Seneca Summer









Dress: Target / Sandals: Dolce Vita (sold out, but similar here) / Earrings: Stella & Dot (similar here) / Sunglasses: Vintage / Watch: Michael Kors / Bracelet: Baublebar / Lip: Revlon Hydrangea

As I mentioned yesterday, we spent the Fourth of July Weekend up at Seneca Lake with some close friends. I have more photos of our adventures to share later, but first I wanted to share the outfit I wore on our nice dinner out to Hazelnut Kitchen. It was about a 30 minute drive from our house, but totally worth it as it was completely delicious farm to table freshness and goodness. I would definitely recommend it if you are ever in the Ithaca area.

Today I am heading to the beach/aquarium with my little guy today. Trying to soak up as much one on one time as humanly possible with this little fellow before our family grows at the end of the summer and I’m trying to balance being a mama of two.

Hope you all have a fantastic weekend!



Southern Charm








Dress: Express (sold out – similar here) / Shoes: Cynthia Vincent / Sunnies: Vintage / Bracelet: Stella & Dot (sold out – shop bracelets here) / Watch: Betsey Johnson / Lip: Revlon Hydrangea

Happy Monday gang!!!  It’s been busy around here with holiday travel last week, playing catch up with work and family, etc. Wanted to share another look from my anniversary trip to New Orleans. I was about 25 weeks here, and can you believe today marks 27 weeks!?!?!? That’s right, I’m officially in the THIRD trimester!!! This pregnancy is just flying right by.  We had some good updates from the doc last week, so I am feeling good.

This week is off to a great start with a good workout, healthy eats, and getting down to business. We had a nice weekend celebrating the wedding of dear friends, and it was a lot of fun seeing high school bests from Maryland in my city.

Can’t believe it’s already June, and I’m so excited for what this summer has in store!









Top: J. Crew / Tank: J. Crew / Denim: Motherhood / Shoes: Soludos / Sunnies: Vintage Kenneth Cole / Watch: Michael Kors / Bracelets: Tory Burch (similar) and Baublebar / Lip: MAC Russian Red

You may remember this top from last summer. I decided to remix it up a bit and style it for spring. This was taken in our backyard during our trip to Nola, but figured it was a perfect outfit post leading into Memorial Day Weekend. I am headed out of town again this weekend…this time on a girl’s trip for my BFF’s Bachelorette to Deep Creek Lake, MD. I tell you, this lady couldn’t be further from a Bridezilla and she has chosen a pregnant woman’s dream of a Bachelorette celebration. A nice house near a lake with all your besties, cooking dinner, wearing sweatpants, and drinking wine? Ok fine, maybe I can’t have the wine…but I will take all the rest! And I will selfishly admit that I am glad I won’t have to squeeze on a mini dress with this baby bump and strut awkwardly into a club (although honey, I WOULD have done that for you too!) But thanks for taking it easy on me 😉 Although I will miss my little munchkin once again this weekend, it will definitely be nice to have some girl time and at least my boys will get some quality time together as well.

What are your plans for Memorial Day Weekend?

Make it a good one!



Mother’s Day Style With Stella & Dot


While I love all of my jobs…fitness coach, freelance writer, blogger, and kid’s soccer coach…being a mom is my most favorite job of all. I never knew the intense love I could feel for another human being until my little Nico came into my life. As hard as it can be sometimes as a mom, and as crazy and scatterbrained as I feel sometimes, I feel so incredibly blessed each time I look at my child. Each time he utters “mama” or “I love you,” or climbs into my bed and gives me a big sloppy kiss, I am reminded how much this little person needs me. How in these moments, I can do no wrong in his eyes. The excitement and wonder and huge smiles and laughter that he emits on a daily basis make my eyes well up with happiness and pride. He truly enjoys discovering the world, learning new things, paying attention to things I teach him, being independent, and best of all, snuggling back up with mama and papa at the end of the day.

This Mother’s Day I am doubly reminded of how lucky I am now that I have a second child on the way. Nico will have a brother by the end of the summer, and my love will only continue to grow and my heart will become even more full (hard to imagine that even being possible!) It will undoubtedly be hard. I will wonder what in the heck I have gotten myself into, how I will survive the next day, when I will be able to take a shower next, if I will ever get sleep again…but I know I will have those moments where I will look at my newborn son in my arms or I will see my two children interacting with each other sweetly, and I will just smile and melt…and that hard will be all the more worth it.








