Black Friday










Top: Forever 21 / Denim: AG Jeans – similar / Booties: H&M – similar / Coat: H&M – similar / Shades: Brickyard Buffalo / Earrings: Gifted / Bracelet: Mantraband

On Nico – Sweater: Chaps – similar / Pants: Cat + Jack for Target / Shoes: Saucony

Hope you all had a FABULOUS Thanksgiving yesterday!!! We had a wonderful day and meal with family, and I splurged on not one…but TWO pieces of pumpkin pie. Yup, that sweet tooth just took over! Eeeps! It was just so darn good, and it only comes around once a year! Luckily, I have a plan in place to get back on track with a cleanse and a new program come Monday!!

Today is Black Friday, and apparently all the stores were open even EARLIER this year for the holiday sales. I stopped going to the stores on Black Friday a long time ago. I just can’t deal with the pushing and pulling and crowds…no thank you! I will just do my shopping from the comfort of my own home on my laptop! OR since I do love the spirit and energy of in person holiday shopping, I do enjoy a trip when the crowds have died down a bit. For those of you who ARE looking for some Black Friday fashion steals, check out Macy’s, Kohl’s, H&M, Target, Dick’s, Urban Outfitters, The Dreslyn, and Bailey44. For electronics, Target, Sam’s Club, Best Buy, and Walmart seem to be where it’s at. And my favorites for online steals are Brickyard Buffalo + ASOS.

Good luck, and Happy Shopping!!! Or if you are like me…enjoy the weekend with family and friends, and then snag those Cyber Monday steals 😉



Dusting of Snow








Aztec Blanket Wrap: c/o Moon Cats / Denim: Paige / Top: Express / Boots: Steve Madden / Earrings: Stella & Dot (on sale!) / Bracelets: Guilty Jean / Watch: Michael Kors / Lip: MAC Rebel

We had a lovely holiday weekend in Maryland with family and friends.  We also experienced our first dusting of snow for the season.  If this winter ends up anything like last year’s, I am going to be in serious need of some cozy, comfy clothing.  I received this Aztec Blanket Wrap courtesy of Moon Cats, and it is so snuggly and warm.  Not to mention the fantastic print and fringe it has going on.  I plan on rockin’ this wrap all season long.

This scarf company has a killer sale going now ($20 off all orders of $50 and above) with the code BLACK20POPCORN.  I wish I could fill my closet with their amazing scarves, but if I have to choose my favorites I would include this Snowy Day fair isle infinity scarf, this fabulous Polka Dance scarf, and call me old fashioned, but I love this oversized Grandma’s Favorite piece as well.  If I don’t end up buying out the store for myself, I will at least pick up some gifts here this season.

On another note, I am finally taking care of this trigger thumb problem I have going on, and I have decided to get surgery tomorrow.  Apparently, it shouldn’t be too difficult or long, and hopefully recovery will only be a couple weeks.  The pain and popping/sticking of my thumb was getting too unbearable, and the cortisone shots worked well, but only temporarily.  I’m not exactly sure how I will take care of a toddler with one hand, but thank goodness for my mother-in-law who is coming to town Wednesday night.

Hope you all had a nice Thanksgiving, and hope you are enjoying the week so far.  Our Christmas tree is already up in full-force, so ’tis the season!



A Very Vintage Holiday









 Dress: Vintage (1970’s) / Shoes: Kimchi Blue via Poshmark / Polka Dot Tights: Madewell / Necklace: Guilty Jean / Lips: Lancome Fearless

I stumbled upon this dress at a vintage clothing shop in Tucson, Arizona, and I just had to make it mine.  It’s absolutely sweet and perfect for the holiday season, and I am looking forward to all the upcoming parties and occasions that I can possibly wear it.  People will probably get sick of looking at this dress before the holiday season is over, but I don’t care.  I’m all about it.  And let’s talk about these shoes for a minute.  They originally came from Urban Outfitters, but I scored them through an amazing seller on the Poshmark app.  A marketplace to both buy and sell, you can find some really great items through Posh.  I will definitely be wearing these shoes all holiday season as well.

