Transformation Story: Christie DeMarco

Happy Wednesday everyone! I am SOOOOO incredibly excited to introduce you all to a challenger and now coach on my team, Christie DeMarco! Her post partum health + fitness journey has been incredible and I’m so pumped to share. In addition to rocking her health + fitness, Christie has also been crushing her business as a new coach and helping others to achieve amazing results as well!
Without further ado, here is Christie!!!
Christie Transformation
Photos taken in April – May – June respectively
P+ P: Hi Christie!!! Please tell us about yourself (where you live, family, hobbies, interests, anything else that you would like to include about yourself)!
Christie: I recently turned 30 this past June!! My goals were to be married and be done having babies when I turned 30, and I am so done! I’m 5’5 and 125lbs (3 lb water fluctuating weight) haha. I live in the suburbs of Philadelphia, and have lived around here all my life. I am a Palliative Care Nurse in home care which I love. I see sickness and death day in and day out. I think that helps push me to appreciate being able to get up in the morning healthy and able to workout and eat healthy. We can’t prevent cancer 100% but we can prevent what we put in our bodies and be more mindful of our health. Which I am hoping will prevent me from getting cancer.
P+P: What is your fitness background?
Christie:  I was 125 lbs pre-pregnancy and not really trying to lose anymore weight other than that. My focuses are tightening and toning.
I have always loved health and fitness. I worked at McDonald’s in high school, but I never really ate the food there. Only fries and egg sandwiches. 

I had diastasis recti with my 1st baby, Josilynn, which only made it way worse with Nolan, my baby. I gained 50lbs with Josilynn and only 45 with Nolan. However, even with 45 lbs i swear it was all in my belly which was very painful on my back. I lost every bit within 2 weeks with Josilynn without working out. I didn’t realize how nice that was until after my 2nd when my abdomen was not at all how it was before my 2nd pregnancy. It’s still not and will never be again. My focus has been toning my legs and arms and if my abdomen shaped up then bonus!
P+P: Why did you decide to try Insanity Max 30?
ChristieI did only the 1st month of Insanity when I was getting married but never finished it. I am a HUGE Shaun T. fan so I started Insanity Max 30. I figured I have 30 min a day I’ll give it a go. Well 1 week turned into 2 weeks and so on.  
P+P: What about the program worked for you? What did you like about it? 
Christie: I started seeing results in about 2 weeks which makes you get hooked right away!!
P+P: What was tough or challenging for you? (particular workouts? sticking to nutrition? anything else?) 
Christie: My son got sick and was hospitalized within that 1st month so I got a little off track but got right back into it when things settled. I just really wanted to finish a program. I didn’t follow the nutrition guideline, rather I just ate clean and listened to my body with good portion control. I am 95% vegan so I have to alter my diet other than the meal plans. I am NOT GOOD at meal prepping which I am really going to try and get into…..
I hate cardio because I have asthma. I know, Insanity is a LOT of cardio!!!
P+P: 10 lbs and 5 inches is an incredible accomplishment! How did you stay motivated for those 60 days?
Christie: Shaun T. kept me motivated.  I took extra breaks or modified when I needed to, but never stopped.

Gained confidence and without even doing most of the ab exercises I have a baby 6 pack forming!! You need to seriously focus on good form with any ab exercise especially with ab separation.


P+P: How do you feel today and what are your goals moving forward? 

I am looking forward to coaching and helping other people gain confidence I have and will only continue to do!
I am now doing 21 day fix Extreme and my goal is to do Shift Shop in July with my 1st challenge group!
Christie Transformation Post Partum
Side note…this interview was done earlier this summer, and since then Christie has accomplished so much more! Not only has she crushed those workout programs, but she has helped SO many people in just her early stages of coaching! She achieved Success Starter status in our company in her 1st month as a coach and helped 5 people get started on their own health + fitness journey. She also earned a call with our company CEO, which is a HUGE deal!!!
She is running her own challenge groups now to help others and she is building her own team of coaches to teach and train as well. Christie is going places peeps, and I’m SO excited to have her as a part of Team SPARK!
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And she also is famous on our team for rockin’ the cutest workout tanks! Love it!
Hope you all are having an amazing week so far. Continue to spread love, positivity, and happiness wherever you go! With all this crazy stuff going on, be the change you wish there to be in the world.




