NYC-versary: A Decade

NYC 2007 2

Wow. A decade. 10 years. July 3, 2007 we embarked on a crazy new journey of life. I left everything and everyone I knew and loved (except one) back in Maryland and moved to New York City. The Big Apple. Without a job. To chase my dreams. To discover myself. To pursue a career. To build a relationship. To be more independent.

We honestly thought it would last a couple years. We would experience something new and different. Get a great job to put on the resume. Live it up in one of the biggest cities in the world. Eat all the food. Have all the incredible experiences.

There were lots of trips on the Bolt Bus back to Maryland in those early days. We are both such family/friend oriented people and we never wanted to miss ANYTHING. So we were on that bus sometimes twice a month for different events and celebrations.

Two years passed and we realized we had not even scratched the surface of this city. There was no way we were leaving anytime soon. No matter that we lived in a 350 square foot one bedroom apartment with no laundry or dishwasher in a 4th floor walk up. We didn’t care. This was where we were supposed to be.

Part of the excitement of this city was the endless possibilities…so much to do…so much to see…so much opportunity…new restaurants going up daily, the theatre, the nights of dancing, the history, the people, the culture. We learned so much and we were never bored. There was always another adventure around the corner. So five years passed…then 7…now…today is 10.

NYC Engagement

Engagement photos by Misa Me Photography 2010

Throughout this past decade, we have had lots of visitors to give us great excuses to explore our city. We have made many friends (reconnected with some old and made some new). I spent 7 years working in the advertising/animation industry learning SO much about production and creativity and how things work behind the scenes. I was able to travel and work with two amazing people that will forever remain in my life as we shared so much together. I feel very grateful to have had this experience and it was WAY more than just “something to add to my resume” that’s for darn sure.

I played on many soccer teams, had girl’s nights on the Upper East Side, tried my hand at club promoting (which although it was fun turned out not to be my thing ;-)), I lived through the majority of my 20’s here, did rooftop yoga, coached high school girl’s soccer, made a whole crew of neighborhood mom friends in Ditmas Park, Brooklyn that I swear I would have lost my sanity without during those early months of maternity leave when I didn’t have a clue as to what I was doing.

My other half explored SO many different career options and ultimately paved such an incredible path for himself. I am truly inspired by his passion, work ethic and confidence every day. He also threw one of the BEST parties/events I have ever been to in the city (shout out to the Electric Moon Dance! ;-))

We celebrated an engagement, planned a wedding, got married, moved to Brooklyn, got a car (see ya later Bolt Bus!), started this blog, had two beautiful babies, I discovered a new career in online health + fitness where I am truly finding my purpose…all while living in this amazing city. We realized how much time we could actually spend at the beach in the summertime without driving too far. We’re actually sending our oldest child to SCHOOl in the NYC school system this fall, so it feels even crazier to know that we are now really raising kids here.

It’s crazy how many twists and turns, highs and lows, experiences and life changing monumental moments we have had since living in this incredible city. I literally still cannot believe that it’s been a full decade since we made this crazy-turned-amazing decision to move our lives here.

I am grateful for the most supportive, kind, hard working, adventurous, loving partner that has been here with me through it all. Zack, baby, I can believe it, but CHEERS to 10 years in New York City!

Looking forward to continuing our countless adventures and creating many more memories with you and our family. ❤


Photo by Senshi Photography 2017

This holiday weekend will always have a special meaning for me on top of it being the Birthday of America. It’s basically the birth of our New York life together.

Wishing you all a wonderful holiday weekend! Keep safe. Sending love and happy times to you and your families today. We are off to Hershey Park for the day to chase some thrills and meet up with my brother in law, sister in law, nephew and niece! No matter how long we stay in NY, we will always make time for the fam. ❤




Rising Girlboss

Searching for my next (1)

***In search of my next RISING GIRLBOSS!!!***
Are you a dreamer of dreams? Do you have a vision for your life that you want to create for yourself? For your family? Are you currently living out your passion?
If you were to ask me 2 years ago if I thought being a health + fitness coach was my “passion,” I probably wouldn’t have been sure. I have always been an athlete, and I thought I may “good” at coaching, but I didn’t know how much it could actually change my life. I didn’t realize that by helping OTHERS grow, change and reach their goals, that I would also grow, change, and reach my goals in the process. At this point 2 years later, not only has this opportunity opened my eyes to the possibilities for the future, but it’s given me the confidence, the strength, the courage, and the fearlessness to pursue everything and anything I put my mind to. And to help women do the same.
I am putting together a mentorship group to help 5-10 women like me to become the next rising #girlboss!!!!
If you are:
-goal oriented
-love helping others
-want to grow yourself personally
-tired of being stuck in the same place
-want to have more positivity in your life
-needing more balance between work and family
Then let’s chat! You just might be a perfect fit for this mentorship!
Fill out the application here or email me at and let’s chat!
Make it a great day everyone!!