Speaking of the holidays, we arrived in Maryland late last night with no traffic (hooray!).  We are getting ready for another annual get-together tonight with friends, and we are looking forward to celebrating the Thanksgiving holiday with lots of family.  We have much to be thankful for this year, and I want to also thank you all for continuing to come back here time and time again to support this little here blog of mine.

Happy (early) Thanksgiving!



{29} Lately…


Lately I’ve been…

reading  Just started The Goldfinch by Donna Tartt, and so far it has my attention.  

writing  I have been writing a ton lately.  A few opportunities have arisen lately in the writing world, and it’s all very exciting!  I’m not quite ready to share yet, but keep a look out in the next month!

listening  Love this song, Stay, by tyDi featuring Dia Frampton (Frank Pole Remix)

thinking  We had a lovely Friendsgiving dinner at our house the other night.  We decided to do a sit down and all write things we are thankful for about each other.  We also had a new addition to the crew this year as my friend brought her newborn baby.  I am very thankful for my NYC Upper East side loves.

smelling  (and eating) lots of pumpkin pie!  Mmmm.

watching  The hubby and I watched 12 Years A Slave over the weekend.  It was an incredible film, and also extremely heartbreaking.  I was pretty much in tears the entire time.

wishing  Everyone safe travels and a Happy Thanksgiving!

hoping  That all my little soccer students enjoyed our session!  We had our last class of the season yesterday.  It was a lot of fun, and it was definitely a learning experience coaching such young children (ages 2-5) !

wearing  Lots of plaid and aztec prints this fall.  

loving  At how quickly Nico is picking up new words.  He is like a little parrot right now just copying everything we say.  It’s super adorable, but I realize I also need to start watching my potty mouth!

laughing  At Weird Things All BFFs do.

wanting  To find some time to edit my personal photos.  I am super back-logged!  Maybe I will get a chance over the break, although that is probably wishful thinking.

needing  To get packing.  We are heading back to Maryland for the holiday, and excited to see family and friends.

feeling  Motivated.

craving  What else?  Thankgiving food.  Turkey, stuffing, corn, mashed potatoes, cranberry sauce, and pumpkin pie.  All the essentials.

clicking  Through family photos to try and pick one for the holiday card this year.


What have you been up to lately?

Hope you all enjoy the holiday week!



***I was inspired by Tina of Like Ordinary Life to create this post, and she was inspired by Lauren of siddathornton, who started The Sunday Currently.

{18} Lately…


Lately I’ve been…

reading  Attempting to read the 6th Harry Potter Book.  It tough to get a lot of reading done without my hour long subway commutes, but trying to enjoy a chapter here and there when I can.

writing  Questions to ask potential nannies.  We are starting our interviews this Wednesday.  Excited to find someone great for our little guy, but sad this means I will be spending a lot more time away from him when I go back to work.

listening  Frank Sinatra.  Nico just loves him!

thinking  I am happy the weather looks nice for this week!  Makes taking those walks around the neighborhood so much more enjoyable!

smelling  Blueberry coffee.  It sounds kinda gross, but trust me, it’s awesome!

watching  Teen Mom.  Makes me so glad I have a stable, loving husband, a good job, a nice home, and lots of family support.  I could not imagine being a mom at their age.

wishing  That time didn’t go so fast.  My little guy is growing up too quickly already.

hoping  To go for another run this week.  This past weekend I went out for my first run since getting pregnant and having a baby.  I stayed active by walking, but hadn’t run in probably over a year!  I suddenly got to the urge to get back out there, so I went for a 2 mile run, and it felt great! (despite now being sore haha).  Hoping I can keep it up and at least get a run or two mixed in with my walking every week.

wearing  My typical mom gear of activewear.  Although, I actually did get to wear real clothes yesterday for a mini trip to Manhattan for a mani/pedi with a friend.  