Dress: Old Navy / Pineapple Tennis Shoes: Brickyard Buffalo (sold out, but similar here) / Watch: Michael Kors – on sale! / Sunglasses: Vintage / Havana Collection Necklace & Earrings (can be worn multiple ways!), Kelly Green Fillmore Tote, Inspiration Bangle, and Cady Wrap Bracelet: All on loan from Stella & Dot

I am so incredibly excited to team up with Jessica Sigler from Stella & Dot to showcase their Summer Collection. I am hosting an Online Trunk Show of the latest and greatest pieces, and it couldn’t be better timing to have Mother’s Day right around the corner. This is the first look of two shoots with some of my favorites, including the gorgeous Havana Collection and the Kelly Green Fillmore Tote.  I am also a huge fan of the personalized engravables they have to offer. Special Mother’s Day Deal on the Union Square Scarf as well ($14.99 $59 when you spend $50.) All shoppers will be entered to win free jewelry and pieces at 50% off. Happy shopping!

Hope you are having a great week so far! And for my friends and followers in Baltimore, please stay safe. My thoughts and prayers are with everyone in Charm City.



Blue & Yellow


Took these photos back on Easter/Passover weekend when we were in Maryland visiting family. It was a GORGEOUS day outside allowing me to wear this sleeveless number without a jacket and fully enjoy the sunshine. Oh boy am I happy that spring is finally here!






Dress: ModCloth (sold out, but similar here) / Boots: Target / Watch: Michael Kors – now on sale!

My little bump is starting to pop here in these photos at 19 weeks. I am now at 21 weeks today, and we will head to the doctor on Wednesday for our 2nd anatomy sonogram and to check in with my midwife to see how baby is progressing.  I always get so excited/nervous for these appointments!  I am feeling good and starting to feel baby’s movements so I’m hoping that this means we will be getting a good report!

We had a nice weekend and decided to enjoy the fabulous weather by taking a little family trip to the Bronx Zoo. Nico was in complete awe of the giant tigers and bears. We ended the day with a trip to Arthur Avenue for some delicious Italian fare. Nom nom nom.  Yesterday we headed to Long Island City in Queens for a 2nd birthday party, so I guess you could say we borough hopped around this weekend!

Today I got my PiYo Buns workout in this morning (buns are burning ya’ll!), and I am hunkered down working from home trying to stay out of the wind, cold, and rain. Hoping tomorrow will bring the sunshine back.  Happy Monday everyone! Let’s make it a great week!



{32} Lately…


Lately I’ve been…

reading  Aaaaaand I’m still reading The Goldfinch.  Haha might possibly be the longest it’s ever taken me to get through a book that I didn’t absolutely hate. LOL. I also just finished Eat That Frog, which is an excellent book about time management and making the best use out of your time. Picked up lots of great business tips in there.  

writing  I recently had the privilege to interview Shannon Fitzpatrick for Autism Awareness month about her son Chase and how Autism has impacted her family. Thank you Shannon for opening up about your experience, and hopefully this can help and inspire those going through something similar.

listening  To Nico say “I love you too” this morning, just about MADE.MY.DAY. Love that kid.

thinking  About some ideas for an upcoming post on the best exercises to do while pregnant.

smelling  The deliciousness cooking at my local cafe and Monday “office” Cafe Madeline.

watching  Revenge on Netflix. I had been wanting to watch this show for awhile, but didn’t want to jump in without seeing the first few seasons. So I decided to catch up via Netflix. It’s dark, but captivating!

wishing  A Happy Birthday to my (pretty much) brother-in-law, Adam!  Hope it’s amazing and wonderful just like you!

hoping  That Nico has a fun time at his first dance/movement class today! Wish I could be there with him, but Mama’s gotta get some work done.

wearing  Floral Pants from Motherhood Maternity – Tank from GAP – Blouse from Express – Polka Dot Flats from GAP Outlet

loving  The sunshine! It’s been very nice out the past couple days, and I am relishing in it! Even broke out my floral spring pants this morning as you can see from above.

wanting  A prenatal massage and a big huge pregnancy pillow (that I never had with my first baby). Mother’s Day? (wink wink)

needing  To go shopping for some new clothes this spring. Yes, I know I have the perfect maternity clothes already in my closet from my last pregnancy, because the babe will be born at the same time of year as Nico…but can you blame me for wanting something new?

feeling  Pretty good! Aside from a little back pain (which PiYo totally helps with by the way!), I am feeling pretty good during this second trimester. How I wish the whole pregnancy could be like the second trimester!  Haha.

craving  Ditching alllllll my cravings for processed sugar this week as I am hosting a 7-Day (No) Sugar & Squats Challenge!  Today is the first day (50 squats down baby!), so feel free to shoot me an e-mail if you want in!

clicking  Through apartment listings. Trying to figure out if it makes sense to move before we have our little one. We could technically squeeze in our current place, but it will be TIGHT. The problem is that finding anything bigger is going to be a huge increase in expense (my guess), and we have such an amazing deal now that it’s hard to leave. We shall see what the future brings!



