Weekend With Minnie







Minnie Sweatshirt: Shop Navette (consignment shop) / Blouse: Old Navy / Denim: Rag & Bone / Booties: Target / Sunglasses: Vintage Kenneth Cole/ Bag: Thrifted / Watch: Michael Kors / Leather Wrap Bracelet: Tory Burch – similar / Lip: MAC Rebel

I’ve been on a Minnie Mouse kick recently, and when I saw this on the Shop Navette Instagram page, I knew I had to have it.  I longingly commented on their post that I wished they could ship to me in Brooklyn (they are located in Annapolis, MD), and low and behold, they could!  I jumped for joy, and have been rocking this sweatshirt ever since.  I love how it looks a little more put together when layered with a blouse for fall.

We had friends in town this weekend, and we took them upstate to hike Bear Mountain.  Little did we know, they were also having an Oktoberfest extravaganza.  We walked right into a party, and at the end of our hike, I decided it was only fair that I partake in the festivities after working so hard on the hike 😉  We also went on a walk around the neighborhood to grab breakfast at Cafe Madeline, and had to take some photos with the fall foliage.

Back to Disney…I’m on such a Disney kick that Nico is even going to be Mickey Mouse this year for Halloween.  I’m so excited that he will be more aware of the holiday this year.  I have already tested out his fear factor to prep him for the big night by trying on silly and scary masks at the stores, and so far he seems completely interested and not at all scared.  That’s my boy.  Can’t wait to see him in his little costume.  What is everyone (and their littles) going to be for Halloween?  Would love to hear in the comments below!

Wishing you all a fantastic week!



Ride the Wave {Waveborn Part II}


Remember my friends from Waveborn?  Well, they were also kind enough to send over a fresh pair of Baysides for my husband to rock this summer, so I forcefully…err kindly…asked him to show them off in this blog post since he was wearing them all over Arizona.  I love the look of these shades, and I have to say, my man is lookin’ pretty studly in them…or maybe I’m just biased 😉  Remember, every pair of shades you purchase from Waveborn also helps give someone the gift of sight!  Check out their campaign here.








Sunglasses: c/o Waveborn / Button Down: Thrifted – similar herehere, and here / Jeans: ZARA – similar / Flops: Reef

Happy Hump Day everyone!  Yesterday ended up being a beautiful sunny day, and we enjoyed a lovely dinner outdoors at Spina in the East Village with two of my favorite Aussies.  The $5 mussels and meatballs were to die for as well as their homemade fresh pasta dishes.  Nom Nom Nom!  Tonight is going to be a low key one.  I’m hoping the sunshine will come out to play again despite the weather reports.

Have a good one ya’ll!

