Best of Both Worlds

best of both worlds

What kind of life do you desire for yourself?

I find that as I get older and time goes on, my priorities have changed. In my twenties, I may have been fine with working late hours, meeting up with friends for an after work drink, crashing late, and doing it all over again the next day.

But now as a mom of two kids, I want to be here to tuck my kids into bed at night, read them stories, and snuggle them to sleep.

Previously, I was okay with a long subway commute. I used it as an excuse to get lots of reading done and was proud at how many books I could finish underground. Now, I do not want to spend a total of 3 hours per day commuting, because that means 15 hours a week extra that I would be spending away from my kiddos on top of a long work day.

My family has become my priority these days. I love being a mom…the good, the bad, and the ugly. The lack of sleep and toddler tantrums have nothing on those newborn snuggles and those slobbery toddler kisses.

That being said…I never saw myself as a stay at home mom. My mom worked hard outside of the home each and every day, and I figured I would follow in those footsteps. I studied hard in school and had dreams of a future and career that involved television and movies and sports and more. I wanted to be successful in my own right, and never have to rely on someone else to pay my bills. Not that those who are stay at home moms are not successful. It’s the hands down HARDEST job I have ever had to date! And I give props to every single stay at home mom out there, because having and raising kids on a daily basis IS definitely success in my book.

But the difference between then and now is that I didn’t realize then that I could be FINANCIALLY successful AND be a stay at home mom at the same time. I could own a business, work from home, AND spend my days raising my children the way I see fit. The best of both worlds in my mind.

Now, I’m not saying that it’s easy. I work HARD…both as a mom and as an entrepreneur. And some days I still feel like I am not quite measuring up in either category…because let’s face it…as mom you never feel like you are doing everything right…I am only human, and I can only do so much and yes, it’s HARD to work from home when you have a toddler…and now with a newborn, it’s even more crazy. But I am making it work, because it’s what’s best for ME and what’s best for my family. I am getting to fulfill something that I always wanted to do by having my own business and creating my own success…and I am not missing out on those opportunities to see my children grow.

The best part is that I have the FREEDOM to work when and how I want. I am able to create my own schedule and hours. I am helping others to reach their goals not only in health and fitness, but by teaching others to build their OWN business as well.

This opportunity is not exclusive to me. Have you ever thought about being a fitness coach? What about being home with your kids more? Or having the freedom to work from wherever you want? Or to stop stressing about money on the regular?

If so, I would love to invite you to join me and Team SPARK on Monday September 28th as we host a sneak peek into our business and share what is that we do on a daily basis. We are looking for 5 hard working, creative, and intelligent individuals who are looking to create more freedom for themselves or for their families. If you have any interest at all in learning more, please comment below and fill out this application to save your spot in our 3 Day Coach Open House group!

Hope you are having a great week!



Mother’s Day Style With Stella & Dot


While I love all of my jobs…fitness coach, freelance writer, blogger, and kid’s soccer coach…being a mom is my most favorite job of all. I never knew the intense love I could feel for another human being until my little Nico came into my life. As hard as it can be sometimes as a mom, and as crazy and scatterbrained as I feel sometimes, I feel so incredibly blessed each time I look at my child. Each time he utters “mama” or “I love you,” or climbs into my bed and gives me a big sloppy kiss, I am reminded how much this little person needs me. How in these moments, I can do no wrong in his eyes. The excitement and wonder and huge smiles and laughter that he emits on a daily basis make my eyes well up with happiness and pride. He truly enjoys discovering the world, learning new things, paying attention to things I teach him, being independent, and best of all, snuggling back up with mama and papa at the end of the day.

This Mother’s Day I am doubly reminded of how lucky I am now that I have a second child on the way. Nico will have a brother by the end of the summer, and my love will only continue to grow and my heart will become even more full (hard to imagine that even being possible!) It will undoubtedly be hard. I will wonder what in the heck I have gotten myself into, how I will survive the next day, when I will be able to take a shower next, if I will ever get sleep again…but I know I will have those moments where I will look at my newborn son in my arms or I will see my two children interacting with each other sweetly, and I will just smile and melt…and that hard will be all the more worth it.








