Rainbow Sprinkle Shower


When my sister first brought up the idea of a rainbow sprinkle shower, my first thought was that I had been planning one…but not until she was going to have her 2nd child hahaha. I thought it would be a cute 2nd child “sprinkle” theme. But after thinking more about it, I thought, “You know what? It’s not every day you get a rainbow sprinkle party thrown in your honor, she hasn’t even had one child yet (lol), and rainbow sprinkles are her JAM…so WHY WAIT??!?!”

This girl is seriously obsessed with everything rainbow sprinkles from ice cream to donuts, so it couldn’t have been a more perfect theme. Her mother-in-law and sister-in-law hosted the event at their home and I am SO grateful for all the time, effort, and ideas they put into it and for running with me on this theme! My sis is a lucky gal marrying into such an awesome family!

From the mimosa bar, to the sprinkle cake, the donut tower, blushing bride punch, sprinkle centerpieces, omelette station, confetti balloons, and more…it was a perfect day for a perfect bride, and the weather was phenomenal. And seriously…could she be ANY more gorgeous? I think not.

The photos speak for themselves. ❤













It now feels full circle to post these, because in the past few weeks little sis has tied the knot and also had a kick-ass party to celebrate at my parents house. Feels awesome to finally have her new hubby as my official brother after 13 years.

This week I have lots going on with a Coach Sneak Peek event tonight on the world of health + fitness coaching and I’m looking for some amazing new #bossbabes to join my team. Could it be you? 😉 I’m also prepping for CLEAN WEEK, which is a week to try out one of my challenge group programs – clean food, 4 workouts, super food shake, and my support group. Feel free to email me for details on how to get involved.

Lastly, we are prepping for a CAMPING trip this weekend with some of our good friends. This is the FIRST time we will have ever camped with our boys, so if you have any tips on camping with kiddos or just camping in general since I’m no expert, then please pass them along!!!

Make it a great day everyone!



Summer Lovin’







Excited to share photos from the beautiful wedding of E + M! Such a gorgeous day up in Ithaca, NY. It was our first trip away from the kiddos (thanks to my mom!) and it was such a wonderful weekend! E + M really made everyone feel SO welcome the entire weekend starting out with a Southern style lakeside BBQ on Friday night, the beautiful outdoor/indoor wedding on Saturday, and ending with a hotel brunch on Sunday.

Rather than tapping silverware on wine glasses to achieve a newlywed smooch, they requested tables jump up and sing songs with the word “love” in it to get the kiss! This could not have been more perfect for our group of friends attending the wedding (sidenote – we kind of love karaoke), and I think maybe we got a little too into it haha. You could truly see the personalities and the sense of humor of the newlyweds shine through in each detail of the wedding and more importantly you could see how much love they have for each other.

Congratulations E + M! Love you and hope you are enjoying the married life!


I just got back to New York from my recent Beachbody Coach Summit trip to Nashville! WOW!!! It was an amazing experience and only reaffirms why I am so happy to be involved with such an incredible company and group of people who changes lives each and every day. Can’t wait to share more on the blog from my trip!

That being said, it was so nice to snuggle all my boys after being gone for 5 days!

Hope you are all having a great week!

