Sweater Weather











Sweater: Forever 21 (last season) / Top: J. Crew Factory – multiple colors / Denim: Rag & Bone – similar / Boots: Target / Sunglasses: Vintage / Tassel Necklace: Gifted – similar / Heart Necklace: Love, Lori Michelle / Lip: Mix of Kat Von D Homegirl + Lancome All Done Up

On Nico: Top: Genuine Kids from Oshkosh / Pants: GAP Kids / Shoes: Saucony

It’s feeling like fall around here and the fall foliage is in full force. The sun has been shining and it’s been pretty nice for the start of November. Generally the holidays are one of the most fun times of the year, but they can also be really stressful with all the shopping and parties and traveling and more. All the more reason for me to take on the 3 Week Yoga Retreat this month for my Namaste November Challenge Group (which officially started yesterday)! Many of my coaches and challengers will be doing the new kickboxing program…and I WILL be joining them soon…but I thought it was important to give my body a bit of a rest after Hammering + Chiseling for the past two months. I am MORE than excited for 21 days of ZEN if I do say so myself.

My little guys are both on the move now and the playground is more fun than ever with both of them running around, sliding together, walking around holding hands, and more. They get stir crazy at home, so I need to keep getting them out of the house as much as possible before it gets frigid around here and I come running to you all in need of more ideas for indoor activities!

Enjoyed a few much needed movie nights with the hubs over the weekend (we NEVER watch movies these days), but caught up with Dope + Whiplash. Both awesome and I would recommend! Though most of you are probably all, been there done that! Haha.

Hope you are all having a great week so far! I’m off to the polls to get my vote on.



Sporty Spice








Sweater: Express / Tank: Old Navy / Jeans: Rag & Bone / Shoes: New Balance / Hat: Baltimore Orioles / Necklace: Love Lori Michelle

It’s tough to find the time to get in an outfit shoot these days, especially with the cold weather with two little ones when your husband is the photographer. I promise I still get dressed…sometimes. Well, at least on weekends. But enough with the excuses. We made it happen last weekend. A casual outfit for a casual day…brunch at Bar Bacon (amaze!), the playground, and a walk through Central Park. The kids both slept through brunch, so it was kind of like a date. It was nice to get into Manhattan and have the kids feel the magic of the city and the tall buildings, but also to escape to our favorite city sanctuary of Central Park.

Since I am generally in workout gear during the week these days, I normally dress up a little more over the weekends. But I felt like going for that sporty look with the sneakers and baseball cap. It’s not my typical go-to style, but it felt right for the day and felt comfortable for what we had planned. I even had a fellow mom strike up a convo with me on the playground because of my Baltimore O’s hat. She was a former Marylander as well. See, not everyone in NY is a Yankees fan 😉 You can take the girl out of Maryland…

…but she will still sing the Star Bangled Banner with an “O!” (All you Maryland people know EXACTLY what I’m talking about! And everyone else is like huh?)

I digress…speaking of my hometown…we will be heading back there on Friday after the boy’s doc appointments (6 and 2.5 yr. check ups already!). Saturday we will be celebrating my baby boy Luca as he will be officially welcomed into the Church! Very excited to celebrate his special day, which he will also share with his Papa who is turning 35! Looking forward to a day of family, friends, and celebration!

Hope you are all having a fantastic week!



Out in the Country


This look totally said “I’m going out to the country” this past weekend. Casual, comfortable with layers for a chilly morning and warm afternoon. Planning outfit shoots with a toddler in tow these days, is almost near impossible. He has no tolerance or patience for sitting still and wants to run, run, run!  We often resort to pulling over on the side of the road when the little one falls asleep for a nap. Whatever works! Haha. We found this adorable green church out in the countryside of Beacon and thought it would be a perfect place to stop and shoot since we had to wait for the little guy to wake up before exploring anyway. I’m still thinking fondly of our mini get-a-away last weekend, and can’t wait for the next one.





Top: Motherhood / Jeans: Motherhood (old) / Trench: H&M (similar on sale) / Boots: Target / Sunnies: Vintage Kenneth Cole / Necklace: Love, Lori Michelle / Bracelets: Tory Burch (similar), Stella & Sparkle, Baublebar / Watch: Michael Kors

What a gorgeous day outside! Can’t wait to get out and enjoy the sunshine. Make it a good one ya’ll!