loving  The crockpot that my Grandma bought for us.  We tried it out this weekend, and made two awesome dishes: White Bean Chicken Chili and Carnitas Tacos.  I love being able to prep a meal quickly in the morning, let it sit all day, and come home to an amazing meal with leftovers!  Yum!

laughing  At the @HonestToddler Twitter feed I just discovered yesterday.  Cracking me up!

wanting  My Christmas cards to arrive!  Maybe it’s the fact that I now have a little guy this Christmas season, but I am extra giddy and excited this year.

needing  Christmas lists from my peoples.  I am ready to start shopping already!  Send ’em over…you know who you are.

feeling  Happy that we were able to go to Florida and spend time with my parents and Grandma.  It was really great for them to spend that quality time with Nico, and it was nice for Zack and I to get some alone time as well.  

craving  Some snuggle time with my nephew, Nathan.  It’s been too long since I’ve seen him…is it Thanksgiving yet?

clicking  Through weeks worth of blogs that I am behind on.


What have you been up to lately?

Hope you all had a great weekend!  Enjoy your week ahead!



***I was inspired by Tina of Like Ordinary Life to create this post, and she was inspired by Lauren of siddathornton, who started The Sunday Currently.

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2012: A Year in Review


Ringing in the New Year in Playas del Coco, Costa Rica!


Hiking in the Cloud Forest in Monteverde, Costa Rica


Three Italianos Reunited in Brooklyn!


Valentine’s Day Surprise at the Mary Poppins Show! I dressed just like her without even knowing.


Celebrating Zack’s 31st at crazy Mehenata Bulgarian Bar


OAR Concert with Jack and Sammy


14 inch hair chop! Bye Bye. Thanks Nikki!


Sweetlife Festival at Merriweather in MD featuring Avicii…AMAZING.


Seeing Emily Blunt and Jason Segal at the premiere of 5 Year Engagement at the Tribeca Film Festival


SKYDIVING!!! Thanks to my amazing husband – he surprised me on our one year anniversary with this bucket list item.


Dad FINALLY visits us in NY. With Zack, Mom, and cousins at their pasta shop in Brooklyn


DMB Concert and Upstate NY trip


Virginia Beach trip with friends for Shirin and Shahrum’s wedding


Testudo came to Zach and Jessica’s wedding! Go Terps!


Happy Birthday to ME! Love my new camera!


Girl’s Weekend in OC for Katie’s Bachelorette – Seacrets is crazy!


Family vacation in the Outer Banks, NC


Surfing Competition in the Rockaways


Dewey Summer Send off on Labor Day Weekend


A Naval Academy Wedding for Megan and JoJo


Visionary Art Museum Wedding for MaryBeth and James


Trip to Montauk for Mike and Abby’s Big Day


Katie & Adam tie the knot at Sagamore Farms


Running with Patrick and Melissa for my late dear friend John Petrovick. “Inside all of us is HOPE.”


Thanks to Gabbi for helping to raise money for John’s cause.


Camping trip with Erin and Rai to French Creek


End of the season pic with my JV High School Girls Soccer Team


ASHS 10 Year High School Reunion – man time flies


AC trip for Alex’s Bachelorette!


All my girls at the 5th Annual Pollard Potluck


Christmas Morning at Mom and Dad’s


Alex and Seamus get married to end the year!

It may seem like a lot of photos, but this is just a small snippet of what took place in 2012.  There were so many more fun memories of this past year.  There were also some sad moments as well.  I have learned a lot this past year, and I know that I am truly thankful for the family and friends that I have.  I am incredibly lucky for the support and love that I have received this past year, and I hope I was able to return the favor to all of you as well.

I wish you all a Happy New Year’s Eve.  Please stay safe tonight.

Bring on 2013!



