Rising Girlboss

Searching for my next (1)

***In search of my next RISING GIRLBOSS!!!***
Are you a dreamer of dreams? Do you have a vision for your life that you want to create for yourself? For your family? Are you currently living out your passion?
If you were to ask me 2 years ago if I thought being a health + fitness coach was my “passion,” I probably wouldn’t have been sure. I have always been an athlete, and I thought I may “good” at coaching, but I didn’t know how much it could actually change my life. I didn’t realize that by helping OTHERS grow, change and reach their goals, that I would also grow, change, and reach my goals in the process. At this point 2 years later, not only has this opportunity opened my eyes to the possibilities for the future, but it’s given me the confidence, the strength, the courage, and the fearlessness to pursue everything and anything I put my mind to. And to help women do the same.
I am putting together a mentorship group to help 5-10 women like me to become the next rising #girlboss!!!!
If you are:
-goal oriented
-love helping others
-want to grow yourself personally
-tired of being stuck in the same place
-want to have more positivity in your life
-needing more balance between work and family
Then let’s chat! You just might be a perfect fit for this mentorship!
Fill out the application here https://pandpfitness.wufoo.com/forms/team-spark/ or email me at gina.notes26@gmail.com and let’s chat!
Make it a great day everyone!!

Do You Believe in Yourself?


***Do you believe in yourself?*** (APPLICATION BELOW)
I have always been a confident person on the outside, and I was raised to always believe that I was capable of achieving anything I set my mind to. My parents always believed in me and instilled that confidence in myself. And somewhere inside I did believe that.
Regardless, as I moved through life and chased dreams…sometimes along the way you start to doubt yourself. Well, can I REALLY become an actress, or REALLY be a news reporter? (Yes, I wanted to do those things). Can I REALLY build my dream house? Can I REALLY feel completely fulfilled? Am I REALLY worth it?
There have been times where I have been stuck in old habits because they were comfortable…because I was afraid of the unknown…because I feared change. Because I had to try something new and get out of my comfort zone.
When my company folded, I was very sad, because I enjoyed what I did and I had the best co-workers. I had an amazing situation of supportive people who made me laugh on a daily basis. But it was also a chance to start fresh. A chance to figure out who I was now that I was a mom. A chance to discover my true potential. I was already uncomfortable and jobless, so I had nothing to lose at this point right? Sometimes life forces you to reexamine things and which direction you want to go.
Having kids definitely changed a lot of my priorities in life and the 9-6 grind with an hour and 15 min subway commute each way just wasn’t working for me anymore. I wanted to be around more for my boys.
When I discovered coaching, I had no idea if it would be something that I would love or hate. I just knew I wanted to get back in shape again, I enjoyed helping people, I could work from home, and I could be my own boss.
And while I have been able to help change so many lives throughout this process, what I have gained is even more incredible. Through this experience, I have been challenged to look deep within myself and find out my true passion, to discover what I REALLY truly want in life, WHY I want it, and a plan of action to actually GO FOR IT.
Through personal development, I have been able to grow and change into a person who really believes that she can achieve more in life. And I have gained a network of like-minded #bosses who push me to be the best person I can be. They say you are ultimately a portrait of the people who are around you, and I could not have found a better group of positive, inspirational people to surround myself with.
This WEDNESDAY night at 8:30pm, I will be hosting an online event to showcase what coaching is all about, why we love it so much, and how you can fit it into your already busy life. If you want to believe in yourself and go after your true potential or you are just curious to learn more, I hope you will join me!
Please fill out the application below, and I will be in touch!
Hope you are staying dry on this rainy Tuesday!

What Does YOUR Office Look Like?

What Does YOUR Office Look Like

When my company folded last September, I started a bit of soul searching to figure out what my next move would be in my career. Should I find a new position in advertising and production? Should I branch out and try something new in the fashion world? It was scary, but I realized it could be a blessing in disguise that I would be able to start a new path for myself and my family. I now had a child, and a few months later found myself pregnant with another. I decided that late hours and a long commute on the subway were no longer realistic for my lifestyle. I wanted something that wouldn’t keep me away from my children each and every day. I wanted something that I could do on my own, while making my own hours. I wanted to take care of my kids, but I also wanted to contribute financially to my family.

I stumbled upon the Beachbody Coaching Opportunity through a fellow fashion blogger that I followed, and entered a world that I never believed possible. It all started because I wanted to get back to feeling my healthy, active self again, but I realized it could be so much more.

I now have a career that:
-I am able to create my own schedule and hours
-Gives me the opportunity to do something I am passionate about
-Encourages me to live a healthy lifestyle
-Enables me to help others reach their goals on a daily basis
-Give me the chance to spend time more with my kids and husband
-Allows me to be creative
-Has introduced me to an amazing team of people to work alongside
-Allows me the FREEDOM to work from anywhere (as you can see from my “office” photos from the past 8 months)

Have you wondered what it might be like to be a fitness coach? I would love to invite you to join me and Team SPARK / Team PIVOT as we open the curtain and share a bit about what it is like to be on our team. Our 3 Day Sneak Peek Open House will begin on MONDAY AUGUST 24TH.

I promise it will be worth your while, and who knows, it could be the decision that changes your life and gives you the freedom you have always wanted.

If you a hard working, go-getter who is interested in learning more, please comment below and fill out this application to save your spot in the group!


Hope you all have a great weekend!