Dress: Old Navy / Pineapple Tennis Shoes: Brickyard Buffalo (sold out, but similar here) / Watch: Michael Kors – on sale! / Sunglasses: Vintage / Havana Collection Necklace & Earrings (can be worn multiple ways!), Kelly Green Fillmore Tote, Inspiration Bangle, and Cady Wrap Bracelet: All on loan from Stella & Dot

I am so incredibly excited to team up with Jessica Sigler from Stella & Dot to showcase their Summer Collection. I am hosting an Online Trunk Show of the latest and greatest pieces, and it couldn’t be better timing to have Mother’s Day right around the corner. This is the first look of two shoots with some of my favorites, including the gorgeous Havana Collection and the Kelly Green Fillmore Tote.  I am also a huge fan of the personalized engravables they have to offer. Special Mother’s Day Deal on the Union Square Scarf as well ($14.99 $59 when you spend $50.) All shoppers will be entered to win free jewelry and pieces at 50% off. Happy shopping!

Hope you are having a great week so far! And for my friends and followers in Baltimore, please stay safe. My thoughts and prayers are with everyone in Charm City.



My 1st Mother’s Day

What a wonderful 1st Mother’s Day spent with my boys!  I relaxed this weekend, and we also took a day trip to Coney Island which means I didn’t spend much time writing posts.  However, I did snap a lot of photos, which I will be sharing in the next couple weeks.  My favorite gifts are ones that are made with love and pull at my heart strings.  This gift from my amazing husband had me in tears as he compiled a bunch of our videos of our son, Nico, who is now 8 months old (almost 9 now…eek!)  It’s crazy how much you forget about each little step along the way because your baby keeps growing and changing and you have to keep up.  Watching this video really hit me hard, because you cannot rewind those little moments.  He will never be that tiny again.  Seeing him with so little hair, making those squeaky little sounds he used to make, hating tummy time with a passion, when he really looked at me for the first time, trying those first bites of food, the first giggle, when he loved sleeping on my chest…you cannot get that back.  We are forever pushing forward.  Which of course, in and of itself is also extremely exciting.  I love thinking about all the other firsts Nico will accomplish…but it’s a bittersweet feeling, knowing you cannot go back to when he was tiny…and it gut punches you when you realize how fast this is all going.

Nico, it has been a pleasure and a joy to be your Mom these past 8.5 months.  I love you forever.

And a special belated Happy Mother’s Day to all the wonderful moms I know in my life.  I am lucky to have wonderful grandmother’s, aunts, a godmother,  ladies that I can call 2nd moms, and a fantastic mother-in-law.  Most importantly, I am so lucky to have my Mom.  She has shown me what it takes to be a good mom, sister, daughter, and friend.  I now understand all the hard work, time, and effort you put in to raise me.  I love you so much, and I cannot thank you enough for being my rock.  I love our nightly chats on my walk home from the subway, and you are already an amazing Mimi to our Nico.



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{21} Lately…


Lately I’ve been…

reading  The seventh and final Harry Potter book!  I know it has taken me awhile to get through them all, but they are totally magical and worth it!

writing  Tons and tons of e-mails for work including invites to our events and follow up from past events.

listening  Patsy Cline.  Nico’s new favorite lullabies.  I know my Grandpa is with us when I sing to him at bedtime.

thinking  That last week was insane.  Zack went to San Francisco on Tuesday.  I had three days of back to back meetings with a client in town, and then Nico and I flew out to meet Zack in San Fran on Friday.  That’s right…I flew across the country with a baby…solo…into a three hour time change…this section should be titled not thinking.  However, I am proud to say, we made it, and it was all worth it!

smelling  Swiss Apple tea.  Apparently it’s good for skin support.  But I just love the way tastes and how it keeps me warm on these freezing cold nights.

watching  Finally saw The DaVinci Code.  The book was definitely better, but Tom Hanks is one of my favorite actors, so I’m glad I finally saw it.