What have you been up to lately?



***I was inspired by Tina of Like Ordinary Life to create this post, and she was inspired by Lauren of siddathornton, who started The Sunday Currently.

You Wouldn’t Believe It If I Told You


“What are you wearing to Alex’s baby shower?” my sister asked.

“You wouldn’t believe it if I told you,” was my response.

Yes, I am a pregnant lady, who decided to wear a crop top two piece dress to a baby shower.

“But I promise it’s classy!” I exclaimed.

I can’t even describe to you what my sister imagined me wearing to this shower. Haha. I think I really threw her for a loop.  I purchased this dress at the end of last summer season, and didn’t find the right opportunity to wear it then. Fast forward to this year, and the tags were still on. My tummy is ever growing, and this shower was pretty much my last opportunity of the year to get any wear out of this dress before I blow up like a balloon haha. Lucky for me, this bad boy has a high waisted skirt and fans out over the bump, so people could barely notice the bump, and somehow I think I actually managed to make that slight skim of midriff stay classy, even with a baby growing inside me.  (I think. I hope.) Who knew?






Photos by: Mary Ann Guaragna / Edited by: Myself

Top & Skirt: Necessary Clothing (last season, but loving their selection of dresses right now) / Shoes: Sole Society (similar) / Sunnies: ModCloth / Watch: Michael Kors (now on sale!) / Bracelet: Baublebar / Earrings: Stella & Dot (similar) / Hair Curled with Sapphire 8-in-1 Curling Wand c/o: Irresistible Me (now on sale!)

I don’t know about you, but I am still waiting for the spring weather to arrive and STAY put.  I’m tired of this back and forth fake out with one nice day and then back to freezing cold again.  Come on SPRING!  Just get here already and don’t go away!  I’m sure mid-July when I am hugely pregnant, sweating, and waddling, I will regret these sentiments, but right now I am just craving that warm weather.

The father-in-law is coming up to visit tomorrow night and he is taking Zack and I to the Brooklyn Nets v. Washington Wizards basketball game. Not only am I excited to have a night out, but I have been dying to get to a Nets game, and who better to play them than my old team, the Wizards! Did you know I used to intern for them?  One of the best internships I ever had. It will be awesome to see them play again from a new perspective.

Hope you are all having a great week!



Happy 1st Birthday to Popcorn and Pandas


Would you believe that today marks one whole year that I decided to make the change to my little ole blog, popcorn and pandas?  I know, I can’t believe it either.  It’s been a crazy year full of adventures and travel, fashion and fun, pregnancy and now a new baby.  It’s been wonderful and therapeutic to have this creative outlet to share with you all, and I am completely grateful that you all have chosen to follow along for this past year.

Below I have reflected a bit on some of your favorite posts this past year:

My first two outfit posts with the amazing photographer Marisa

Reminiscing a Rockin’ Summer

Reminiscing Rockin Summer

Summer Stripes

Summer Stripes

Lettered sweaters were my jam


Sported my favorite Halloween costume

Hunger Games

Rang in the New Year in Winter White

Winter White

Foxes became super trendy

Foxy Lady

I had some ups and downs, announced my pregnancy, and did a cool photo shoot with Justin to find out the sex of our Little Monkey

It's A BOY

I added some Flair to my wardrobe

Flair Promenade

Craved everything peplum

Navy Peplum and Black

Felt a little Guilty

Guilty Spring

I ate my first mangosteen


Went to Arizona and saw the Grand Canyon

Desert Florals

Grand Canyon

I made some waves with Waveborn


Made fresh homemade tomato sauce and pesto from the garden

Tomato Sauce


Enjoyed the sunrise on Branch Lake in Maine

Branch Lake Sunrise

Watched as my belly grew larger and larger


Retro Rainbow


Beachy Keen

And gave birth to a beautiful baby boy


It’s been such a great year, and I am hopeful that this year will bring even greater joy.  Thank you so much for following my adventures.  Would love to hear any feedback that you have of things you want to see from me in the coming year.  What you like/don’t like.  What you want to see more or less of (outfit posts, lately posts, shopping posts, personal stories, photography, baby stuff, etc…)  I have less free time on my hands, but hopefully I can make things happen!

