Homemade Pesto Sauce


Our garden has been a hit this year!  Especially for fresh, homemade pasta sauces.  This was my first venture at making my own pesto sauce, and I have to say, it turned out pretty darn good!  Not to mention, it was super easy to make.  Thanks Mom!




What you need:

2 cups fresh basil leaves

3 or 4 garlic cloves

olive oil – I don’t really measure…enough so that the mixture ends up like a sauce and not chunky

1/4 pine nuts

1/2 cup Romano cheese

blender or food processor

1/2 cup heavy cream (if you want to make pesto cream sauce)

How to make it happen:

Put about half of the basil leaves in a blender or food processor with the olive oil to grind up.  Once it’s smooth, add the other ingredients (except the cream) and remaining basil and olive oil to grind up.  Make sure it is all well blended and smooth.

You can either freeze or use fresh.

Transfer the sauce to a small pot to heat it up.  If you want to make pesto cream sauce, you can whisk in the heavy cream right before turning off the heat.

Boil up your favorite type of pasta, and top it with this delicious sauce!  Once the pasta is boiled, I drain it and then coat it with a layer of the sauce so that it doesn’t dry out and stick together.  Serve it up in bowls, and then top with as much added sauce as you like.  I also add some extra grated Romano cheese to the top, because I’m a cheese fanatic.


Hope you enjoy, and would love to hear if any of you try this recipe out.

Happy Monday.  Have a great week everyone!



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Our Brooklyn Garden

Since moving from the Upper East Side to Brooklyn, we have acquired a ton of outdoor space.  Last year, my husband and I decided to grow a little garden in our front yard.  It was crazy plentiful with tons of basil and other fresh herbs, tomatoes, lettuce, green beans, peas, peppers, broccoli, cauliflower, and of course some pretty flowers as well.  But as you can see from this photo, it was also quite a bit of a mess.  This could possibly (ok definitely) have a lot to do with the fact that I think we only weeded once the entire growing season, but regardless, this year my husband was bound and determined to create a much more organized and clean structured looking garden.  He even created raised beds…raised beds!  I have to say, I have been very impressed with all the work he has put into it.  He has been working his tail off, while I haven’t even lifted a finger this year.  I’m using my pregnancy as an excuse, but frankly, I’m just not that into yard work.  I would much rather be doing laundry.    Luckily, our neighbors have been very helpful.  Our one main problem is the stray cats in the area, which is the reason we fenced off portions of the garden last year.  They like to dig up our fresh eats and relieve themselves in our flower beds.  Darn cats.  So anyway…here is the transformation from last year’s garden, to the new and improved 2013 Brooklyn Garden.

Last year…


This year…



This empty space here is waiting for a nice little outdoor table and chairs set




King of the Garden


Fresh spinach growing


Since I took these photos, those darn cats have returned, and they have started to dig into the spinach bed.  Therefore, my husband was back out there last night putting up a little fence around the bed, and I’m sure he will have to do the same with the other beds as well.  Hopefully that will do the trick as it did last year.  I am dreaming about making fresh homemade tomato sauce and fresh pesto sauce this year…mmm…I can’t wait!

Tomorrow, Zack and I are leaving on a jet plane and heading west to Arizona!  We are super excited for our 10 day adventure and state tour.  I’m pretty sure I won’t really get around to posting or editing anything next week, since I will be too busy exploring, so follow along with my adventures on Instagram!



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