This Envelope


This envelope right here. This envelope here holds my son’s monthly tuition for preschool. This envelope used to be a bit of a stress factor for me during that first week of the month. While our co-op is definitely affordable compared to many daycares and private preschool programs, it is still a nice chunk of change that I wasn’t always sure we could afford. I knew we would make it happen…because education is so important to me and my husband, and we truly value the experiences that our son had been able to have with his teacher and classmates. But I stressed all summer long about the tuition increase from last year to this year with an extra hour a day, extra day per week, cost to hire an assistant, etc. It all adds up pretty quick.

Building a business from scratch is not easy and it takes time and patience to build. It has been frustrating at times to not be an “overnight success,” but that’s just not how things work. My husband has been so supportive since I became a coach and he truly believes in me. He believes this has been a great decision for our family…even when I have doubted myself. For that I am so grateful. Quitting has never been an option, and I have continued to put in my best effort day in and day both both as a mom and as a business woman…sometimes at the same time.

So when I realized today that this week’s paycheck more than surpassed that monthly tuition we owe today, my heart just filled with happiness. To know that I was able to contribute in such a way toward my son’s education in just one week of helping others reach their goals truly shed light on a big reason WHY I do what I do.

I love helping others, and I also want to create the best life possible for my family and give my children all they deserve to be happy and successful in life. I am holding this envelope today feeling grateful for the opportunities I’ve been given and feeling hopeful for the future.

Hope you all are having an amazing week and continuing to pursue your passions and dreams!



Reach New Heights in 2017


When I originally moved to NYC, I had big dreams. I wanted to be a TV star, or a sports reporter. I moved here to pursue those dreams and enjoy life in a new city, but I don’t think I ever fully allowed myself to truly GO for it. I became comfortable. I enjoyed my job. I would have had to be extremely uncomfortable if I really wanted to go for those goals, and maybe it ended up being a lack of true passion, fear of failure, or lack of belief in myself to make it happen, but I kind of let those dreams fall to the wayside.
Since becoming a mom my dreams have changed a bit. My priorities have shifted. I no longer aspire to star on General Hospital (yes, that was a dream! LOL!), but I dream of sending my kids to the best school possible. I dream that my husband and I will be able to travel the world and we will show our kids how people live in other places. I dream of the financial freedom to enjoy a new home and not have to live paycheck to paycheck. I dream of staying healthy, fit, and strong into my old age so that I can not only keep up with my children, but one day my grandchildren.
And I dream that I will be able to help as many other people as possible achieve their own hopes and dreams too. Becoming a Beachbody Coach has allowed me to truly believe that this is possible. I have seen what I can achieve in my “home gym.” I have seen what my challengers can achieve. I have seen what my fellow coaches have accomplished in business and how my own business has grown over the last (almost 2 years). I have seen how my own personal growth has developed and my mindset has shifted to be more positive, less anxious, less stressed, more uplifting, and more believing in myself and my own capabilities. I don’t see a lid to that ladder anymore. I know that if I set out to help others, then I WILL reach those goals and my life and my family’s lives will be better because of it.
I am hosting an online Happy Hour event THIS Wednesday December 14th to share with you how I have gotten on this path towards going after my dreams, and how you can start yours.
If you’d like to join, please fill out this application below and comment below. You can also e-mail me at gina.notes26 {at}
The new year is just around the corner. Make 2017 the year you believe in yourself!

