Chunkiest Knit









Chunky Sweater: Free People via Trunk Club (now on SUPER SALE!) / Denim: Rag & Bone / Booties: Target / Sunnies: Brickyard Buffalo / Earrings: J. Crew – similar / Lip: L’Oreal Nature’s Blush 

I have to admit, I’m not typically a Black Friday shopper. I know, I know. Like, really?! WHY NOT?! But, because we travel each year along with two kiddos, we are constantly running around and trying to spend time with as many family members and friends that we can…going out shopping just honestly never makes it on the list when compared to that quality time. But I do know a good sale when I see one. And I got a tip from one of my BFFs last night that this chunky knit sweater I just bought went on a supa dupa sale for Black Friday, so I figured I better share it with ya’ll before it’s completely sold out!

This is not only the chunkiest sweater I have ever owned, but it’s also insanely comfortable and snuggly. I wore it last night to Thanksgiving and my little niece could not get enough cuddles. Hehe. I think I will wear it all the time around her for the snuggles alone!

I love this color for fall and it will be on HEAVY rotation this season during the colder months for sure. And FYI, if you are interested in trying out Trunk Club, I can introduce you to my amazing stylist. Just let me know!

I hope you all had a wonderful Thanksgiving yesterday!!! I am so very grateful for my family, friends, health, my amazing health/fitness community with Beachbody, being with loved ones around the holidays, my new morning routine that I started during the school week this past September, holiday drinks from Starbucks as a special treat, my new comfy sweaters, and so much more.

What are you grateful for this year? And where are you doing your Black Friday or Cyber Monday shopping?



White After Labor Day?


I thought this outfit post was fitting being the day after Labor Day. I wore this to a dinner party on vacation last week in the Outer Banks, NC, so it was NOT after Labor Day as the title suggests, but it got me thinking…. Do people still follow the rule of no white after Labor Day? Are these pants pretty much closet-ridden until next summer? Spring? Is it just pants that you aren’t supposed to wear? Or other clothing items as well?

What are your thoughts? Is this rule outdated? Or do you still follow it to full effect?

Personally, I’m not sure if I will rock these particular pants again until next year. However, I am not a total rule-follower, and I LOVED this cheeky article by the Huffington Post on wearing white after Labor Day.









White Denim: Rag & Bone via Nordstrom Rack – still available here / Top: J. Crew via Trunk Club – now on sale! / Shoes: Chinese Laundry via DSW – now on sale! / Earrings: Stella & Dot –  / Bracelets: Mantraband and Goody (because I forgot to take off my dang hairband, doh!) / Lip: MAC Russian Red

On Luca: Top: Carters – similar for fall / Shorts: Carters – similar / Shoes: Keens

Last month was my first time trying Trunk Club by Nordstrom and I was really happy with it! The top you see here was chosen by my stylist, and she hit the nail on the head with my style personality! I love wearing black, and I also love a BOLD print, so this was right up my alley. She took the time to ask me lots of questions before presenting me with my Trunk to review. She also chose items that were a little outside of my comfort zone to try that I ended up loving even though I may not have chosen it while shopping myself. As a busy mama with a lot of summer obligations, I really didn’t have time to get to the store and choose outfits for vacation, so this was JUST was I needed, and I was super happy with what she chose! I’m excited to try out another Trunk for fall, and I’m also pumped to share some of my other Trunk Club picks from August, so stay tuned!

We have a couple more days left of summertime around here before school begins, so while today kicks off my Back to Basics Health + Fitness Challenge Group, we will be soaking up these last moments before our carefree days come to an end. I have to admit as amazing as this summer has been, I am looking forward to getting into a routine again! And to also have a bit of mommy time to work and get things done during the day! I am getting that “back to school” excited feeling that I used to get as a child. Who knew I would have it as a mom as well? My babies are growing up, and I am so happy for them to have these new adventures and excited to share in this journey with them through their eyes.

What are your thoughts on “back to school?” An exciting time or a time of dread? Comment below and share your feeling, and also your thoughts on the white after Labor Day rule!

Happy Tuesday!



Plaid + (Faux) Fur







(Faux) Chinchilla Fur Jacket: Express (a couple years old, but similar here) / Plaid Button Up: Target (on sale!) / Denim: Rag & Bone / Booties: Target (on sale!) / Sunglasses: ModCloth / Bracelets: Tory Burch (similar), Stella & Sparkle / Watch: Michael Kors / Lip: Lancome Luxe

Call me crazy, but I absolutely adore the mix of plaid & fur right now!  To me, it’s a perfect fall or winter look.  I was gifted this amazing jacket for Christmas a couple years ago, and I recently scored this bright button up at Target.  Mixed the two together, and boom.  I all the sudden look a lot more put together than I really am. 😉

I wore this on a little trip to downtown Annapolis when we were visiting family and friends for the holidays.  We started at Miss Shirley’s for breakfast.  Let me tell you, if you are a Maryland local, and you have not yet been to Miss Shirley’s, you need to go there…like immediately.  They have the best southern comfort food you could ever imagine.  Proof here.  From there, we headed down to walk around the gorgeous harbor, the historical homes, and popped into the amazing consignment shop, Navette.  I found this shop through Instagram, ordered from them over the phone, and even met one of their amazing owners for coffee in NYC, yet I still hadn’t visited their store front until this day!  I was very excited and delighted to see a bustling shop full of fantastic treasures and happy customers.  Unfortunately, due to a toddler naptime meltdown, I had to cut my trip there short, but I didn’t leave without scoring this fabulous Jonathan Adler clutch.

I’m looking forward to returning to Maryland again for Christmas, but until then, I am enjoying the holiday spirit up here in NYC.  Our tree is up, and we took Nico to see Santa last weekend.  Much to my surprise, there were no tears!  Yay!  I love New York City at Christmastime.  If you missed yesterday’s post about things to do in December, check it out here.

