Take Me Home


Long Sleeved Rugby Polo: Ralph Lauren (old) / Blazer: Piperlime (old) / Denim: Rag & Bone / Boots: Target | on Luca: Overalls & Button Up Onesie from Carters

These photos were taken over Thanksgiving weekend on an unusually nice, warm day outside at my parent’s house where I grew up. There is something comforting in the fact that my parents still live in the house where I was born and raised. That familiar smell when you walk in…the same hand-sewn curtains hanging in my old bedroom window…the fact that I can still maneuver around in the pitch black dark and not run into the walls since I am just so familiar with every nook and cranny of this comforting abode. Staying up way too late past my bedtime, just because I am there and you know Dad will always be up (or asleep) in his chair before you hit the hay. Walking around those 2.5 acres of land and breathing in those fresh country smells of grass and trees…maybe even some horses down the road. It strangely smelled like spring there on this particular day. The familiar old tractor, the old shed, and that same spot to hang the hammock in the backyard. While things have certainly been updated since my childhood, I love that sense of comfort and security I feel when I am there. It’s nice that I am able to bring my children here to have a similar experience, much like I had in my grandparent’s house where my Dad grew up. Nico is always so excited when we arrive. He knows exactly what toys will be there, where his chair is, and the places he loves to roam outside already. It makes me smile to know although we live 4 hours away, he still feels that same sense of comfort that I do at his Mimi and Nano’s house. I am looking forward to when my little Luca will feel the same. If my dear parents are reading this, I hope they know they can never move away 😉



Transformation Tuesday: 21 Day Fix Post-Pregnancy


Remember this photo? This was me at 38 weeks pregnant, right before my little Luca decided to make his grand entrance! As most of you know, I was active throughout the majority of my pregnancy (aside from some 1st trimester morning sickness days and at the very end, I admit I was starting to lose some mobility!) I did feel a huge difference this time around in regard to my health and fitness compared to my last pregnancy. While I did walk a ton with my son, Nico, I definitely did not do any other strength activity as I did this time around. I managed to complete the entire PiYo program (combo of pilates/yoga), dabbled in some Turbo Jam (dance/kickboxing) and even CIZED it Up (hip hop dance) while 34+ weeks pregnant! It was a lot of fun, and I am so glad I did. I also think it helped me in regard to labor and delivery (which went super smoothly), recovery (which was quick), shedding a lot of baby weight, and being able to jump back into things quickly after.

I suppose that also has something to do with having a toddler. Toddlers do not exactly let you sit around and REST 😉

So combined with a healthy-ish diet, walking around Brooklyn, and chasing my toddler, and nursing my newborn, I was able to shed 20 lbs of baby weight after 6 weeks post-partum.

I was very eager to get active again, and I decided to start with the 21 Day Fix Program that is so well-known and loved in my industry. After seeing challenger after challenger have success with this program and continue a healthy lifestyle going forward, I thought this would be the perfect way to not only kickstart my fitness journey again, but really get my nutrition in check for the long haul. The portion control containers REALLY opened my eyes to what I was eating on a daily basis and what I SHOULD be eating. I did eat well throughout most of my pregnancy…but you know…those pregnancy cravings…

I dove into the 21 Day Fix full force planning out my meals for the week and pressing play every.single.day. I was very determined to stay on track, and I am happy with the end result. I do have to remember that it took me 9 MONTHS to look the way I did when I was carrying Luca, so of course things are not all magically going to go back to normal after 21 days. It’s all about progress, not perfection. But I am happy to say that it’s working, and I am on my way back to my healthy, fit self again.

21DF Oct 5 Before After Front

21 DF Oct Before After Side

The “Before” photos were taken 6 weeks post-partum, and the “After” shots were taken on Sunday…21 days later. 4 pounds and 6.25 inches may not seem like a lot to some, but on my short frame, it’s actually quite a lot. And trust me…it was NOT easy for me to share these. Although I live my life on social media…I am still embarrassed and shy about putting something like this out where I don’t necessarily feel comfortable in my own skin just yet. But I think it’s important to show that it is a process, and if you keep at it, you will reach your goals. It’s only been 21 days, and I know this is not a huge transformation, but I still have work to do. Hopefully I will be able to incorporate more ab exercises back in soon (as I have ab separation from my pregnancy and cannot do crunches, etc.) I am planning on doing another round of the 21 Day Fix starting up November 2nd, and I’m already planning out my programs for the new year.  Who’s with me? Comment below with your e-mail, and I would be happy to send you more info!

