colors, and your ability to give for 2013.  I have donated myself, and I am looking forward to sporting some Waveborn shades on my upcoming outfit posts this spring and summer.

Check them out, rock some shades, and give some sight this spring!


