Happy 2nd Birthday to P + P

A birthday cupcake with two lighted candles.
While I was down for the count last week, my little here blog turned TWO.  It’s been a lot of fun having this little creative space, and although I’ve had less time for blogging this year, it’s still just as enjoyable for me.  Thanks for continuing to come back here day after day to read and comment and share.  Truth is, I blog for myself, but I would be lying if I said I didn’t love all the support.  It makes taking the time out for a post even more worthwhile.  I would love to hear any feedback you have for the upcoming year of p + p.  If there are particular things you like or dislike, what you want to see more of, if there is something I haven’t touched on that you are interested in, etc.  Comment below!  Now, I have put together a recap of some of your favorite posts from the past year:

You enjoyed Nico’s Nursery photos:


As well as the DIY Nursery Letters Tutorial:


The first family dinner out after having Nico:


A very formal affair in which I was proud to be a bridesmaid, and our first big event as a family of three:


The time I regretted wearing white:


But I clearly kept on wearing it anyway…like when we traveled to San Fran:


I wore this pastel coat:


Pops of Spring with Stella & Dot:


I got these fantastic red rain boots from the hubs and wore them on our trip to New Hampshire:


Spent my first Mother’s Day in Coney Island with my new Love, Lori Michelle necklace made with Nico’s initial:


I rocked these amazing hair extensions from Irresistible Me:


My baby turned ONE:


And here is all the gear that got us through:


Lastly, saying goodbye to summer (sadly):


And there you have it folks…you’re favorite posts from the past year.  Looking forward to what the 3rd year will bring for p + p.

Speaking of birthdays…since I have been so terrible at remembering them this year (my sincere apologies to those of you, you know who you are!)…I’m taking advantage of the fact that I remembered this one today…and I want to wish a Happy 30th to my cousin and half brain, Misa.

Hope you are all enjoying the week so far!