I thought it would be terribly difficult to get my workout in with two little ones and working from home, but all it takes is a commitment. It’s all a mindset, and if you make yourself a priority for 30 minutes each day, you will get it done.

Hope you are all having an awesome week so far!



Luca: A Birth Story


It’s been over two weeks since the arrival of our second little monkey, Luca Ronaldo Notes. He arrived on Sunday August 23rd, 2015 at 1:39 am measuring in at 5 lbs. 4 oz and 19 inches. We are over the moon and so in love with our little guy.

He arrived during the 38th week just like his older brother Nico, only this time my story is slightly different. Throughout my pregnancy, Luca was measuring small (also like his brother), and they kept a watchful eye, but because of my history of having a small healthy child, they weren’t terribly concerned and basically left me alone treating me as a “normal” patient. However at the 37th week, my belly did not grow, and out came that watchful eye once more. I was scheduled for two appointments per week up until baby’s arrival and was told if the baby did not come by my due date (August 31) then we were going to have to talk about induction once again.

Welp, we definitely didn’t make it to the due date! Saturday morning (August 22nd) I woke up and felt some liquid (down there), went to the bathroom and it wasn’t much, so went back to bed. About 5 minutes later, I started feeling some more and thought I would get up and check it out again. On the way to the bathroom, I told my husband that I thought my water could possibly be starting to break, but I wasn’t sure. As soon as I was about to sit down, there was a big “whoosh!” and yes, it was confirmed…my water was definitely broken! I wasn’t feeling any contractions yet, so I decided to take a shower and prepare to get ready for the hospital soon.

I called my mom and she made her way up to Brooklyn to watch Nico. I wasn’t sure if she would make it in time, so we had our neighbors on stand-by in case we had to leave. We called our midwives, and because I wasn’t feeling many contractions at this point, they said I could wait it out at home for a while, take a walk, etc.

I spent the rest of the morning cleaning the house (last minute nesting anyone? haha), and then went for a walk around the neighborhood to try to get the contractions going. I started to feel a few painful ones, but honestly they were not that unbearable, and they were happening too infrequently. My mom had plenty of time to get to New York (from Maryland) and we gave her the lay of the land (on another walk) to show her some of the best places her and Nico could hang out for the next few days. Again, there were some contractions, but they were infrequent and not much was happening.

Because time was passing and my water had broken, it was time to get to the hospital. We left the house at 6pm and headed to Beth Israel in the East Village. It was quite a calm drive to the hospital…not at all what I had anticipated. No traffic. Music playing. No screaming. Infrequent contractions. I suppose this could have been much worse!! We arrived and met my mother-in-law there who also had time to make the trip up from Maryland. She is also a midwife, which doesn’t hurt in the Labor and Delivery Unit!

I checked into triage to confirm my water had indeed broken (umm yes, I told them that I normally don’t have fluid coming out of me all day long). Regardless, they still had to “check.” It was confirmed. However, what was also confirmed was that I was only 1cm dilated. I was going to need some help. Help meaning I was basically going to be induced once again. Now I was really trying to avoid induction this time around, but at least it was happening when our little guy was supposedly ready to make his entrance. The fact that my water had broken made me feel a bit better about the induction process rather than starting from scratch like last time.



The induction was about as painful and uncomfortable as I remembered from two years ago, although this time things kicked into gear EXTREMELY quickly! My contractions were picking up speed and picking up intensity right away. I decided to get an epidural a little earlier this time around so I wouldn’t be in “crazy mode” like I was last time. I am extremely grateful for that decision, because as soon as I asked for one, things started to increase even MORE intensely. By the time I had signed off all the forms, the induction had done it’s job, and I was in serious active labor.