{2} Lately…

Lately I’ve been…

reading  Just finished the November issue of Marie Claire.  Started Gone Girl, by Gillian Flynn this morning on the Subway.  I have heard so many amazing things about this book, and I cannot wait to get intoxicated by it!

writing I wrote my to-do list at the beginning of the week with tons of chores and errands to be completed since returning from the Thanksgiving holiday.  So far, I have been very good at checking things off the list.  Hope to check a few more things off tonight before my trip this weekend.

listening  Anything and everything on XM’s Channel 51 BPM station.  I can’t seem to want to turn the station…ever.  Makes me want to dance.  Yes, even in the car.

thinking  About some different collaborations and blog posts that I may want to do in the future.

smelling  My morning coffee…although it is now afternoon.

wishing  That I wasn’t going to miss seeing my mother-in-law this weekend when she comes to town.  Yes, I actually like my mother-in-law, and we get along wonderfully.  Had a blast with her and the rest of the Notes clan over Thanksgiving, and wish I wasn’t going to miss out on her visit to town.

hoping  That the Mayans were incorrect and that the world is not actually going to end in three weeks.  I still have a lot of bucket list adventures to complete!

wearing  Today I’m wearing black skinny jeans, long sleeved black tee with purple/fuchsia sweater dress, combat boots, and a pink skinny headband.  On nights out I can’t seem to get enough of my navy peplum top from ASOS that you saw here.

loving  The fact that my Christmas tree is finally up!  To my utter delight, the deli on Courtelyou got trees this week.  We quickly snatched one up and drove it home (wow feels nice to say we didn’t need to cab it home).  We then proceeded to trim the tree and decorate the house all while blasting holiday tunes. Keep your eyes peeled for a post complete with photos soon. ‘Tis the season!

wanting  A Hippopotamus for Christmas.  Only a hippopotamus will do.  Okay, so maybe not really.  But while most may find this Christmas song obnoxious, I sure do love it!  It makes me think of my cousins on Christmas Eve, and obviously I cannot get it out of my head at the moment.  Probably because I keep playing it on repeat.

needing  Lunch.  My tummy is a grumbling.  Hmm…I’m getting tired of the same old Murray Hill lunch options.  Any one have any favorites in town?

feeling  Excited for tomorrow!  After work, I will be driving down to Atlantic City to celebrate my cousin, Alex’s, bachelorette!  Looking forward to a much need girl’s weekend including my other cousin, Marisa, and my sister, Angela.  The Fab Four reunite.  Woot woot!

clicking  Through a few different animation studios’ websites.  Doing some research for potential new clients and new talent.

What have you been up to lately?

Happy Thursday!



***I was inspired by Tina of Like Ordinary Life to create this post, and she was inspired by Lauren of siddathornton, who started The Sunday Currently.


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Meet Finley

Meet Finley…my new nephew pup!  My sister and her boyfriend went to Deep Creek Lake for the weekend to celebrate Thanksgiving with his family, so Mom, Dad, Zack, and I got to meet and spend lots of quality time with this little guy over the weekend.  Isn’t he precious?  Besides, being ridiculously handsome, I found that Finley was actually quite smart!  At only 9 weeks, he was sitting, shaking paw and other paw.  By the end of the weekend, Zack had taught him to play fetch, and I had taught him to go up and down the stairs.  I was very impressed.  I am missing this little snuggle bug already.

Long Sleeved Tee: J. Crew / Knit Sweater: ZARA / Jeans: Seven for All Mankind / Boots: Kohls / Necklace: H&M / Watch: Coach / Skull Chain Bracelet: Oia Jules / Ring & Earrings: Passed down from Grandmother / Lip: Lancome All Done Up

Photos by: Zack Notes

We had a wonderful Thanksgiving holiday weekend with our friends and family in Maryland complete with a potluck dinner with friends, two family Thanksgivings, a lunch date with a friend, a trip to DC to celebrate my cousin’s 21st birthday, a jam session with the Notes fam, and of course playing endlessly with little Finley.

We returned to Brooklyn last night and ate the famous DiFara Pizza for dinner which definitely hit the spot.  Not that we really needed pizza after all the feasting, but we didn’t have any food in the fridge, so it is what it is.  We also tried to honor our tradition of picking up the Christmas tree when we got back to NY, but unfortunately, our local spots did not have any trees yet.  I’m hoping the trees will arrive by at least mid week so I can get started on my decorating!