Dreams into Reality

Team Spark Happy Hour June 23

About a year and a half ago, I felt a little lost. The company I worked for had folded 6 months prior, I had an 18 month old and was newly pregnant with baby #2. My mother had always worked outside of the home, and naturally being the person I am, I always wanted to do the same. I never wanted to rely on anyone else and I wanted to “be successful” in my own right.
Before becoming a mom, I also could never have imagined how hard it would be to balance work and life. Going back to work was easier said than done. I liked my old job, but it was definitely hard to leave every morning. During those 6 months of “soul searching” I realized I didn’t want to go back to working in advertising full time and leaving my son (and future son to-be) 5 days a week for incredibly long hours.
My blog and a couple writing gigs told me that I wanted to do something from home…and on my own…but I just didn’t know what. Because the blog was certainly not paying the bills…
At the same time I was also incredibly out of shape. Aside from walking, I hadn’t done anything since I got pregnant with my first born. This was a heck of a lot different from my athletic past life, and I did not feel like myself and was quite sure I would probably never again.
It was then that I stumbled upon the coaching opportunity. A fellow blogger started her journey and I quietly followed until I saw she was looking to mentor new coaches. I thought to myself “WHY NOT ME?!” What did I have to lose? If I hate it, I will just find something else.
So I took the JUMP. A year and a half ago, I had NO idea what I was getting myself into…but I knew that I would be helping people and I would be getting healthy at the same time.
Fast forward to the present day, and my life has completely changed. I am able to stay at home and raise both of my kids AND also have a full time job that I work in part time hours. I have helped over 200+ people start their health + fitness journey and achieve incredible results, and I have trained and helped mentor 20+ coaches to build their own businesses and start their own journey toward financial freedom. I have been able to take multiple vacations so far this year and have at least 5 more trips on the books for the rest of the year. We are paying off debts from old houses owned in Baltimore, hubby’s student loans, and more. I have made so many new friends (pictured above) from across the country who are positive, uplifting, supportive and who I look forward to talking with every day.
The journey is not over, and it’s hard work, but it’s work that I LOVE, so it doesn’t actually FEEL like work. It’s something I can do on my own time, my own hours, + create and design by MY standards. I wake up each day excited to check in with my challengers and my team. I love seeing the lives transform each and every day, including my own. It makes me feel happy that I can provide for my family and be a positive example for my boys.
Are you looking for something MORE in your life? If you have ever felt the way I did…if you want more time with your kids, more travel/vacation time, a chance to do something for yourself, the opportunity to feel as if your success is limitless, to surround yourself with an amazing community of people….
Then PLEASE JOIN ME + Team SPARK! – THURSDAY night 6/23 at 8:30pm where we will share our stories and give you a behind the scenes of a day in the life of a coach. How we help others, why we love it + how you can fit coaching into your already busy schedule.
***Comment below “I want to learn more!” with your e-mail address***
Come learn how to turn your DREAMS into a REALITY – And don’t forget something to say “Cheers!” on Thursday! 🙂
Hope you all have an AMAZING Monday!!!
***Team Beachbody® does not guarantee any level of success or income from the Team Beachbody Coach Opportunity. Each Coach’s income depends on his or her own efforts, diligence, and skill.***

We All Can Dance


Who knew I would learn something from reading books with my toddler today? For all you mamas or soon-to-be mamas out there, if you don’t already own the book, “Giraffes Can’t Dance,” you need to get it immediately! It has such a beautiful message, and it’s on constant rotation in the Notes household right now.

The story is about a giraffe named Gerald who is completely awkward, clumsy, and cannot dance. He is sad and embarrassed because all the other animals in the jungle seem to have no problem dancing to all different types of music. People think he is weird, they make fun of him, and he feels very alone.

But a wise cricket speaks up and says to him “sometimes when you’re different, you just need a different song.” So he listens to the music that speaks to his soul…in this case the branches, the grass, the moon, and the trees…and all the sudden he is dancing with ease!!!

The last line of the books states ”We all can dance, when we find music that we love.”

I thought this was such a wonderful message to send to our children. That everyone is different. Something that works for one person may not work for another. But we are all at our absolutely best when we are happy and passionate about the things we are doing in life. We only get one of these here lives, so why not make the best of it, ay?

So I ask you this question now…are you dancing through life like Gerald? Are you doing the things each day that make you feel happy to be alive? Or are you just chugging through the week ticking days off the calendar?

I’m choosing happy.



Three Hobbies


I found this quote on Pinterest the other week, and it really got me thinking. Aside from love and family (because I think PEOPLE and relationships are #1 in my life ALWAYS), these three things are so vital for our day to day:

1) We need money to pay the bills, simple as that and then extra money is always great for the finer things in life (which for me is traveling the world and delicious food)

2) We need our health…not only does staying in shape help us to live longer, but it helps us stay energized and more focused throughout our day.

3) We need to feel creative and to feel a PASSION for something. To make things, build, expand…it’s in our human nature to create.

Now, I loved this quote because wouldn’t it be wonderful if we had hobbies to check off these necessities in our lives? But I thought “wait a minute…it doesn’t have to be THREE different hobbies…”*

Because since having started as a fitness coach…I have all of that in ONE!

*I make an income helping people get healthy, keeping them on track to reach their goals on a daily basis by providing motivation and support for not only the physical health of my challengers, but also their overall happiness, positivity, and confidence. On top of that, I help a team of coaches build their own businesses to reach financial freedom.

*Working out each day is part of my job. While I may not always want to roll out of bed and get my workout done each morning, I know that if and when I do, I will be so happy that I did and feel so much better for doing it.

*Each day I am building my creativity by coming up with fun posts to share with my challengers, growing my social media and challenging people to become better versions of themselves.

—BEST of all??? I can do this while staying at home with my two small children. I love my job. But I also love my job as a MOM, and with this opportunity, I didn’t have to choose. I could do BOTH 🙂

My team is opening up the curtain next Monday January 25th to show you what it’s like in the day of an online fitness coach. We will show you what it takes to build your own business (no matter how great or small), what our days are like, how we make money, and what your potential can be.

If YOU have been looking for MORE in this new year and want to find that SOMETHING that gives you PASSION and makes you want to get out of bed in the morning, then come take a look and see what it’s all about. No pressure, just a place to learn 🙂

***If you want to learn more, please fill out the short application linked below! I will respond back and we can connect as to whether or not this would be a good fit for you!***


Make it a Happy Day!