I was in a lot of pain, but the epidural process was smooth, and eventually it started kicking in and I could relax. I felt things had picked up rather quickly, and lo and behold I was right. By the time they got around to checking me, I was at 9.5 cm. WHAT!!! It was almost PUSH time!?!?

Before I knew it, they told me I could start pushing. I gave a couple good pushes, and HOLD UP! Lady next door is hemorrhaging. Holy crap! Everyone ran out of the room (which I understand she was in much more danger than myself, so I get it), but I was kinda left there like uhhhh what now? I kept feeling the urge to push, but held off for about 20 minutes or so until everyone was able to come back.

Luckily the lady next door was OK! Whew, and I could resume pushing once again. After it was all said and done, Luca Ronaldo Notes arrived 3.5 hours after I had been induced at the hospital. He was a happy, healthy, lovable little boy and we were in love!







I have to say, recovery has been much easier the 2nd time around, and all of the newborn things have been easier knowing what to expect. The challenge is doing all of the newborn things while trying to entertain a toddler at the same time! I have had a lot of help these past couple weeks, but the true test will come next Tuesday when I am left to fend for myself with the two boys! Haha.

I’m sure all will be well. There are plenty of women out there who have done it and survived right? Soon enough we will figure out our routine and our new “normal.” Until then, I am just trying to get as much sleep as I can at night, loading up on coffee during the day, stealing toddler kisses and soaking up newborn snuggles.





Hope you are all having a great week! Make it a good one!



{35} Lately

photo (40)

Lately I’ve been…

reading  Been reading a bunch of books at once these days. Tag teaming a business book and a fun book. Just finished Jab, Jab, Jab, Right Hook. It’s a great read for anyone who works in the social media industry or just has a general interest in social media. I am also reading House Rules by Jodi Picoult as something lighter and non-business related for summertime. And lastly, planning on beginning to read Start With Why by Simon Sinek this week about how great leaders inspire people to take action.

writing  Thank you cards for everyone who attended Nico’s 2nd Birthday Party and for those who have showered our 2nd baby boy with goodies as well. We are very lucky to have such great family and friends.

listening  Inspirational Podcasts. Here is a good list for entrepreneurs. Do you have a good one to add to the list?

thinking  I can’t believe it’s almost time to have this baby! And that I am going to be surrounded by BOYS!

smelling  BBQ Chicken my hubby made for dinner. So delish!

watching  The Real Housewives of Orange County and New York. Yes. Guilty. Guilty. Guilty. Hey, every girl needs a little trashy TV downtime.

wishing  For a smooth labor and delivery. And for my water to break at home or at the hospital and not in some crazy public place.

hoping  That being said…hoping that baby comes before they decide I need to be induced like my last pregnancy! Grow baby, grow!

wearing  Leggings, maternity shorts, stretchy tanks and maternity tops, maxi dresses. Anything that isn’t extremely hot to wear and that I can still walk around in. There is a reason you haven’t seen a fashion post up lately haha…there’s not much to report these days! Comfort is key to maternity survival in this heat!

loving  My new redecorated and cleaned out office space in my sunroom. Looking for more prints to hang and still need to install the knobs on the desk (which came today, yay!), and some curtains, but I am excited!

wanting  To try some recipes in the new cookbook, FIXATE, by Autumn Calabrese! They look so good!

needing  To keep walking! Exercise is getting a little tougher these days as I hit the 38 week mark of my pregnancy yesterday, but trying to keep things moving, and hopefully that will help this baby arrive soon.

feeling  Like I have to pee constantly. TMI? Sorry, just keepin’ it real over here.

craving  Chocolate. Chocolate. More Chocolate. If you know me, you know I generally crave fruitier desserts, but for some reason, I am all about that chocolate in the past couple weeks. Baby has a sweet tooth!

clicking  Through Etsy for office wall art



What have you been up to lately?