Holy smokes, you guys…Memorial Day is RIGHT around the corner, and before you know it, we are in JUNE!!!


There is never a perfect time to get started on making a change. We are never “less busy” than usual. There will always be parties, and holidays, and soccer practice, and traveling. So the perfect time to get started often has to do with something within.


There has to be something within you that wants to make a change. A reason. A why that is propelling you forward. Without that why, you may start something new excitedly, but then quickly fall off because you weren’t serious about making your change or you didn’t fully understand why you jumped in.


So maybe you are the:


*Former athlete turned mama who wants to get back to her old self again

*The working mom who just can no longer fit in that gym commute

*The gym rat who loves working out, but it somehow just not getting the results

*The one with the sweet tooth who cannot stop late night snacking and wants to improve with healthier habits

*The gal who just wants to feel confident in her bathing suit this summer

*The woman who is daily going through her closet disliking everything she puts on.

*The mama who just seriously is craving some ME time

*The person who is tired of being sick and tired and wants that boost to energy and motivation


Because I have been ALL of these women and more at some point and time…


And I can say now that:


*I am happier + healthier than ever before

*I have found a community that supports each other and lifts each other up

*I have gained a ton more confidence in myself and my capabilities

*I feel excited to get dressed in the morning

*I feel strong in mind, body, and soul

*I have opened my mind to so many more possibilities and have learned so much


I may never be completely confident in my bathing suit…but hey we all have our insecurities, and no one is perfect.


But it’s not about being perfect. It’s about improving yourself and being the best version of yourself there is.


If you are READY to commit to making a change. If you want to reach your full potential. If you want to be happy and healthy. If you want to feel #SUMMERSTRONG…


Then I would LOVE to include you in my upcoming #SUMMERSTRONG health + fitness Challenge Group starting June 5th!


Each person in the group will be following an at-home workout program that I will help to recommend based on your goals and interests, drink a daily superfood shake packed with clean energy and nutrition, follow a nutrition plan, have my full support as your coach, and be surrounded by other positive uplifiting challengers like yourself who will motivate each other to reach our goals.


These groups have been LIFE CHANGING for me, and I know if you are ready, they will be for you too!


Please comment below with your email address or email me if you would like to learn more! Make it a great day everyone!!!



New Year – New You


Exactly one year ago, I decided I had enough of being unfit after having my first baby and made the commitment to my health and fitness by starting P90X and becoming and online fitness coach. Two days into the program, I found out I was pregnant with baby #2 which changed the course of my journey.

In this past year, I have built a business with over 120 challengers, trained a team of 9 coaches to do what I do, completed PiYo throughout my pregnancy, gave birth to a baby boy, completed 3 rounds of the 21 Day Fix program, and reached my pre-pregnancy weight while kickstarting my journey toward finally getting back to that healthy, fit self again.

Since starting this journey, my CONFIDENCE has been lifted, and I truly believe I can do anything I put my mind to whether in my personal life or in my business life.

Beginning JANUARY 4th, I am FINALLY going to take on that P90X journey that I wanted to begin one year ago. I’m actually going to do P90X3 (because 30 min per day is the perfect and realistic time frame for me to get a workout in with two babes), and work on toning in the new year.

It’s never to early for resolutions, so if YOU are looking to make a change in the NEW YEAR, then I would absolutely LOVE to have you come join me in starting your journey…either your health & fitness journey, or if you are looking for a new business opportunity.

I will be starting THREE groups on January 4th:

1) 21 Day Fix – comes with a color coded portion sized meal plan containers, 30 min workouts, 30 meals of Shakeology, and my accountability/support group

2) Mixed Program Challenge Group – I will work with you to determine a program that would be a good fit for you based on your likes and goals for health & fitness. Also comes with a meal plan, Shakeology, and my accountability/support group.

3) Coach Open House – For those looking for a new business opportunity in the new year – a way to make cash for shopping or vacations – or those who want to build a full time income on part time hours – this is the place to get a sneak peek behind the scenes look of what it’s like to be a coach.

It’s a NEW YEAR, so cheers to a NEW and IMPROVED YOU! It’s always the perfect time to make a change for the better 🙂

COMMENT below with your e-mail address if you are interested in more information or email me at gina.notes26 {at}

Happy Monday!