Hope you all have a fantastic week!



30 Days of Thanksgiving

I have seen friends on Facebook and Twitter posting about things they are thankful for this year, and it has inspired me to create a list of my own thanksgivings for 2012.

1:  First and foremost, I want to thank God for putting me here on this beautiful Earth and allowing me to wake up another day.

2:  My wonderful husband, for loving me every day, accepting me the way I am, faults and all.  He is my rock and my best friend, and I am very lucky to have such a fantastic partner in this world.  Who else would have taken me on a surprise skydiving trip for our one year anniversary this past year?  He just gets me, and I fall in love with him more and more every day.

3:  My parents for an amazing upbringing full of love and support.  For giving me everything I could have asked for, and although at times I thought they were too tough on me, it has made me stronger and more independent for it.  There have been a few bumps in the road this past year, and I am so thankful to have had my mom and dad by my side during these times.

4:  My sister for being the BSITWWW (Best Sister in the Whole Wide World).  For being the person that I can always come to if I need to get something off my chest, for making me laugh constantly, for reading my mind without ever having to say a word.  For being able to sing every song from The Sound of Music or Grease from start to finish with me, and for being my partner in crime growing up.

5: My in-laws for always accepting me from the start.  For never questioning the fact that I was Catholic and their son was Jewish.  For respecting me and welcoming me lovingly into their family.

6:  My extended family.  My grandparents, aunts, uncles, cousins, second cousins, etc.  For always being there.  As crazy as we all are, we always have the most amazing time together.  I relish in our Thanksgiving, Christmas Eve, Christmas, Easter, and Outer Banks celebrations every year.  There are a lot of us, which only means a lot more love and fun times to go around.

7:  My friends.  I am very lucky to have made such wonderful friends throughout each and every moment of my life.  From Queen Anne, to Bowie Soccer United, the Beltway Lady Cougars, St. Mary of the Assumption, to Archbishop Spalding, to the University of Maryland, to my girls at Alpha Phi, to the Dewey Crew, all the way to New York City.  Each one of you has made a difference in my life for the positive.  You are also my extended family, and I would not be where I am without your friendship and support.

8:  Popcorn and Pandas.  The former being my favorite snack in the world and the latter being the most adorable animals on the planet.

9:  Brooklyn, for being an affordable way to stay in New York city without going broke.  Being able to have the luxuries of a washer/dryer, dishwasher, a 2 bedroom apartment inside of a house with the most amazing neighbors while still having Manhattan and all it’s glory right at our fingertips has just been a blessing.

10:  My boss for keeping me employed during an awful recession period, helping me continue to grow in my field, being a great mentor in the production, television, animation, and advertising industries, and for making the work day enjoyable.

11:  Uncommon Goods for employing my husband thereby, helping to keep a roof over our heads, food in our bellies, giving us the ability to travel back and forth to Maryland to see family and friends, and for making possible those moments where I “just had to have” those pair of shoes.

12:  My nephew pup, Finley, who I just met and already love and adore.  He is the cutest, sweetest little tyke I have ever seen!

13:  My health, for allowing me to run around and play soccer and basketball, run races, dance, and do all the other things that I love.

14.  The invention of photography for allowing me to capture almost every moment of life.  For without photography, I would probably forget half of the things I have done and accomplished.  People say I have a good memory, and while this may be true, I remember so much through my photos, and cherish those memories every time I view them.

15.  Music for putting me in a good mood, for enjoyable car rides, for awesome nights on the dance floor, for lazy nights at the beach, for getting me through house cleaning, to accompany me while cooking, for jam sessions with my husband, etc.

16.  Teachers and coaches for making a difference in the future of America.  I had many great teachers and coaches growing up, and wouldn’t be where I am today without their guidance and leadership in the classroom and on the field/court.