Easy Breezy









Tribal Palazzo Pants: Target (sold out, but similar here) / Tank: Old Navy / Sandals: Dolce Vita (sold out but similar here) / Sunnies: Vintage Kenneth Cole / Necklace: c/o Stella & Dot /Earrings: c/o Stella & Dot / Bracelets: Guilty Jean, Stella & Sparkle, Vintage / Watch: Michael Kors / Lip Gloss: Smashbox Savvy

Can you believe today marks 31 weeks of pregnancy! WOWZA!!! The 2nd half has been flying right by! I delivered at 38 weeks the first time around, so I am starting to get a little nervous about everything we have left to do before baby’s arrival? Now you might be thinking, what could they possibly have to do? They already have everything they need, and they are even having another boy! Well, trust me when you live in a small Brooklyn apartment, you need to figure out how you are going to go from fitting a family of three to a family of four! Haha. We spent this past weekend getting our TV mounted on the fireplace so that we can eventually get rid of our entertainment center to make room for the rocking/glider chair that we will have to move OUT of the nursery (through the window, because it won’t fit through the door mind you), so that we can then fit crib #2 into the nursery. Whew! Just thinking about it makes me exhausted already.

I found the most comfy palazzo pants at Target during the spring time, and as soon as I saw that stretchy waistband, I thought they would be perfect during my pregnancy. I could not have been more spot on! At 31 weeks, these (non-maternity) pants fit me with room to spare! And they are SO incredibly comfortable!

We are gearing up for a 4th of July trip to Seneca Lake this Thursday…but not before I check in with the baby doc on Wednesday. Fingers crossed for a good appointment and a good trip to come!

Make it a great week everyone!



Mother’s Day Style With Stella & Dot


While I love all of my jobs…fitness coach, freelance writer, blogger, and kid’s soccer coach…being a mom is my most favorite job of all. I never knew the intense love I could feel for another human being until my little Nico came into my life. As hard as it can be sometimes as a mom, and as crazy and scatterbrained as I feel sometimes, I feel so incredibly blessed each time I look at my child. Each time he utters “mama” or “I love you,” or climbs into my bed and gives me a big sloppy kiss, I am reminded how much this little person needs me. How in these moments, I can do no wrong in his eyes. The excitement and wonder and huge smiles and laughter that he emits on a daily basis make my eyes well up with happiness and pride. He truly enjoys discovering the world, learning new things, paying attention to things I teach him, being independent, and best of all, snuggling back up with mama and papa at the end of the day.

This Mother’s Day I am doubly reminded of how lucky I am now that I have a second child on the way. Nico will have a brother by the end of the summer, and my love will only continue to grow and my heart will become even more full (hard to imagine that even being possible!) It will undoubtedly be hard. I will wonder what in the heck I have gotten myself into, how I will survive the next day, when I will be able to take a shower next, if I will ever get sleep again…but I know I will have those moments where I will look at my newborn son in my arms or I will see my two children interacting with each other sweetly, and I will just smile and melt…and that hard will be all the more worth it.








Dress: Old Navy / Pineapple Tennis Shoes: Brickyard Buffalo (sold out, but similar here) / Watch: Michael Kors – on sale! / Sunglasses: Vintage / Havana Collection Necklace & Earrings (can be worn multiple ways!), Kelly Green Fillmore Tote, Inspiration Bangle, and Cady Wrap Bracelet: All on loan from Stella & Dot

I am so incredibly excited to team up with Jessica Sigler from Stella & Dot to showcase their Summer Collection. I am hosting an Online Trunk Show of the latest and greatest pieces, and it couldn’t be better timing to have Mother’s Day right around the corner. This is the first look of two shoots with some of my favorites, including the gorgeous Havana Collection and the Kelly Green Fillmore Tote.  I am also a huge fan of the personalized engravables they have to offer. Special Mother’s Day Deal on the Union Square Scarf as well ($14.99 $59 when you spend $50.) All shoppers will be entered to win free jewelry and pieces at 50% off. Happy shopping!

Hope you are having a great week so far! And for my friends and followers in Baltimore, please stay safe. My thoughts and prayers are with everyone in Charm City.