wishing  That I had invested in snow boots this winter.  Who knew we would be getting pounded with this much snow?  I would have gotten this pair.

hoping  That my husband has a Happy 33rd Birthday today!  We love you.

wearing  Coats, coats, and more coats.  Thankfully, I have invested in some outerwear the past few years.  Definitely came in handy this winter.

loving  Nico’s curiosity!  He’s fascinated with the alphabet, and always stops whatever he is doing when we start spelling something to give us his complete attention.  He’s also obsessed with his daddy’s guitar playing, and it’s a sure bet to stop him from fussing.  It’s so awesome to see him start to notice the world around him.

laughing  I’m constantly laughing with Nico every day.  The sound of his laugh makes me so happy that I laugh right along with him.

wanting  Spring to arrive.  Sooner rather than later please!

needing  To pay the bills and do laundry tonight.  Meh.

feeling  Happy.  Although the past few months have had their ups and downs, I feel happy knowing that I have such a warm and loving family to be with each day or talk to on the phone or online each night.  My family is my happy place.

craving  Warmer weather!  I can’t say it enough!

clicking  Through VRBO to check out places in New Hampshire for a weekend summer getaway with friends.  Can’t wait!


What have you been up to lately?

I’m including an extra special picture in honor of the hubby’s birthday today.  Doesn’t this just pull at the heart strings?  Thanks to you, Zack, for being the best Papa in the world!  Hope you have an amazing day.  XOXO.


Have a happy one ya’ll!



***I was inspired by Tina of Like Ordinary Life to create this post, and she was inspired by Lauren of siddathornton, who started The Sunday Currently.

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{20} Lately…


Lately I’ve been…

reading  Catching up on some magazines a bit.  Unfortunately, the trains have been super crowded since I have been back to work, leaving me to stand the entire time and making it difficult to get that reading done that I was hoping.

writing  E-mails, reel run lists, and finally getting back to writing blog posts again.

listening  Old school hip-hop has been making it’s way onto my car radio.  Backspin anyone?

thinking  About booking that flight to San Francisco for the end of February, that Zack and I had an awesome much needed date night over the weekend, and that there is a ton of snow outside!

smelling  Leftover gingerbread coffee from the holidays.

watching  Teen Mom 2 came back this week…woot woot!  I have also been keeping up with the new season of The Bachelor.  Go ahead and judge me.

wishing  That I could be in two places at once.

hoping  Our dear friend recovers from an accident he had recently.  It was super scary, and we are hoping he returns to good health soon.

wearing  My new high waisted skinny jeans from Rag & Bone.  Did I mention, I’m back to my old size again?  Can you tell I’m excited?  BTW…just because you go back to your old size after baby doesn’t mean you go back to your old body.  I may be able to fit into the jeans, but I’m definitely a bit squishier these days (hence the high waisted) haha.  Birth really takes a toll on you, but it was obviously worth it, and honestly, I’m not really stressing too much about it at this point.  Maybe once bikini season is on the horizon I will be feeling differently…I’ve also been wearing this tartan scarf to keep warm in the snow.

loving  That Nico is learning so much these days!  He’s growing and changing so quickly right before my very eyes.  Sitting up and rolling over all within a week span!

laughing  At this photo of my husband.  He is speaking at an upcoming conference in San Francisco (hence why I am thinking of booking a ticket there), and they chose this photo out of all the ones on the internet for his speaker profile.  Just look for the guy who looks like the biggest douchebag, and you will find him.  Sorry hunny, you know I love you, but this photo is ridiculous.  It had us rolling the other night!  Luckily, he is a good sport and he hasn’t asked them to take it down, because he thinks it’s kinda funny.  Gotta love his sense of humor.

wanting  Some hot chocolate with marshmallows.  Yes, I’m five years old.

needing  To prepare myself for my first 5 hour car trip alone with the baby.  God help me.

feeling  Already feeling the pull of being a working mom.  I’m leaving work too early and getting home too late.  Feels like you aren’t good enough at either job and the guilt starts setting in.  I guess that’s just par for the course.

craving  More time!  So much to do, so little time!

clicking  Through Pinterest and design blogs for inspiration on how to redecorate our sunroom.  Trying to capitalize on an unfortunate situation by using this as an opportunity to start fresh, purge, and redesign the room.