Happy Friday everyone!!!



{16} Lately…


Lately I’ve been…

reading  Children’s books.  You know…Green Eggs and Ham, The Very Hungry Caterpillar, The Ugly Duckling, Blueberries for Sal.  Starting Nico young and he is definitely soothed when people talk to him, so we are starting a nightly ritual.  As you might imagine, I haven’t had much time for grown-up books these days, but I have been glossing over Health, Marie Claire, and Redbook magazines while pumping.

writing  The majority of my writing these days has been logging feeding times for my little guy while we made sure he got back above his birth weight.  He was born at 5 lbs.  1.6 oz, and dropped down to 4 lbs. 11 oz.  At our last doctor’s appointment, he was well above his birth weight, and I’m pretty sure he is still gaining well!  We are very happy he is a healthy growing baby boy.

listening  Since Nico has arrived, I have been finding myself listening to more mellow jams.  My “Relax” playlist on my iPhone has gotten a lot of play lately.

thinking  I can’t believe how fast time is already flying.  Nico is already over three weeks, and will hit his four week mark this Thursday.  Insane!  I’m also thinking that I am very lucky I got to enjoy the first family dinner out with my boys last night, and he was an angel the entire time!

smelling  Mrs. Meyer’s baby oil.  It smells amazing!

watching  I basically caught up on every single TV show that I had on my DVR since I’ve been home.  Not that I’ve had a lot of free time on my hands, but just a lot of time at home!

wishing  For a little bit more sleep!

hoping  To find some more time this week to work on this blog.  I have a lot of posts I want to share of things that have been going on, but with a new baby on board, it’s definitely been a challenge!

wearing  Mostly leggings and sweats lately.  Comfort is key when nursing and staying at home.  It’s also a challenge finding things that look flattering on you post-partum.  What looks “adorable” with a baby bump does not look so adorable when it’s a post-prego fat bump.  I am, however, happy to say that we shot our first post-pregnancy outfit shoot this past weekend!  It was nice to put on real clothes again (although I’m still in my maternity pants), and I’m looking forward to sharing soon.  

loving  Being a mommy.  As crazy and exhausting and emotional as it can be sometimes…the good times FAR outweigh the bad!  I love seeing Nico smile and those newborn cuddles are just the best.  He is such a sweet boy, and I feel so very lucky to have him in my life.

laughing  Just took a look at my friend’s wedding highlight video, and saw all of us crazy clowns on the dance floor.  One friend was even captured mid cartwheel.  It was pretty hilarious!

wanting  The weather to be nice this week.  I have found that when I can get outside at least once a day and out of the house, I am so much saner and happier!  Nico also loves riding around in his stroller, so we both win.

needing  A mani/pedi.  I was supposed to get my last one the week I went into labor, and so that never happened.  I keep saying I will do it myself, but how do you pick up a baby with wet nails?  Haha.  Needless to say, I have also been sporting closed toed shoes when I leave the house.

feeling  Pretty good!  It took about two weeks for me to start feeling like my normal self again since giving birth.  Besides being tired from a few sleepless nights, I feel quite good.  I have managed to take some walks in the past two weeks, met up with a new mom group in the neighborhood last week, and I’m loving it.

craving  A personal chef and a house cleaner.  I barely have time to eat, let alone cook my food or scrub the floors.

clicking  Googling three week baby milestones, and catching up on all my favorite blogs I have missed out on for the past few weeks.


What have you been up to lately?

Happy Monday!  Hope you all have a great week ahead!



***I was inspired by Tina of Like Ordinary Life to create this post, and she was inspired by Lauren of siddathornton, who started The Sunday Currently.

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Beachy Keen


As excited as we are for our Little Monkey to get here, the hubby and I are trying to soak up as much couple time as we can while it’s still just the two of us.  We headed to Rockaway for a romantic little day on the beach complete with yummy arepas from Caracas, beautiful weather, good reading material, and great conversation.  These pics are from 37.5 weeks pregnant, and today marks 38!






Photos by: Zack Notes / Edited by: Myself

Dress: Victoria’s Secret (old) – similar style / Headband: Urban Outfitters (old) – similar / Sunnies: Vintage / Earrings: ALDO / Friendship Bracelets: Jacob Riis Boardwalk Vendor / Nails: Essie Play Date 

Have a lovely Tuesday everyone!



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