Happy 2nd Birthday to P + P

A birthday cupcake with two lighted candles.
While I was down for the count last week, my little here blog turned TWO.  It’s been a lot of fun having this little creative space, and although I’ve had less time for blogging this year, it’s still just as enjoyable for me.  Thanks for continuing to come back here day after day to read and comment and share.  Truth is, I blog for myself, but I would be lying if I said I didn’t love all the support.  It makes taking the time out for a post even more worthwhile.  I would love to hear any feedback you have for the upcoming year of p + p.  If there are particular things you like or dislike, what you want to see more of, if there is something I haven’t touched on that you are interested in, etc.  Comment below!  Now, I have put together a recap of some of your favorite posts from the past year:

You enjoyed Nico’s Nursery photos:


As well as the DIY Nursery Letters Tutorial:


The first family dinner out after having Nico:


A very formal affair in which I was proud to be a bridesmaid, and our first big event as a family of three:


The time I regretted wearing white:


But I clearly kept on wearing it anyway…like when we traveled to San Fran:


I wore this pastel coat:


Pops of Spring with Stella & Dot:


I got these fantastic red rain boots from the hubs and wore them on our trip to New Hampshire:


Spent my first Mother’s Day in Coney Island with my new Love, Lori Michelle necklace made with Nico’s initial:


I rocked these amazing hair extensions from Irresistible Me:


My baby turned ONE:


And here is all the gear that got us through:


Lastly, saying goodbye to summer (sadly):


And there you have it folks…you’re favorite posts from the past year.  Looking forward to what the 3rd year will bring for p + p.

Speaking of birthdays…since I have been so terrible at remembering them this year (my sincere apologies to those of you, you know who you are!)…I’m taking advantage of the fact that I remembered this one today…and I want to wish a Happy 30th to my cousin and half brain, Misa.

Hope you are all enjoying the week so far!



Confessions of a Stir Crazy Mama


Well, this isn’t exactly how I planned to spend my first week back as a stay-at-home mom.  Yes, you heard that right.  I am currently a stay-at-home mom again as of last Thursday…the last day of my company’s existence as we know it.  The news came as a bit of a shock in terms of the timing, although when I think about it, I’m not really surprised.  I always knew the day might come when my boss got tired of the business and would want to retire or move onto other things.  I guess I never realized I might still be around (in the company) at that point.  It’s bittersweet for me.  It’s the place that I have called my second home since moving to the Big Apple with two of the only co-workers I have ever known in this city.  I have changed so much since my beginning there as a young twenty-something, and I have learned so much about advertising, production, animation, and so many other areas I had the opportunity of dipping into during my last seven years.  I have had the chance to meet and work with some incredibly talented and amazing people, be included in fabulous events, and learn the ins and outs of an industry from a rare point of view.  I am ever grateful for the mentorship, friendship, flexibility, confidence, trust, concern, and kindness my boss has shown toward me over these last several years.  As a newcomer to NY, it can be scary to embark on a journey in such a large city, but I felt welcomed immediately and knew that I had people that I could count on in my life through my work.

It’s bittersweet, because although I am sad to leave the comfort of my job and my day-to-day relationships, this does mean I get to spend more time with my son while I figure all of this out.  I also get the chance to start fresh and maybe try something new.  I have thought about trying something new from time to time, but then I always get sucked back into the day-to-day, and I lean on the comfort of my security with where I am at.  Now, I have no excuse for not pursuing those dreams.  I don’t even necessarily know if I have figured out exactly what those dreams are…but I know have the time to soul search, dig deep into myself to figure out what I am passionate about, determine what my strengths are, and possibly marry all of that together.  I do know that I want to continue working in some way, shape, or form.  I like having a job outside of the home where I can be someone other than “Mom.”  I love being Mom, but I also love creating and thinking and producing and connecting…doing all of the other things I know I am capable of in my life and in my career.  I have enjoyed the balance in the past months since I have finished with maternity leave between home life and work life.  I think that works best for me and my family…for my sanity…for Nico to grow comfortable with others…for my husband in regard to my sanity haha.  I would like to find a way that I can continue that balance going forward.  I don’t want to rush.  I want to enjoy this extra time with my baby while I can, because I will never get it back.  And I want to make sure my future decisions are based on careful, well-thought-out, heart-and-mind-fulfilling planning.