This week I have been working on my holiday cards (which is pretty difficult with a bum thumb), online shopping for gifts, and listening to Christmas music non-stop.  Tonight, I am getting out of the house to go to a holiday party with a friend, and I’m really looking forward to it.

Hope you are all enjoying the season!




Weekend With Minnie







Minnie Sweatshirt: Shop Navette (consignment shop) / Blouse: Old Navy / Denim: Rag & Bone / Booties: Target / Sunglasses: Vintage Kenneth Cole/ Bag: Thrifted / Watch: Michael Kors / Leather Wrap Bracelet: Tory Burch – similar / Lip: MAC Rebel

I’ve been on a Minnie Mouse kick recently, and when I saw this on the Shop Navette Instagram page, I knew I had to have it.  I longingly commented on their post that I wished they could ship to me in Brooklyn (they are located in Annapolis, MD), and low and behold, they could!  I jumped for joy, and have been rocking this sweatshirt ever since.  I love how it looks a little more put together when layered with a blouse for fall.

We had friends in town this weekend, and we took them upstate to hike Bear Mountain.  Little did we know, they were also having an Oktoberfest extravaganza.  We walked right into a party, and at the end of our hike, I decided it was only fair that I partake in the festivities after working so hard on the hike 😉  We also went on a walk around the neighborhood to grab breakfast at Cafe Madeline, and had to take some photos with the fall foliage.

Back to Disney…I’m on such a Disney kick that Nico is even going to be Mickey Mouse this year for Halloween.  I’m so excited that he will be more aware of the holiday this year.  I have already tested out his fear factor to prep him for the big night by trying on silly and scary masks at the stores, and so far he seems completely interested and not at all scared.  That’s my boy.  Can’t wait to see him in his little costume.  What is everyone (and their littles) going to be for Halloween?  Would love to hear in the comments below!

Wishing you all a fantastic week!



Pastel Pop









Mint Coat: Goodnight Macaroon (runs small – now on sale!) / Polka Dot Sweater: H&M / Pink Tank: Old Navy / Denim: Rag & Bone / Sparkly Loafer: Seychelles (on sale!) / Necklace: Flair Accessories / Sunnies: Vintage / Watch: Michael Kors / Bracelet: Henri Bendel / Lip: MAC Snob

Pastels are all the rage this spring, but it can be tough to pull off the look without looking like an Easter egg.  My strategy here was all about balance!  (or maybe you do think I look like an Easter egg in which case, I have failed miserably).  The mint coat is a bold pastel statement, so I paired it with a darker hue & polka dot print to balance out the look.  As always, I also like to add some fun accessories to the mix.

What is your strategy for wearing pastels this spring?  Totally avoiding it, or jumping on this trend?

Hope this week is treating you all well.  I am enjoying the sunshine and warmer weather!



{20} Lately…


Lately I’ve been…

reading  Catching up on some magazines a bit.  Unfortunately, the trains have been super crowded since I have been back to work, leaving me to stand the entire time and making it difficult to get that reading done that I was hoping.

writing  E-mails, reel run lists, and finally getting back to writing blog posts again.

listening  Old school hip-hop has been making it’s way onto my car radio.  Backspin anyone?

thinking  About booking that flight to San Francisco for the end of February, that Zack and I had an awesome much needed date night over the weekend, and that there is a ton of snow outside!

smelling  Leftover gingerbread coffee from the holidays.

watching  Teen Mom 2 came back this week…woot woot!  I have also been keeping up with the new season of The Bachelor.  Go ahead and judge me.

wishing  That I could be in two places at once.

hoping  Our dear friend recovers from an accident he had recently.  It was super scary, and we are hoping he returns to good health soon.

wearing  My new high waisted skinny jeans from Rag & Bone.  Did I mention, I’m back to my old size again?  Can you tell I’m excited?  BTW…just because you go back to your old size after baby doesn’t mean you go back to your old body.  I may be able to fit into the jeans, but I’m definitely a bit squishier these days (hence the high waisted) haha.  Birth really takes a toll on you, but it was obviously worth it, and honestly, I’m not really stressing too much about it at this point.  Maybe once bikini season is on the horizon I will be feeling differently…I’ve also been wearing this tartan scarf to keep warm in the snow.

loving  That Nico is learning so much these days!  He’s growing and changing so quickly right before my very eyes.  Sitting up and rolling over all within a week span!

laughing  At this photo of my husband.  He is speaking at an upcoming conference in San Francisco (hence why I am thinking of booking a ticket there), and they chose this photo out of all the ones on the internet for his speaker profile.  Just look for the guy who looks like the biggest douchebag, and you will find him.  Sorry hunny, you know I love you, but this photo is ridiculous.  It had us rolling the other night!  Luckily, he is a good sport and he hasn’t asked them to take it down, because he thinks it’s kinda funny.  Gotta love his sense of humor.

wanting  Some hot chocolate with marshmallows.  Yes, I’m five years old.

needing  To prepare myself for my first 5 hour car trip alone with the baby.  God help me.

feeling  Already feeling the pull of being a working mom.  I’m leaving work too early and getting home too late.  Feels like you aren’t good enough at either job and the guilt starts setting in.  I guess that’s just par for the course.

craving  More time!  So much to do, so little time!

clicking  Through Pinterest and design blogs for inspiration on how to redecorate our sunroom.  Trying to capitalize on an unfortunate situation by using this as an opportunity to start fresh, purge, and redesign the room.


What have you been up to lately?

Have a happy one!



***I was inspired by Tina of Like Ordinary Life to create this post, and she was inspired by Lauren of siddathornton, who started The Sunday Currently.

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