Happy 2nd Birthday to P + P

A birthday cupcake with two lighted candles.
While I was down for the count last week, my little here blog turned TWO.  It’s been a lot of fun having this little creative space, and although I’ve had less time for blogging this year, it’s still just as enjoyable for me.  Thanks for continuing to come back here day after day to read and comment and share.  Truth is, I blog for myself, but I would be lying if I said I didn’t love all the support.  It makes taking the time out for a post even more worthwhile.  I would love to hear any feedback you have for the upcoming year of p + p.  If there are particular things you like or dislike, what you want to see more of, if there is something I haven’t touched on that you are interested in, etc.  Comment below!  Now, I have put together a recap of some of your favorite posts from the past year:

You enjoyed Nico’s Nursery photos:


As well as the DIY Nursery Letters Tutorial:


The first family dinner out after having Nico:


A very formal affair in which I was proud to be a bridesmaid, and our first big event as a family of three:


The time I regretted wearing white:


But I clearly kept on wearing it anyway…like when we traveled to San Fran:


I wore this pastel coat:


Pops of Spring with Stella & Dot:


I got these fantastic red rain boots from the hubs and wore them on our trip to New Hampshire:


Spent my first Mother’s Day in Coney Island with my new Love, Lori Michelle necklace made with Nico’s initial:


I rocked these amazing hair extensions from Irresistible Me:


My baby turned ONE:


And here is all the gear that got us through:


Lastly, saying goodbye to summer (sadly):


And there you have it folks…you’re favorite posts from the past year.  Looking forward to what the 3rd year will bring for p + p.

Speaking of birthdays…since I have been so terrible at remembering them this year (my sincere apologies to those of you, you know who you are!)…I’m taking advantage of the fact that I remembered this one today…and I want to wish a Happy 30th to my cousin and half brain, Misa.

Hope you are all enjoying the week so far!



Love, Lori Michelle


Aside from the amazing Mother’s Day gift that I received from my husband and son, I also received an incredible mommy necklace made especially for me by Lori of Love, Lori Michelle.  She worked with me to custom design the necklace I am wearing in this post, and we chose a heart with an “N” cut out in the corner for my little Nico.  Lori is a digital artist and designer whose work with 3D models inspired her to create 3D printed jewelry.  Most of her early designs were created as birthday or wedding gifts for friends, and she prides herself on her custom one-of-a-kind designs.  Her silver and stainless steel pieces are both beautiful and original, and I’m so happy to be the recipient of such a wonderful gift!

What is 3D printing you ask?  Lori describes the printing process here if you’d like to read on.













Custom Necklace: c/o Love, Lori Michelle / Dress: F21 – similar / Sandals: Sam Edelman – red sold out, but many color choices here / Heart Sunnies: Amazon – super sale! / Heart Striped Tote: Ban.do / Watch: Michael Kors / Bracelet: Stella and Sparkle / Earrings: ALDO / Lip: Lancome Red Haute / Toes: Essie Lights

On Nico – Oxford Button Up Bodysuit: Baby GAP / Shorts: Crazy 8 / Fedora: Old Navy – similar / Stroller: Uppababy Vista

My 1st Mother’s Day was absolutely everything I could have asked for and more.  Nico woke up an hour later than his normal time babbling “Mama Mama” in his crib to awake me from slumber.  A whole extra hour to sleep in?  That never happens!  And saying Mama?  First time ever!  What better way to wake up on my first Mother’s day huh?

We ate breakfast together at home, and then headed outside as it was a perfect, sunny, beautiful day sans humidity.  Naturally the beach was calling our name!  Although it wasn’t quite bathing suit and ocean weather, it was a perfect day for walking around Coney Island.  It was just before tourist season, so it wasn’t too crowded.  We had delicious pizza at the new Grimaldi’s (which is super family friendly by the way), and we took a long walk on the boardwalk and out on the pier.  We watched people on the rides, got ice cream cones, and even played a little ski ball.  The best part was watching Nico’s face as he saw people the Cyclone for the first time.  I’m guessing he was thinking: 1) What is that, and 2) That looks awesome!  I love seeing him experience things for the first time, and I admit I even got a little teary.

We are headed off to New Hampshire this morning for the Memorial Day holiday.  If you want to follow our adventures, you can catch me on Instagram!