17.  Our military for putting their lives on the line to protect our freedoms in this country.  Your service is much appreciated.

18.  Doctors, especially Dr. Q. for dedicating his life and career to curing brain cancer.  He fought for my friend John, and still continues to do so every day with Q’s Quest.

19.  Ice Cream for curing my sweet tooth always.

20.  The film industry for giving me a drive and passion to succeed and be creative.

21. Artists for continually reminding me that humans are capable of creating beautiful things.

22.  Technology for making it easier and faster to communicate with people from all over the world.

23.  Television for giving me an outlet when I am stressed to just chill and relax without having to think about anything.  Also to reality TV for helping me realize that other people are much crazier than me!

24.  For the amazing restaurants in NYC.  You provide a most delectable experience for those nights where I just do not feel like cooking.

25.  For online shopping, because with my busy travel schedule, I find it hard to make it out to the store as often as I would like.

26.  For children, who are completely innocent, and remind me of the days when things were so simple.

27.  For my long subway ride to work (I know, weird right?) for allowing me to catch up on all of my reading daily.

28.  Our car, so that I no longer have to take the Bolt Bus on every trip down to Maryland.  Having the car has definitely made traveling a lot less stressful, and being able to come and go at our leisure instead of being locked into a schedule has been bliss.

29.  My family home.  I’m so grateful that my parents still live where I grew up.  I am able to come back to visit and be greeted by all the memories of childhood.

30.  The Brown Family for cooking Thanksgiving dinner today, so that we can enjoy the benefits of a fabulous meal without having to do all the work.  Don’t worry, we got you on Christmas 🙂

What are you thankful for this year?

Hope you all have a fantastic Thanksgiving!  Enjoy!




I was inspired by Tina of Like Ordinary Life to create this post, and she was inspired by Lauren of siddathornton, who started The Sunday Currently.

Well, today is Friday, and this is called Lately…but it’s pretty much along the same lines.  Thanks for the inspiration ladies!

Lately I’ve been…

reading  “Little Princes” by Connor Grennan – one man’s promise to bring home the lost children of Nepal. So far it’s really good!

writing  Christmas lists galore!  My holiday wish list, list of ideas for others, list for my Christmas cards, etc.

listening  Yes, I am already listening to Christmas music. So sue me.  I can’t help it if the first song that came on Pandora was ‘NSync’s “I Never Knew the Meaning of Christmas.”  And I don’t hate it.

thinking  That I am super tired today because of a long busy week, and looking forward to relaxing tonight.  And that I feel bad about missing a birthday celebration tonight, but I’m just that run down.

smelling  The Juicy Couture perfume I put on this morning.

wishing  That I had more time for personal projects.

hoping  To take a photography class this winter and work on some household DIY projects since we won’t have to travel as much this season.

wearing  Gray denim skinny jeans with yellow and white striped 3/4 sleeved tee, Steve Madden boots, and a navy, yellow, and white striped cardigan.  Casual Friday.

loving  My hubby! We just celebrated 8 years of being together yesterday, and it’s been a year and a half that we have been married.  Our weekend is jam packed, but planning a date night for Monday.  Love him 🙂

wanting  The annual Pollard Potluck to get here already!  For those that don’t know what this is, it’s a potluck dinner followed by a crazy night with all my besties from high school in Maryland that we have been doing for 5 years on the night before Thanksgiving.  Because clearly one Thanksgiving is not enough.

needing  A nap.  After a crazy week with no sleep including a Madonna concert that didn’t go on until 10:50pm (totally worth it) and a late soccer game last night, I am dead tired.

feeling  That I’m happy it’s Friday!  Looking forward to the weekend.  Relaxing tonight to catch up on much needed sleep, a birthday brunch and bar crawl celebration on Saturday, catching up housework since my house has been neglected this past week, and coaching the kiddies at b-ball on Sunday.

clicking  Through all my favorite fashion blogs for style inspiration!

What have you been up to lately?

Happy Weekend Everyone! 🙂




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