All that being said…this is not the way I planned on spending my first week back at home.  I was super excited to take Nico out on playdates, catch up on blog posts, find some time for soul searching and career planning.  And the most I have managed is two loads of laundry in four days.  I have basically been immobile on the couch or bed, feeling like I have been hit by a ton of bricks.  I have been bound by high fevers, chills, sniffles, body aches, head throbs, and a gnarly looking sore-throat…the absolute works.  I’m not even able to care for myself, let alone a small child.  My husband had to come home from work just to take me to the doctor, because I couldn’t get there by myself with the baby (and I also didn’t want the baby in the doctor’s office with a bunch of sick people.)  It’s a miracle he hasn’t gotten sick yet, and I’m praying he doesn’t.  Turns out, I think I have strep throat, and no wonder I am so miserable.  I have not been feeling like that supermom I thought I would considering I have a full week of quality time alone with my son.  Instead, it’s me moaning on the couch while he tries to play with his toys alone, wondering why I won’t play with him.  It’s him bringing me toys and books up onto the couch, saying in his own way “come on mom, you used to be fun.”  He’s been acting out, I think in defiance to my current state of being couch ridden.  Refusing to eat his food, refusing to take his naps, and demanding milk constantly.  Yesterday was an all-time low in regard to us spending time together.  I thought I might literally go insane and found myself wishing for the day to just end so I could go to sleep and feel better, and that is just sad.

However today is a new day.  I think the meds are finally starting to kick in, and it’s the first morning I woke up feeling not 100% miserable.  I am even contemplating a walk later…if I can just get the rain to cooperate.  Nico woke me up this morning with a kiss on my cheek complete with a MMMMWAH sound, and it just melted my heart.  No matter how trying our day together was yesterday, I know that little guy has an ultimate love for me, and I have it just as much, if not more for him.  When I woke up, I knew today was going to be a better day.  And as I’m typing, Nico is taking a nap, so we are already on the right track.  Although I haven’t gotten 1/10 of the things on my “first week back list” checked off I know I just need to be patient, regain my health, keep my family happy, and everything will work itself out in the end.



Outer Banks Vacation Photos










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Processed with VSCOcam with f2 preset



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I can’t believe it.  The official start to fall is next week, so I thought I would end this week with some of my favorite photos from our last summer vacation to the Outer Banks, North Carolina.  Hope you enjoy them, and have a great time on this last weekend of the official summer season!

We are headed to Maryland to celebrate our nephew’s 1st birthday and our friend’s child’s 3rd.  Party party!  These kids are growing up too fast!  Time for me to get to packing.



Surviving the 1st Year: Gear

I am so proud of my little guy for all he has accomplished in his first year of life.  But I have to honestly pat myself and my husband on the back for surviving this first year ourselves!  Lord knows it was definitely not easy.  However, it was probably the most rewarding year of my life.  I remember back when I was registering for my baby shower and how overwhelmed I was at all the gear I didn’t understand how to use and all the options to choose from.  I decided to put together a little list of the gear we used and appreciated the most this past year…and let’s be honest, we probably couldn’t have survived without!


Medela Breast Pump:


Nico and I had a lot of trouble with nursing in the first few months.  He had issues with latching, and even when he did latch, he would only do so for a short time before ripping away and screaming.  It was incredibly frustrating and made things really difficult when we were out of the house.  I’m still not exactly sure why to this day, and thank goodness he eventually got the hang of things to where we have a wonderful nursing relationship.  But those first few months were spent hooked up to a dreaded pump.  I was given a breast pump from my insurance company (a different brand in which I will refrain from naming).  It was absolutely terrible.  I mean terrible.  While it was supposed to be a double pump, only one side would really work at a time, and I would spend about an hour each time pumping multiple times a day.  When it was time for me to go back to work, it just wasn’t going to be acceptable for me to take one hour breaks three times a day.  I mean, that’s just crazy.  With a bit of help from my mother-in-law (god bless her), I forked over the cash to purchase a Medela Pump and Style, and I am SO glad I did.  It really made the transition back to work much easier knowing I had a reliable pump to make sure my son got the nutrition he needed from me.


