{25} Lately…

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Lately I’ve been…

reading #Girlboss by Sophia Amoruso, founder and CEO of Nasty Gal.  Incredible story and extremely inspirational.  Would recommend to anyone, not just the ladies.

writing  In Nico’s baby book.  I have a few months of catching up to do with all his new milestones!  

listening  “Talk Dirty” by Jason DeRulo.  As a former sax player, I had to give a shout out to the awesome solo work in this song.

thinking  It’s been a bit of a crazy few weeks for me and my family.  We lost my beloved Granny recently, and although she was 93 years old, it was  sudden and a bit of a shock for all of us.  After losing my Uncle earlier this year, it’s been rough for everyone, especially my Mom.  I cannot imagine losing my own mother, and I know this has got to be incredibly difficult for her.  My Granny was the sweetest lady, and I miss her dearly.  I am comforted in the fact that I was able to be by her side in her last week along with the rest of our family, and that she was comfortable and knew we were all with her at the end.  I truly appreciate all of the love, prayers, cards, and support that people have given us during this time.

smelling  The great outdoors.  Spent Zack’s 1st Father’s Day Weekend hiking Bear Mountain on Saturday, and Sunday was spent smelling the sweet salt air at Rockaway Beach.  I would definitely recommend the Perkins Memorial 3.9 mile trail loop.  Amazing views and a challenging, fun hike.  I impressed myself by doing a few rock scrambles with a baby on my back as well, and we were able to introduce Nico to his first ride…the carousel!  Onto the beach…if my fellow New Yorkers make it to Rockaway this summer, you must go to 106th street for arepas at Caracas.  I insist!  P.S. Nico LOVED the beach.  That’s my boy!

watching  Watched the throwback movie Big for the first time with one of my favorite actors of all time, Tom Hanks.  Although the method of getting “bigger” was a tad cheesy, I really enjoyed the movie and would recommend it.

wishing  For the weekend to get here!  We are heading to Cape May for the first time for a family vacation with the hubby’s side.  Looking forward to snuggling that little nephew of ours, and spending time with the entire fam.  Have any of you been to Cape May before?  Would love some suggestions on what to do/where to eat/where to shop, etc.!

hoping  That Nico feels less pain when the rest of his teeth come in…yes, you heard right…Nico got his first tooth this weekend!  My boy is getting big.  

wearing  This new vintage style bathing suit I purchased from Grey Dog Boutique.  Discovered this shop from Bonnie over at Flashes of Style.  Go say hi!

loving  The the line-up of summer travel we have on the horizon.  While driving long distances can sometimes be draining, Zack and I are always up for an adventure, and this summer will be no different even with a little one in tow.  We started off the summer in New Hampshire with good friends, enjoyed upstate NY last weekend, and have Cape May to round out the month of June.  July we will be heading to Rehobeth Beach (DE), North Fork (Long Island), Deep Creek Lake (MD), and celebrating my 30th (eek!).  Ending the summer will be a trip to the Outer Banks (NC) and celebrating Nico’s 1st birthday.  Some may call us crazy, but we wouldn’t have it any other way.

laughing  I’m not a cat person, but this kitten jam had me rolling!  

wanting  This shocking coral lip color for the season.

needing  Some more time with girlfriends.  I’ve been loving the family life without a doubt, and I love my boys to death, but sometimes a girl needs some quality time with her girlfriends too!  Hoping to set up a few “girl-dates” while the weather is nice and warm. 

feeling  A second needle injection into my thumb this morning.  OUCH.  My thumb has definitely gotten a lot better since the first shot, but it’s still not completely back to normal, and as the doc said “I am too young to have this problem!”  Not to mention how impossible it is to “rest your thumb.”  I really do hope this one will curb me from having to undergo surgery, but worst case scenario, I have heard it’s a fairly simple procedure.

craving  More time to work on this blog and other personal endeavors/passion projects.  My creativity is bursting at the seams with very little time to act!  I’ve always been great with time management, but juggling work, caring for a baby, and our social/travel calendar have made things a bit more tricky.  I know it’s tough to “have it all,” but I’m determined to come up with a way to make things work without sacrificing my family time.

clicking  Nico is pulling himself up to a standing position, and I think it’s time for some functional shoes for summer.  I’ve been searching around online, but does anyone have any favorites they love for their little one?


What have you been up to lately?

Happy Hump Day!



***I was inspired by Tina of Like Ordinary Life to create this post, and she was inspired by Lauren of siddathornton, who started The Sunday Currently.

Walk on the High Line


Here’s Part II of our little girl’s weekend in NYC.  Sunday, we got bagels at the best place in the city.  And yes, you can quote me on that.  We then ventured into Manhattan to do a little shopping and take a walk on the High Line.  For those of you who have never been, this park was built on top of an old abandoned elevated train track and runs down Manhattan’s West Side.  It’s so unique, and provides wonderful views of the city.  It was a gorgeous day, and I think the girls enjoyed it!