What have you been up to lately?

Have a happy one!



***I was inspired by Tina of Like Ordinary Life to create this post, and she was inspired by Lauren of siddathornton, who started The Sunday Currently.

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My Favorite Christmas Present Came Early

Although I haven’t opened my presents yet this year, my husband couldn’t wait to give me this one early, and I already know it’s my favorite.  He edited clips of our adventures during Nico’s first four months of life and strung them together to create a short video.  It had me in tears about…ohhhh…five seconds in, and I decided I would share with my readers.  For anyone who has children, wants children, or even just likes children, I think you will appreciate this video.  I can’t believe how much has changed in so little time.  Very excited to spend our first Christmas Eve together as a family of three. 🙂

Merry Christmas to all!



{19} Lately…


Lately I’ve been…

reading  A little here.  A little there.  Chapter here. Magazine article there.

writing  Finished up my Christmas cards over the weekend, and sent them out this week!

listening  Christmas music…duh.

thinking  I can’t believe the year is almost over, my maternity leave is coming to an end, and it’s almost time to go back to work.  Bittersweet.

smelling  Roasted pork in the oven.

watching  Vanderpump Rules (cringing as I write this, because it’s so trashy).

wishing  Everyone a Happy Holiday season and safe travels!

hoping  That all my holiday gifts I ordered arrive in time and ship properly to my parent’s house.

wearing  This tartan jacket, a gift from my aunt from last year’s Christmas.

loving  That Nico is now sleeping through the night.  I didn’t mind waking up once a night to feed him (he really is a great sleeper), but the two hour scream-fest before bedtime was not working.  I now feel like a human being again since we aren’t fighting to put him to sleep every single night anymore.

laughing  At this Xmas Jammies video.  An interesting take on the holiday card, and also a smart way to plug the new family business.

wanting  To get rid of this cough.  Have been sick for about a week now, and can’t seem to shake it.

needing  To pack for our holiday trip to Maryland.

feeling  SO excited for Nico’s first Christmas with my crazy, lovable family.

craving  Some new jeans.

clicking  Through photos that I need to edit.


What have you been up to lately?

Have a happy one ya’ll!



***I was inspired by Tina of Like Ordinary Life to create this post, and she was inspired by Lauren of siddathornton, who started The Sunday Currently.

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Stripes, Polka Dots, and Sparkle


I donned this get-up on a “business” lunch the other week with my boss and coworkers.  Nico was in tow, which is why the business is in quotes, and it was more of a catch up session on what’s been going on in the past few months as well as a chance for my office to meet my little guy.  I liked this stripe, polka dot, and sparkle mix so much I decided to sport it again while on our trip to Maryland over the holiday.  Pattern mixing can sometimes be tough, but I think it works well when you keep within the same color palette.  How do you all feel about pattern mixing?





Photos by: Zack Notes / Edited by: Myself

Striped Blazer: GAP – now on sale! / Polka Dot Button Up: J. Crew (old) – similar / Sparkly Loafers: Seychelles / Jeans: Motherhood / Watch: Coach (old) – similar / Lip: Lancome Groupie

The holidays are in full force!  We put up our tree last night and decorated the house.  It was so sweet to watch Nico’s eyes and smile grow wide when he saw us putting up all the lights.  He was kicking so hard with joy in his rock-and-play, I thought he might jump out and try to help!  We did get him a super cute sock monkey stocking and a brand new ornament which he helped to put on the tree.  It’s crazy to think how different this Christmas is from last year’s.  I even cried while dancing to Silent Night with my little family.  Ok, enough of the emo stuff.  Nico and I are off to his 3 month doctor’s appointment today.  Hope you all are enjoying the week and the holiday season!