The Dairy Fairy Nursing & Pumping Bra:



This bra is an absolutely MUST for working, pumping moms.  There are many different size adjustments (since we are constantly getting bigger and small all day long), clips that come down for nursing and hooks that pull to the side for hands-free pumping.  The best part is that it is also a regular bra!  No more changing in and out of your regular vs. pumping bra.  This bra is incredibly comfortable and you can wear it all day long.  I wouldn’t have been able to get through work without this thing.  Amazing.


Aden & Anais Burpy Bibs:


Nico spit up a lot in the early days, and these bib/burp cloth combos were the best for clean up.  We also really enjoyed this brand for their soft swaddle blankets.


Uppababy Vista Stroller:


Now this item was definitely our splurge item (and many thanks to my parents and sister for making this splurge for us).  For a family that doesn’t use a stroller very often, maybe this wouldn’t be practical.  However, this stroller is essential for us!  Nico used the bassinet that came with this stroller for two and a half months before we moved him into his crib.  We used the adapter for the Chicco carseat which made it easy for us to transport Nico from car to stroller in the early days.  The best part about this stroller for us though is the convenience for our city lifestyle.  The basket is HUGE, and I was able to take so many trips to the grocery store, Target, etc. without having to use a car.  I didn’t drive much during the week, so I would load up this stroller and go out for the whole day with Nico on foot.  In the wintertime, we had TONS of snow in New York, and I don’t think I would have made it over the giant mounds of ice and snow without this monster of a stroller.  When Nico got bigger, we also ended up purchasing the Uppababy G-Luxe umbrella stroller (which I love as well; it’s fantastic for subway use because I can carry it up and down the stairs myself, and it’s also great for traveling.)  I still like to use the Vista when I am staying in the neighborhood.  Both strollers have a recline feature which is a must for us, because Nico will not nap in his crib, but he will nap for a long time in his stroller.  These strollers also have fantastic sunshades.


Beco Gemini Carrier:


This carrier was (and still is) absolutely essential to our life in the city!  Like I said above, it’s not always easy to lug around our big stroller, especially on the subway, and sometimes you just need to get out of the door quick.  Nico enjoys being carried, and it used to be a sure bet to a great nap.  He will still nap in it sometimes now.  I love this carrier because it has great back support.  The weight is distributed to both your shoulders and your hips, so neither one is left strained.  Nico can face forward or backward, and you can carry him on your front, side hip, or back.  I have climbed three mountains on four mile hikes with Nico on my back in this thing.  I’m telling you, it’s amazing.


Halo and DeeDee Sleep Sacks:




Due to the fear of SIDS, blankets, bumpers, stuffed animals or anything else really are not recommended for the crib until one year of age.  Sleep sacks are an awesome alternative.  We used the Halo velcro sacks when Nico was still being swaddled.  He would easily pop out of regular swaddle blankets at night, and those waving arms would wake him up every time.  The Halo sacks kept him sleeping soundly.  Once he got a bit bigger and we stopped swaddling him, we switched to the DeeDee sleep sack.  The winter one was my favorite.  It feels like a big comforter, but you wear it.  Kind of like a baby snuggie if you will.  Our apartment got frigidly cold this winter, and even with warm pjs, these sleep sacks were completely necessary.


J.J. Cole Bundle Me:


This snuggly sack lines the inside of the car seat and kept Nico warm on all of our winter walks.  Of course you must still layer, but you don’t need quite as many layers when you use this.  It’s essentially a really warm blanket that stays put and won’t fall out of the stroller.  I have heard that you really shouldn’t use these in the car though, because there shouldn’t be any extra fabric between the baby and the car seat for safety reasons.  That’s just my side note safety tip, but we used it while strolling around all the time.  We plan on getting a toddler one as well for this coming winter.