Two of my favorite Baltimore blondes 🙂









Outfit photos by: Nichole Cohen & Lisa Dannenberg / All other photos my own / Thanks to random stranger for the photo of the three of us

Coral Trench: GAP – sold out – similar here, herehere, and here / Mint Button Down: Express / Skinny Jeans: Motherhood Maternity / Ankle Boots: Target / Scarf: Gift / Sunnies: Vintage / Watch: Michael Kors / Bracelets: ASOS and Gorjana – 2nd one sold out, but see more bracelets by Gorjana here / Lip: Lancome Groupie

Today brings a doc appointment and my 2nd to last photography class.  Hoping for a good report on the first and to learn as much as I can during the latter.

Crazy enough, we have a trip to Boston coming up on Friday for a dear friend’s wedding.  It still breaks my heart that people could purposefully cause harm to so many innocent others.  I am still praying for all of those in Boston that were affected by this horrible madness.   I am looking forward to the wedding and hoping it will bring some happiness and light to the Boston area.  In the midst of this tragedy, it’s nice to know there is still some love out there.

Happy Wednesday everyone.



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{9} Lately…


Lately I’ve been…

reading  Just finished The Power of Habit, by Charles Duhigg which I strongly recommend to everyone.  Currently reading The Weird Sisters by Eleanor Brown.  It’s decent so far.

writing  A birthday card for a special someone.

listening  I’ve got a Mumford & Sons station on Pandora at the moment.  Fun tunes from Passion Pit, Cold War Kids, MGMT and the likes.

thinking  About the fact that Tissycole and Lisa are coming to visit tomorrow!!!  Super excited!

smelling  The rain.  Is it weird that I could smell it before it even started coming down?

watching  The always fabulous Rachel Zoe Project.  Dying over the fashion weekly.  Also just started watching the Real World Portland.  Yes, I still watch the Real World.

wishing  For sunshine.  We were so spoiled at the beginning of the week with warm temperatures, and I’m wishing for them back this weekend!

hoping  That the laundry will do itself.  No?  Not possible?  Oh well, I tried.

wearing   My “Amaze” sweater from ASOS (now on sale!) with an Old Navy poly button-down underneath.  Black skinny jeans from Motherhood.  Leopard print rain boots similar to these.  Red Haute lip from Lancome.

loving  I never realized how much you can love someone you have never even met.  So excited for my baby boy to get here in September, and so in love already.

laughing  At the fact I actually tried to straighten my hair this morning.  The hair in the photo above lasted all of 2 minutes as I stepped out into the wind and rain this morning.  You know those days where your umbrella decides to flip itself out over and over again?  Did wonders for my hair today.

wanting  To finish the friendship bracelet I started making over a month ago.  My 4th grade skills just aren’t where they used to be…

needing  To paint my nails tonight.  They are in dire need of some Essie love.

feeling  Excited for the girls to get here this weekend!  Can’t wait for a weekend of shopping, photographing and girl talk.

craving  Strangely enough, I am not getting any weird pregnancy cravings.   I mean, I want ice cream…but I always want ice cream.  Nothing new.  I haven’t started liking condiments, so I think my appetite is relatively the same.

clicking  Through fashion blogs of expecting mamas.  Trying to figure out some tricks to looking chic while prego.

What have you been up to lately?

Happy Friday!



***I was inspired by Tina of Like Ordinary Life to create this post, and she was inspired by Lauren of siddathornton, who started The Sunday Currently.

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Turquoise Tights


These shots were taken last weekend before heading out to our little karaoke night.  So much fun by the way!  Mr. Biggs seriously has the BEST karaoke in the city in terms of talent.  Although your average Joe (ahem me) might be a little uncomfortable getting up there to sing after someone belts out “Diamonds” almost as good as Rihanna.  Seriously, I’m not lying.  This place has some amazing talent, and considering there is no cover charge, it’s like getting a free Broadway quality performance every time I go.  Fortunately, my girl Melissa and I don’t care if we aren’t as good as the rest.  We just say, “Even though we may not have quite the singing talent they do, we can sure put on a hell of a show!”






Photos by: Zack Notes

Dress: Mystique Boutique (old) / Tights: Target / Jacket: Wilson’s Leather – similar on sale! / Booties: Go Jane – similar here (Donald J Pliner), here (Sam Edelman) and here (Target) / Clutch: NY & Co – similar / Panda Ring: nOir Jewelry / Watch: Betsey Johnson / Bracelets: Oja Jules and gift from cousin / Lip: Lancome Fuchsia Clutch / Nails: Essie Marshmallow

It’s FRIDAY!!!  And guess what that means?  GIRLS WEEKEND IN BROOKLYN!  The hubby is heading out of town after work today to hang with his college rugby buddies in DC, and my girls from Maryland are coming up for a Brooklyn weekend!  Yayy!  This will be the first true girl’s weekend since moving into our Brooklyn apartment (which has now been over a year).  So excited to get some quality girl time with good friends.

What are you up to this weekend?



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