Millions of Peaches




I came across these photos that I had taken back in August.  Our yard has a peach tree out front that grew more peaches than we could possibly eat!  After passing them out to the neighbors, I swore I was going to make my first peach pie on the Friday of Labor Day Weekend.  I was planning on gathering all the ingredients early in the week, and I was going to make a blog post of how amazing it all turned out.  Well, folks, that clearly never happened, because I went into labor on Labor Day Weekend.  I had more important things at hand, like meeting my baby boy.  I can’t believe that was three months ago, today.  My life has changed in more ways than I could have even imagined.  I thought I could never love any more than the day when they put Nico in my arms for the very first time, but that love has continued to grow and grow with every day that passes.  My husband and I just constantly look at each other, look at Nico, and verbalize how lucky we are to have been blessed with such an amazing boy.  They told me time would fly by, and they weren’t lying.  Happy 3 Months my little guy.  We love you.


Oh and by the way…those peaches did not go to waste.  We were lucky enough to have my mother-in-law stay with us for a few days after Nico’s birth.  One of the ways she helped out was by baking that amazing peach pie.  In my haggard new-mother state, I failed to capture this pie with my camera, but let me assure you, it was delicious!

*This post was intended for Nov. 29th, but we were on holiday celebrating Thanksgivingkah.  Hope you all had a great weekend!  I’m off to partake in Cyber Monday sales!



{18} Lately…


Lately I’ve been…

reading  Attempting to read the 6th Harry Potter Book.  It tough to get a lot of reading done without my hour long subway commutes, but trying to enjoy a chapter here and there when I can.

writing  Questions to ask potential nannies.  We are starting our interviews this Wednesday.  Excited to find someone great for our little guy, but sad this means I will be spending a lot more time away from him when I go back to work.

listening  Frank Sinatra.  Nico just loves him!

thinking  I am happy the weather looks nice for this week!  Makes taking those walks around the neighborhood so much more enjoyable!

smelling  Blueberry coffee.  It sounds kinda gross, but trust me, it’s awesome!

watching  Teen Mom.  Makes me so glad I have a stable, loving husband, a good job, a nice home, and lots of family support.  I could not imagine being a mom at their age.

wishing  That time didn’t go so fast.  My little guy is growing up too quickly already.

hoping  To go for another run this week.  This past weekend I went out for my first run since getting pregnant and having a baby.  I stayed active by walking, but hadn’t run in probably over a year!  I suddenly got to the urge to get back out there, so I went for a 2 mile run, and it felt great! (despite now being sore haha).  Hoping I can keep it up and at least get a run or two mixed in with my walking every week.

wearing  My typical mom gear of activewear.  Although, I actually did get to wear real clothes yesterday for a mini trip to Manhattan for a mani/pedi with a friend.  

loving  The crockpot that my Grandma bought for us.  We tried it out this weekend, and made two awesome dishes: White Bean Chicken Chili and Carnitas Tacos.  I love being able to prep a meal quickly in the morning, let it sit all day, and come home to an amazing meal with leftovers!  Yum!

laughing  At the @HonestToddler Twitter feed I just discovered yesterday.  Cracking me up!

wanting  My Christmas cards to arrive!  Maybe it’s the fact that I now have a little guy this Christmas season, but I am extra giddy and excited this year.

needing  Christmas lists from my peoples.  I am ready to start shopping already!  Send ’em over…you know who you are.

feeling  Happy that we were able to go to Florida and spend time with my parents and Grandma.  It was really great for them to spend that quality time with Nico, and it was nice for Zack and I to get some alone time as well.  

craving  Some snuggle time with my nephew, Nathan.  It’s been too long since I’ve seen him…is it Thanksgiving yet?

clicking  Through weeks worth of blogs that I am behind on.


What have you been up to lately?

Hope you all had a great weekend!  Enjoy your week ahead!



***I was inspired by Tina of Like Ordinary Life to create this post, and she was inspired by Lauren of siddathornton, who started The Sunday Currently.

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