Zutano Booties:


I don’t know about your babes, but mine would always take his socks off as soon as I put them on.  These booties were phenomenal because they snapped on.  Nico wasn’t able to take them off, and there was no more searching for missing socks.  His feet were also kept super warm all winter long.


Phillips AVENT Pacifier:


Nico was never really hooked on the pacifier and still isn’t, but this bad boy definitely got him to fall asleep for naps when he was cranky.  He only liked these in particular and spit most of the other ones out.  I am ever grateful for this paci!




Last winter, Nico started to get a bit of eczema, or dry skin.  We tried all different kinds of lotions, and nothing seemed to work.  The doctor recommended we buy a tub of Ceravae, and this worked like magic!


Bright Stars Safari Gym:


Nico absolutely LOVED this play gym.  There were times when I couldn’t get him to stop crying, and as soon as I put him on the play mat, he would stop and start smiling.  He always wanted to be on that mat, and he would just kick, kick, kick away.  I’m sure any gym would be fine, but this is the one we had, and we loved it.  I know Skip Hop also makes a good one that comes with a tummy time pillow.  We borrowed the pillow from a friend, and that encouraged Nico start embracing tummy time.  So I would recommend that mat as well!


Fisher Price Snug-a-Bunny Swing:


We had the Rock and Play, the Jumperoo, borrowed bouncers, etc.  Nico loved all of them.  A lot.  But this swing was definitely the most loved and used for the longest amount of time out of anything.  This little here swing is what gave me the opportunity to shower on a daily basis.  Nico took the longest naps in this swing, and I sometimes wish they had bigger swings for bigger babies!  Haha.




This is the first toy that Nico was able to play with.  It helps with grasping, and they even make some of them with rattles.  Nico can still play with it now and he learned to throw, roll, and catch a ball with the Oball.


Panda Pals Book:

panda pals

At first I worried about Nico’s lack on interest in books, but cue the Panda Pals soft black and white contrast book, and he was hooked!  This was his first favorite book, and it opened up the doors to many more books.  He is now obsessed with them, and wants us to read and re-read to him all the time.  “Book” is one of the few words he can say out loud as well which makes me a proud mommy.  Some of our favorites are Dr. Seuss’s ABC, Hop on Pop, and Maisy’s Train.


Ella’s Kitchen Food Pouches:


Most of the time, we made Nico’s food ourselves with a food processor.  We generally gave him whatever we were eating in pureed form or in small bites.  These pouches, however, are perfect for on-the-go or for vacation when we didn’t always have the equipment or storage for homemade food.  We used a few different brands of pouches, but this is this one that Nico seems to like the best.


Music Class/Mom’s Group:

I know these two things aren’t really gear, but I have to say, my Mom’s group in the neighborhood was absolutely essential to my survival of the first year!  We had multiple playdates, mom’s nights out, shared stories, texted and called each other constantly, and eased each other’s concerns and fears about the first year of parenting.  I seriously consider them to be some of my nearest and dearest friends because we share such a bond going through this experience together at the same time.  I would definitely recommend finding a mom’s group in your area!  As for the music class, Nico is a huge music fan, and we regularly went and still attend the Munchkin Music Club Class.  It’s great to have a weekly activity to look forward to that he loves so much.  We love the class so much, we even had him come play for Nico’s 1st Birthday, and it was a hit.  I would definitely suggest trying out a variety of different classes and activities and discover what your little one is interested in.

There are definitely more things we used and loved, but these items were all at the top of our list.  Happy to answer any other questions you have about gear, and I also have advice for things that you can probably skip buying as well.  Comment below for any questions! 🙂

Hope you are all having a great week so far!



*As you might notice, most of my gear links to Amazon.  We used the Amazon Baby Registry, and absolutely loved it!  We could find almost everything we wanted on the site, and if we couldn’t, they allow you to add links to products from any site on the web.  This was incredibly convenient and kept our entire list in one place.  I would use them again in a heartbeat!  FYI, this post is not sponsored by Amazon.  I was just really happy with them, and wanted to share!